Budget Thursday: Sleeveless Ruched V-Neck Top

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I like this top both for relaxation and for work. The way it is styled on the site, it looks like a great casual look paired with jeans and a white denim jacket, but I could easily see it under a navy blue suit. I love how the straps in the front are ruched, but the back is cut generously — it almost gives the illusion of cap sleeves. The top is currently on sale for $12, down from $26.99, at Old Navy and comes in sizes XS–XXL. Sleeveless Ruched V-Neck Top

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Sales of note for 2/14/25 (Happy Valentine’s Day!):

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

  • Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
  • Ann Taylor – Up to 40% off your full-price purchase — and extra 60% off sale
  • Banana Republic Factory – 50% off everything + 15% off (readers love their suiting as well as their silky shirts like this one)
  • Boden – 15% off new season styles
  • Eloquii – 300+ styles $25 and up
  • J.Crew – 40% of your purchase – prices as marked
  • J.Crew Factory – 50% off entire site and storewide + extra 50% off clearance
  • Rothy’s – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
  • Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
  • Talbots – Flash sale ending soon – markdowns starting from $15, extra 70% off all other markdowns (final sale)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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I am disappointed about not being able to take our planned camping trip this weekend. At lunch today, I was extra discouraged because it’s going to rain this weekend, with severe thunderstorms Sunday.

Kiddo wanted to cheer me up. He said, “That’s OK, Mommy. I have a good idea! Let’s dye Easter eggs!” It’s a good reminder that kids really want simple things. He was happy to go camping, but he’s just as happy to dye Easter eggs. Also on the agenda–sugar cookies and (now indoor) Easter egg hunt. Oh, and he also told me, “I have some good news. There are more hiding places inside than outside.”

Any idea if there is a certain amount of time after which it is too long for a tooth to be loose? My 7-year-old has had two teeth that have been very loose for over a month but haven’t fallen out. It seems sort of extreme but I have no idea if this is a problem.

This may be premature but a lot of us are probably thinking ahead to summer. In the event that businesses are able to reopen in the summer timeframe, while camps/daycares do not, is anyone thinking of hiring a temporary nanny? Assuming some restrictions are lifted but not all, this may be an option to prevent having to work while doing childcare. Even if we continue to WFH, it might be good to bring another person in at least part of the day for childcare. What is everyone else thinking for summer?

For the kids: working on words, modeling calm communication, verifying their needs and talking to them using simple but clear sentences. A lot of people like Janet Landsbury, but I sometimes just think ‘how would Mr. Rogers say this.’

For the adults: Long runs by yourself. Those orange earplugs are good to take the edge off too. Death metal to drown them out.

So um how often do toddlers cry/scream? I now wfh and husband takes care of our b/g twins, 17 months. I am sure some of it is that I hear them more (and I am involved in disaster response so I am definitely more stressed out) but it seems like they are always screaming? Screaming for food? Screaming when I leave? Screaming when the other takes their toy? DS is smaller and less physically confident than DD, and I am wondering if our efforts to “protect” him from DD stealing toys have led him to think that screaming is the way to get what he wants? We haven’t taught sign language and while they have words they don’t really use them to get things.

My tiny montessori (15 kids) was supposed to open next week, but I point-blank asked the director yesterday and she said she wouldn’t open because…the governor said no? We had multiple conversations before this where she explicitly stated that she was exempt from the rules because she’s technically a day care. FWIW, a chain day care (franchise) in my neighborhood is still open. This is totally not her fault but I thought I could hang on by a thread until school reopened. Now I will need to reduce my working hours to care for kiddo – boss has said this is fine but work is super busy (of course I’m the only mom on the team). DH has been caring for kiddo FT AND working FT for the last six weeks so I feel like it’s my turn – plus I want to engage with kiddo more. I paid full tuition for the month of April, but I am going to tell the director I cannot pay for May. I’m just not going to work before kiddo wakes up and after he goes to bed so I can subsidize school – sorry but my career is just not that important to me and layoffs are impending. Am I totally overreacting about school? WWYD?

My toddler (2.5 years) does not use pronouns correctly – is that normal developmentally or something to keep and eye on? Specifically, she always uses “her” and never “she,” like she will say, “what is her doing?” She also never uses male pronoun him (including for her dad or grandpa).

She is bilingual so maybe that’s part of it? We just repeat back with the correct pronoun but not sure if there is more we should be doing.

Anyone dealt with death of a pet with young toddlers? One of our cats passed yesterday. This cat was very shy and almost-2yo rarely saw her, but always called out her mealtime when we brought her food and said goodnight to her as part of the bedtime routine. We have other pets so last night she said goodnight to all of them and I didn’t correct her, but DH thinks we should.

School is closed for the remainder of the year. Laugh/cry emoji.

Looks like we’re going to have to cancel my husband and my trip for our 40th birthdays. Also, my 40th is on a Saturday this year, and I was so excited to go out with my friends.

I know all of this is minor in the face of a global pandemic but I still feel pretty sad.

Long before all this quarantine stuff happened, I requested vacation time for Good Friday and the Monday after Easter, thinking I’d use those days to spend extra time with my kids and unwind after a long weekend of extended family activities. Well … what now? Part of me wonders if there’s even a point to using those vacation days, but maybe it would be good to unplug from the work stuff, even if family life is continuing? I am totally at a loss. Weather is supposed to be crummy, unfortunately.

My employer is offering 12 weeks of paid FMLA leave to people who need to take time off to care for a child due to the current situation and I’m trying to decide whether or not to use it. My husband is working but has a lighter workload than normal, and we thought we could swing it by trading off working and childcare shifts, but I’m completely miserable. I’m exhausted, burned out, and not working nearly enough hours or doing good quality work. The idea of taking leave so I can focus on being a mom and use my limited free time for “me time” instead of work is very appealing.

My big hesitations with taking the time off are
1) it seems like I’d be making an admission that I can’t effectively work from home, and assuming the current situation isn’t resolved by late June when my FMLA expires, would I be forced to take unpaid time off at that point?
2) Would this make me first in line for layoffs, which were being discussed in my unit even before the pandemic and now seem practically guaranteed? On the other hand, I feel like from a discrimination standpoint, laying off the only mother on the team right after she uses FMLA is maybe not the best look…

My husband’s job is more important than mine (both in the sense that he’s the financial breadwinner and that he cares more about his career than I do), but his job is also substantially more secure.

Any thoughts or advice welcome.

Vent: Any introverted moms on here who are on the struggle bus, being around your people all the time? I guess I never realized how much I relied on my 25-minute commute for a quiet boundary between work and home. Even when I lock myself in a room alone, I CAN STILL HEAR THEM. I feel like I am ‘on’ all the time and have started staying up too late and/or waking up early just to get some solitude in my own house. Walks around the neighborhood help some, but I feel like I’m on edge from dodging people on the sidewalks. So, yeah, introverts with families are not exactly thriving during this time.

Brooklyn Robot Foundry is offering a remote spring break camp next week for ages 6-10 for about $350 if you purchase today (price is slightly higher tomorrow). It provides 4 hours of live interactive remote programming from 10-3 daily next week, with a lunch break. My son has loved their summer camps, although they are pricey. It is only open to NYC residents as they are delivering materials this weekend. They are also doing some kind of afterschool program.

I live in Wisconsin where there is a lot of headlines about dairy farmers needing to throw out milk. Every time I see a headline about “milk dumping” though, I think of breast milk and am momentarily confused.

This is super cute for the playground but not work wear and not under a suit.