Washable Workwear Wednesday: Snake-Print Pleated Shoulder Tank


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A woman wearing a Snake-Print Pleated Shoulder Tank
I literally just bought this shirt today at Banana Republic Factory. It caught my eye because it is a shape I really like wearing under blazers, and the color can easily be paired with gray, black, tan, or navy. It’s very lightweight, and I’ll probably put a tank under it, but it wasn’t see-through. The V-neck was flattering and not too low. It checks all the boxes for me! This top is available for $22.49. Snake-Print Pleated Shoulder Tank N.B. Please know your office before wearing something like this under a blazer — sleeveless tops may not be appropriate for every workplace. Looking for other washable workwear? See all of our recent recommendations for washable clothes for work, or check out our roundup of the best brands for washable workwear. This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

Sales of note for 2/14/25 (Happy Valentine’s Day!):

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

  • Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
  • Ann Taylor – Up to 40% off your full-price purchase — and extra 60% off sale
  • Banana Republic Factory – 50% off everything + 15% off (readers love their suiting as well as their silky shirts like this one)
  • Boden – 15% off new season styles
  • Eloquii – 300+ styles $25 and up
  • J.Crew – 40% of your purchase – prices as marked
  • J.Crew Factory – 50% off entire site and storewide + extra 50% off clearance
  • Rothy’s – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
  • Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
  • Talbots – Flash sale ending soon – markdowns starting from $15, extra 70% off all other markdowns (final sale)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Had an OB appointment this morning, and the doctor scheduled a growth sonogram because baby is measuring big (at 28 weeks). I should have asked at the time, and will ask later, but what happens if he is indeed measuring big? Would they induce sooner? Or something else?

I’m struggling with my daycare situation. My 13 week old is in daycare full time. She’s been sent home multiple days for auxiliary temps that are under 100 degrees (they then add a degree so it is over 100, so temp is 99.1 and they add a degree to be 100.1). Policy is that they go home if it is 100 or higher after adding the one degree. Yesterday, she was sent home for vomiting (she spits up a ton, doctor says it’s normal, so I’m not sure how they determined that this was vomit and not just spit up) and for diarrhea (diaper blowout). No fever. I took her to the doctor for an emergency appointment last night and they said she is fine and gave me a note that she can go to daycare today. I took her temp before daycare and it was 98.3 (rectally). One hour later: daycare calls and says her aux temp is 99.6 and she has to go home. At home her temp is still normal. She’s been there for 6 weeks and I’ve already had to get her or keep her home 6 days. I don’t have family nearby that can take her so if she isn’t in daycare my husband or I have to take off work. This is my first child. Talk me off the ledge that this daycare is being unreasonable and we need to switch.

Lots of deep questions today! Mine is not so deep. Has anyone used one of those inflatable toddler mattresses with bumpers? We’ll be traveling a bunch this summer — my 3yo is still happily in her crib but I think she may have outgrown the Pack-N-Play, so I’m thinking about buying one of those instead. She naps in a cot at school so she’s definitely capable of non-crib sleeping! Other recommendations welcome too.

In NYC, are there Ubers/Lyfts with carseats in them? We’re going to Manhattan for a week to visit my in-laws. We obviously won’t need a carseat while we’re there, and we don’t particularly need one on the plane (we bought a seat for our big 16 month old but we have a CARES harness). The only thing we would need it for is the drive to/from the airport, so I’m wondering if it makes more sense to just try to get an Uber with a carseat for that part of the journey.

Spouse just started individual therapy and has suggested couples therapy. I agree that we need it but am terrified that once we’ve aired all our grievances we will be worse off than we are now. Perhaps things have to get worse before they can get better. Does anyone have success stories to share?

Cross posting. I’m moving to a work from home job full time due to circumstances beyond my control. I’m an extrovert and worried I will go crazy.

For those in a similar situation, what activities do you do during the day to get out of the house and feel like part of society? I’m thinking of joining an org that as lunch meetings (like Rotary Club), are there other clubs you would recommend? I know that exercise classes are there in plenty but I don’t enjoy exercising in a group. Other ideas?

I want to do something more than just running an errand — something where I will actually be interacting with people. Not every day necessarily, but a few times a week.

We’re moving to a new area and in time I’m hoping that I can befriend some moms in the new school and have lunch dates with them, but that will take time.

Appreciate any advice!

Recommendations for stylish white sneakers for this summer? I’ll wear them with casual dresses, shorts, etc. Something that isn’t huge. Keds hurt my feet, and I’m pretty so-so on Converses. I’d really like something with a bit more support. Thanks!

I am pregnant (early second trimester) with my third, and have two kids ages 2 and 4. A psychologist friend advised me (and I’ve seen it in other toddler parenting books) not to tell my kids until very late in pregnancy if possible — not to lie, but not to volunteer. However, my kids seem pretty suspicious; they saw me throw up in early pregnancy and theorized about/commented on it extensively, have commented on my belly size, have sneakily suggested dumping all the baby toys we have boxed up around the house, have repeatedly asked to hear about the night that each of them was born…to date I have been evasive but not exactly a liar. And then this morning, my older one came across some ultrasound pics (which I had moved to my desk area, specifically to avoid discovery). In a panic, I lied and said they were pics from when he was in my tummy. I feel like this is silly and deceptive, and will come back to bite me. What have others done about telling older kids about babies on the way? FWIW, I don’t remember what we did with #1 when #2 was on the way, although I suspect we waited a good long while because he was so little and unsuspecting.

I’m reading Small Animals (by the woman who got arrested for leaving her child unattended in a car) and it’s brought up some interesting points about how we understand and assess risk and how much other people’s judgement plays into that assessment. I cut up grapes and lather up my kid in sunscreen, but I also co-slept on occasion and parked my napping baby in his pram outside a cafe, nearly giving my mom a nervous breakdown. Anyone else read it?

Any recommendations for age-appropriate books or tools to explain the baby growing in me to my older kids? They are 9 and 6, and neither is quite ready for detail details about HOW that exactly happened, but they are also curious. The older one in particular is pretty science-minded and can’t be brushed off with less than full explanations of much (which is great, but sometimes exhausting). My education in this area was pretty thin as a kid, so I’m kind of on new ground here with my kids.

has anyone brought a Nest camera with them while traveling for when they leave LO with a babysitter at night in the hotel room?

Wisehive – do any of you or your spouses, friends, etc. use we*d to de-stress? It’s gotten more mainstream now thanks to CBD oil and other goodies but wondering if folks are enjoying recreational smoking/vaping.

Please help with what food I should pack for my 7 month old for daycare. Right now I do an oatmeal or yogurt with purée fruit (and rest is just breast milk ). Then for dinner at home, we do BLW. I think it’s time to add a second meal for daycare. What should I do? Another purée? Real food? Any advice is appreciated.

How do you motivate yourselves for the “second shift”? I am working full time and have a 2 year old. I aim to get 50 hours of work done a week. I manage to do 8 hours during the work day (= 40 hours) and try to take weekends off so I have time with the little one (who only naps for an hour a day on average – so not much time during naps on weekends). He is in bed by 7 pm though, so I am trying to work a second shift in the evenings (I go to bed between 10-11 pm). I used to be a night owl, but now am just tired since DS is up between 4.30 and 5.30 am most days. I could do two more hours of work five nights a week (leaving one for social activities and one for yoga). But if I grab a quick dinner before that, I can’t find it in me to start up again. Working from 7.30-9.30 pm and having dinner after seems really late. How do you do it? Any advice?