Makeup Monday: Sleepwear

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Sleepwear Overnight Creme I’ve sung the praises of Sleepwear products over at Corporette, as they’re a key part of my skincare routine, especially as we head into the colder months. I can’t say enough about Sleepwear — I’ve tried a lot of heavy creams because my skin gets very dry in the winter, but this is what I keep coming back to. They even have “flight-friendly” travel sizes. I have Sleepwear for Hands, Sleepwear for Eyes … I really like the whole brand in general. Sleepwear (Note that Sleepwear products are available on Amazon but the brand doesn’t recommend purchasing them there.) This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

Sales of note for 1/16:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Feel free to email me at 2munchkintamer at the google mail.

Preschooler and funerals – we just did this for my husband’s grandmother. My kids are 7 and 4. They went to the service but it was short and closed casket. We took the for visitation before to let my MIL show off her adorable grandkids and then kept them outside on the porch until the service started. My little one didn’t really get it but must have listened because she has said several times that when people die they go to heaven but they live in your heart forever. I think that is a great way to explain it to little ones and it still makes me want to cry when she says it.

This is a response to cb above– mobile won’t let me chain it. As a baby we just did normal weekend things — errands, friends, walks, playground once mobile. As a 2.5 year old, we mostly go to parks. We typically do one bigger “event” per weekend (could be children’s service at synagogue, hike, play date , this week explored a new train with the trike), sat or sun morning, and supplement with walks/errands/gardening/library. At this age we try to be outside most of the weekend other than naps, and our city has no shortage of interesting parks — hiking, playgrounds, duck pond d etc. We try really hard not to spend money on toddler outings because there’s so much that’s free– we were given a zoo membership but don’t really do children’s museum etc. We do a lot of play dates but it’s usually hiking, playground, or other outdoor activity. 2 year olds need a LOT of running, it turns out!

+1 to everything IVF mom said – you never know how long it will take, because complications arise. From “we’re moving on to IVF” to positive test for me was four months. I really had a hard time with this because I’m a planner. I always struggled with whether to cancel work trips as important dates got closer (retrieval, transfer, etc).

I never had to but it was stressful. From the moment my plane touched down from a work trip to being in the clinic undergoing the transfer was less than 8 hours. I just had to be mentally prepared to tell work “sorry, I have to fly home NOW.” Ditto for DH (well, for those occasions on which his er… services were needed!)

I just did this! I called the venue ahead of time and the site coordinator said I could use her office. I was also able to use the staff fridge. She assured me that both locations were locked and she was the only one that could get in.

So to answer your question I just brought my giant pump bag. It wasn’t weird at all, because I took it to the office where I’d be pumping right after I got there.

Both the wedding coordinator and site coordinator were so sweet to me and shared their own pumping stories.

You didn’t ask but as far as times to pump – I found right after ceremony, right before dessert, and the end of the evening to be the best times to pump because I didn’t miss any dances/toasts/etc (this is the second wedding I’ve been to this month!). I also have a newborn so I can only go about 2.5 hours, and I really have to fully pump (hand pump or haakaa would not cut it for 7oz each time….)

This is what I did. I dropped my stuff in the room where the bride and bridesmaids were getting fancified.

Sorry for the heavy topic. My husband’s grandmother doesn’t look like she is going to make it much longer. My kids have attended funerals before, but never for someone they knew and they didn’t see/notice the open casket.

They know, and are fond of, great-grandma. My instinct is to not take them to the viewing/wake and show up at the funeral after the casket is closed. Explain that she died and went to live in heaven with Jesus (this is consistent with our belief system), but I really can’t imagine it wouldn’t be traumatic for them to see her remains. To be fair, this might be me really, really hating open caskets. I still have a hard time taking it as an adult.

Their ages 3.5 and 2. My three year old was watching a nature documentary and saw a baby elephant die (I was napping on the couch and woke up too late) and still talks about it and cries occasionally.

Am I being to helicopter parenty or are they really too young for this? I haven’t discussed with my spouse yet, as he has other things on his plate (supporting his parents, his own grief, etc.).

IVF tips/advice? I just called today to get the prescription for BC pills to start the IVF process. I’m so excited and nervous. We have a 6 yo that was conceived naturally with no issues, so this is a new experience. Any tips or advice for us as we’re beginning the IVF process?

What kind of activities do you do as a family? We don’t have local family and most of our friends don’t have kids so I’m trying to establish some routines and a sense of community and would love any ideas. We went on a hike yesterday with a family hiking group which was really lovely (apparently at 2.5 months, he’s the youngest child they have had).

What do you feed your kids for breakfast on weekday mornings, especially your picky eaters? My son used to eat breakfast at daycare and since he started kindergarten and it’s on us to feed breakfast, I cannot get him to eat anything.

It needs to be of the grab-and-go variety. I have tried various brands of granola bars, yogurt pouches and smoothies, fruit, cheese sticks, the little Jammy Sammys, making him a sandwich, waffle sticks, and breakfast sausage. I can sometimes get him to eat Belvita cookies, and I’ve even been buying mini muffins, which he will usually eat. They do have a mid-morning snack, but I just can’t believe that gets him thru until lunch at 12:20 (!!).

He will drink some milk most days, so at least I am getting some fat and protein in him. For awhile, his teacher would send him to the cafeteria to let him eat breakfast at school, which I am fine with, but now he is not even doing that anymore.

I’m almost to a point where I’m willing to allow him to eat anything if I can just get him something.

How do I take a pump to a wedding I’m attending alone out of state? I was trying to figure out if I had a clutch I could dig up to take, and realized that even my hand pump wouldn’t fit in that. Do I just suck it up and take a large normal purse and leave it at the table? I think I’ll just dump (Gasp!) so not worried about having room for ice packs, etc.

I’m back again–ultrasound with no HB, just waiting to miscarry. Thank you for the kind words last week. I’m doing okay-ish, I think, but have had zero bleeding and only very minor cramping and I am just going crazy waiting.

So…talk to me about a D&C. Is it painful (and more or less painful that doing it naturally, if you have unfortunately been able to compare)? What kind of recovery am I looking at? When were you able to go back to work?
