Washable Workwear Wednesday: Stellar Blazer
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Sales of note for 2/7:
(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)
- Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
- Ann Taylor – Extra 25% off your $175+ purchase — and $30 of full-price pants and denim
- Banana Republic Factory – Up to 50% off everything + extra 15% off
- Boden – 15% off new season styles
- Eloquii – 60% off 100s of styles
- J.Crew – Extra 50% off all sale styles
- J.Crew Factory – 40% off everything including new arrivals + extra 20% off $125+
- Rothy’s – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
- Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
- Talbots – 40% off one item + free shipping on $150+
And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interest – working mom questions asked by the commenters!
- The concept of “backup care” is so stupid…
- I need tips on managing employees in BigLaw who have to leave for daycare pickup…
- I’m thinking of leaning out to spend more time with my family – how can I find the perfect job for that?
- I’m now a SAHM and my husband needs to step up…
- How can I change my thinking to better recognize some of my husband’s contributions as important, like organizing the shed?
- What are your tips to having a good weekend with kids, especially with little kids? Do you have a set routine or plan?
Sleep issues question (28 month old).
I feel I am spoiled from having a relatively good sleeper. We did CIO when she was 8 months or so and since then, except for of course when she is sick or we’re traveling or whatever, she typically has gone to bed well after our usual routine. Maybe a little fussing/crying once in a while, but honestly, not a lot.
Now, she is starting to CRY whenever we leave the room at bedtime, and it continues….long enough to make me uncomfortable. CIO seems worse now when she knows we can hear her and is wailing for us by name. Or getting angry and saying things like, “Go to work, Mama!” I feel like she’s too old for CIO, maybe, but what is the alternative?
I think it is separation anxiety.
So what should I do? Quite honestly, because she’s been a good sleeper, I’m kind of afraid to deviate from the usual routine. Plus I feel like she doesn’t want me to leave but my’ presence makes her amped up enough that she wouldn’t actually go to sleep if I didn’t leave.
She’s in a crib, if that matters. Bedtime usually between 7 and 7:30. Always the same routine, bath, teeth, Aquaphor, PJs, books, lights off, white noise on, say goodnight to the dog, one song, bed.
I just got off a phone call with a recruiter who indicated that there is “salary banding” for various levels in a very large national company, which I assume is paying top dollar for my specialty in this market. But she couldn’t tell me the banding for this particular role because they didn’t want anyone to be “deterred from applying” based on the band.
What does that mean exactly? Is the top end of the band more flexible than it would seem? I have looked at in-house roles where the top of the range was below the lowest salary I would consider, the recruiter has told me not to ask over the top of the range, and I’ve not bothered submitting a resume. Here, I suspect that my minimum required compensation is actually on the bottom end of their band and that I will leave money on the table if I don’t know their band. I’d also like some sense of whether I’m locking myself into the top of the salary range with no potential for upward growth, or whether I’m in the middle of the band with opportunity to earn more. Why is this so hard?!! All I wanted was “low 100s” or “mid 100s” or even “100K is the bottom of the band.”
I am trying to plan a Maui vacation for my family (me, husband, 8 year old, 5 year old). For various reasons, mostly involving an enormous number of Chase Sapphire travel point, I want to book at a hotel instead of a VRBO/house. But trying to sort through the resort hotels of Maui is giving me heart palpitations because there are So Many Choices. We are looking for suite-style rooms, good kid amenities like fun pools, and most importantly, a great beach. Anybody have suggestions?
I don’t even know what I”m asking for exactly, but do any of yall get burned out from being a functioning adult? I dont even work much overtime and I’m so over everything right now and everything feels like an overwhelming endless grind. This weekend I just kind of snapped and started making to do lists because everything is bothering me all of a sudden– a minor home repair that we’ve been putting off for months has to be done RIGHT NOW OR I WILL DIE. Ugh. I’m just in a foul, exhausted mood so I’m looking for things to be irritated by. I guess this is kind of par for the course with a little kid and all the solo parenting I do, and coming off of tax season. What do you do when you’re tired like this?
