Week in the Life of a Working Mom: Accounting VP in Chicago
Meet our latest featured working mom: An accounting VP shares a week in her life, including working a hybrid schedule, meeting a friend for lunch, and having family pizza/movie night.
Week in the Life of a Working Mom: Vice President of Marketing in the Midwest
Meet our latest featured working mom: A VP of marketing shares a week in her life, including parenting three young kids, working from home, and letting go of guilt.
Week in the Life of a Working Mom: Higher-Ed Communications Professional in the Midwest
Meet this week’s featured working mom: a higher-ed communications professional in the Midwest shares a week in her life, including vacation planning, volunteering, and a work-from-home day.
Week in the Life of a Working Mom: In-House Counsel in the South
Meet this week’s featured mom: an in-house counsel and mother of two in the South shares a week in her life, including working from home, attending a parent-teacher conference, and dealing with a sick kid.