So, long-story short, a bunch of my husband’s stuff from their family office got moved into our house yesterday. The night before I was up every hour with our 8 month old (teething I suspect given the drool) and I’ve been billing 50+ hour weeks for over a month. I “lost my waffles” about all the crap and boxes everywhere, how the furniture was not put where we had agreed it should go and how extra stuff that we had not discussed taking (vs. his parents taking or being sold) showed up after I spent every extra minute of my maternity leave cleaning out all the extra stuff we moved into our house with (that was his) that sat around for 3 years in boxes and now our house is filled with boxes again. And I work from home today and despite my specific instructions, I couldn’t get to my desk in our home office last night. Well, when I got up with the baby for the third time at 1 am and took her into the spare bedroom to nurse and co-sleep because I was just. too. tired., he went downstairs, cleared a bunch of stuff out of the way, and put on a pot of coffee on a timer for me to be ready for when I got up today. And I was such a horrible, terrible, angry, tired troll last night. So, reminder to all the other struggling mama’s out there (and for myself) – try to remember all the good things your husband does. And pray for grace.
I’m confused with this blazer. Blazers are workwear but it is styled as athleisure. I don’t know what the fabric is (bonded Italian???) but the seam on the arm makes it look not appropriate for work. And the blazer aspect makes it look weird with athletic clothing.
My son just turned 2 and we’re having trouble getting him to communicate. He knows a fair amount of words, most of his letters, can count to ten, etc., but if he wants anything– especially food– he just waves his hand towards one half of the kitchen and yells “MINE! MINE!” So we have to say a list ourselves of what he might want– “Do you want more bread? More milk? A cookie?” until we land on what it is he wants. Once we hand him the thing he can usually say the word… this morning he wanted more bread. When we handed him the bread, he said “bread.” I’m ready to just stop giving him things until he uses the word or at least says “please” instead of “mine” (though I don’t think I’ve ever heard him say please so that might be asking a lot). My husband thinks that seems mean. Either way we’re in a bad middle ground right now, because for the last few days it’s been a lot of “MINE!” “Do you want more bread?” “Okay” “Can you say ‘bread’? Say ‘more bread?'” then crazy tantruming, then my husband gives in and gets him the bread. Any tips?
At that age, my kid would never have kept a blanket on her, so we kept her in gigantic sleep sacks.
I kind of love this blazer, but can’t decide if it would look professional in a business casual office. I might just buy it for the travel purposes, but it would be easier to stomach the price if I could wear it to work. Anyone seen it IRL and have thoughts?
Silly question but when did your kid start using blankets? Our 16 month old is going through a bad sleep spell and we’re also running out of pajamas with foots on them, so I thought it might be a good time for a blanket.
I’m about to get on a cross country flight — first trip away from my 3 month old son (we also have a 2YO). I’ll be gone until Saturday morning. He’s still iffy with the bottle (he’ll drink but not much at a time — usually only an ounce or two). The pediatrician assured me it was fine to for me to go and that he’d figure it out but I am feeling so sad and guilty about doing this to him and to my husband (his mom flew in to help, too). Anyone have any stories/words of reassurance? We’ve found a bottle he hates less than the rest, at least.
Any music suggestions? I grew up listening to (and loving) Tom Chapin. I’ve started listening to them with my kid, but would love to add other stuff into the rotation. I like Tom Chapin because his voice isn’t annoying and the songs aren’t too cloying. Anything else in that realm would be great! There are probably some classics that I just haven’t heard of, but I don’t want to just use a listicle – I’d rather hear from a mom, “Yes, this is not too annoying.”
And – related – good night-time music? My son has been loving listening to these violin arrangements of lullabies as we get ready for bed, so I’d love a few other albums that could serve a similar purpose.
Because I live in 1998, we mostly use CDs, if that matters.
Now that my almost-1-yo is sleeping better away from how, I would like to plan a vacation for early summer. We live in DC, ok with driving or a flight, but want to go south, not north (I would like it to be just my husband & I w/our kid, and going north increases the chance that extended family will end up tagging along). Some outdoors would be nice, ideally we will get an Airbnb/condo, and I think we’d probably prefer to avoid a time change. Outerbanks? Somewhere in Florida? An island somewhere? Thanks!
I’m back with ongoing 3.5 sleep problems. We have a solid routine and have been sticking to it, but it has been met with inconsistent results. Sometimes we get a full night, sometimes she has a bad dream and wants someone in there with her, or has a night terror, or wants to come sleep in our bed. Last night was a combo of night terror and regular crying. The night before was a bad dream and clinging to me, even while I had to nurse the baby. The four nights before were perfect – went to sleep at a good time, all by herself, and slept all night. The routine is consistent, but there are things we cant control, like she got sick or grandma visiting. I just don’t know what to do anymore and am just trying to get through each night, wondering how it will go. Is this happening with other people? What are we doing wrong? Friends don’t really seem to have these issues, but I feel like people don’t like talking about this. Advice? Commiseration?