Nursing/Postpartum Tuesday: Reusable Nursing Pads

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14 pastel reusable nursing pads next to a white storage bag and chevron-print storage bag

Having nursed and pumped for two babies, I went through countless nursing pads. Here’s a 14-pack of washable pads you can reuse again and again.

This convenient pack has enough pads to last until laundry day. It even comes with a wet bag for changing them on the go, and a laundry bag for washing. There are three plush layers to ensure maximum absorbency and comfort, while a fourth waterproof one keeps you (and your clothes) dry.

KeaBabies nursing pads are $22.96 at Kohl’s. This set includes a range of pastel and neutral colors. They also come in packs of neutrals, black, and white.

Sales of note for 1/16:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

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Highlight of my day – DS #1’s teacher emailed me because DS told teacher to tell Mum that he wants a certain series of books from the library. While part of me is raising my eyebrows at the precociousness (I’m not your personal assistant, kid…or am I?), the general request makes me so happy! And of course I found them and put them on hold ASAP, because I’m a good personal assistant ;)

It’s starting to look like my child’s father is moving out of state. Looks like I will be a solo parent of a toddler most of the time. This is of course going to be stressful and hard, but I think it will be SO much better than the current situation, in which child’s father is living with us, with untreated depression and a drinking problem. He hates where we are right now, but I can’t move at this time due to job reasons (and I’m the primary/only breadwinner).

I think I have the legal side mostly figured out (have a lawyer and we will file a custody agreement with the court once he moves, and we’re not married), but I would love to hear from any other solo moms with big jobs who are making it work. It’s clear to me that I will have to throw some money at the situation. I’m thinking of holding on to the nanny through the end of the year instead of having our girl start pre-school in August as originally planned (with the nanny I have much more flexibility if I have to work late, etc., and of course I don’t have the problem of drop-offs/pick-ups). I could get meals delivered weekly. I can get groceries delivered. I think I will line up a regular Saturday morning sitter (or offer this to the nanny) so I can have a sliver of time to get out and exercise or run errands.

My work is actually not too stressful at least at this time (we’re not busy) but it’s a cutthroat environment and if they knew I was doing the solo mom thing that would affect how I’m viewed even if it didn’t affect my productivity/performance. So I’m thinking of keeping it on the down low. I don’t have family nearby but my mom will likely be up for visiting for extended periods.
Any tips or encouragement? Have you been in a similar situation and how did you make it work?

Packing for an eight hour flight- kids 6 and 3.5 (i think our 11 year old will be plenty occupied with tablet and books).
The little kids have earphones for in flight entertainment, though they don’t have their own tablets. I’d love to hear all your favorite snacks and activity suggestions, bonus for activities both kids can do together. Hopefully there will be some sleeping- fingers crossed! Suggestions on the sleep front welcome too.
It’s our first time flying since January 2019, so I’m feeling out of practice, but excited for the adventure.

My 5 year old has recently ditched her (female) long time BFF (N) in favor of a boy in her class (A). I think in some ways it’s mutual, they have increasingly divergent interests, but N seems more interested in continuing to play with my kid than the other way around. My husband told me this morning at drop-off N asked my kid if she could play today and she said “no, I want to play with A.” We’ve had some conversations about how you can play with more than one person (either together, or in succession) and how it’s ok to tell someone you don’t want to play with them, but you shouldn’t put them down or say things like “you’re not my friend.” Is there more we should be doing? When we tried to talk to her about how she can make new friends and that’s great but she shouldn’t completely forget about old friends like N, she burst into tears and said “I’ve played with only N for MY WHOLE LIFE AND I WANT A NEW FRIEND.” She’s obviously exaggerating (we get photos of her playing with nearly every kid in the class) but I do think N was a little more into their BFF status and could be possessive, and some of this is probably pushback about that.

I will also admit I’m kind of worried about the gender aspect of this. N is really the only girl my daughter has ever connected with, and the waning of their friendship is definitely part of a bigger pattern of my daughter preferring boys and “boy” toys (I don’t personally feel like Legos are gendered but it does seem in my daughter’s class like the girls do art and play with dolls and the boys play with Legos and pretend to be superheroes). N is going to a different elementary school in the fall, so it’s not like I expected to sustain the friendship with that particular kid necessarily, but I’m worried about what’s to come for my kid in elementary school as gender lines get sharper and people start doing single sex birthday parties, etc. Any thoughts on that? Anyone have a similar kid who seems to prefer the opposite sex?

Would love thoughts on dealing with a kid with increasing perfectionism. She is very bright, 8 yo, and very meticulous in everything. Her desire to get everything just so leads to late assignments, not finishing work in class, etc. She also has had a couple of meltdowns over not knowing which minor choices to make (think, do you want to do art camp or soccer camp over spring break, she likes both topics). Any resources for parents are welcome. And is this something that OT would help with for her? Or maybe some sort of therapy? She is generally a well-adjusted and happy kid but I really struggled with perfectionism and anxiety in high school and college and I’d love for her to not walk that same road.

moms of dancers and/or kids with sensory issues:

I’m looking for tights that are acceptable for ballet that are less constricting. My 7 year old is having issues with the ones we have, and we are in a sort of goldilocks situation (too tight, too loose, toe seam is too much, etc). She is getting of the age that tights are becoming non-negotiable at her dance studio barring special accommodations, which she does not qualify for (nor does she need).

We’ve talked about this quite a bit and she’s open to trying different sizes, pairs, etc. She doesn’t like the convertible tights. Footless tights aren’t an option nor do they solve the constricting problem. Sizing up makes everything “too bunchy”. She’s a kid on the slimmer end of the size spectrum–if “husky” fit tights existed maybe they might work as they’d be a little looser without being too long? Sizing up also creates a super high rise (like she can pull the waist band all the way up to her n*ipples).

Her solution for next year is to switch to hip-hop, which doesn’t require tights, and that’s a very reasonable solution IMO, but it doesn’t get us through the rest of this year which is another 2.5 months.


This is my most spirited kid who, once she has in her head that something is an issue, is very hard to convince otherwise.

Is anyone else having a hard time with how business as usual everything is today?

A thing I wish someone had told me pre-kids was that breastfeeeding in the first two months (ie when you would need those nursing pads) is just a totally different animal from what comes after. The baby is still figuring it all out, you’re leaking milk everywhere, you’re super engorged, you’re nursing CONSTANTLy, etc. I remember when I was in the thick of that with my first kid I was like “wait, I’m supposed to tolerate this for an ENTIRE YEAR??” And then the baby learns to nurse, does it less often, everything stops hurting and leaking, and it’s just…normal.

Anyway, maybe everyone else already knew this but I can still remember how confusing it all was for me.

This is going to sound silly I feel like there are lots of travel with kid questions all the time and there is always great input.
I’m flying with my 3 year old for the first time next weekend.
I’ve never seen a toddler in a carseat on a domestic flight. So I’m comfortable just skipping the hassle of trying to use a carseat on the airplane. Our flight is only a direct 2 hr flight.
We are renting a car at the airport. I know rental carseats are sketchy. DH thinks we should just check one of our normal Graco carseats instead of buying a new one.
I’m thinking buying a cheap cosco carseat from Walmart is a safer bet. I’d be less annoyed if luggage handling broke a $60 car seat versus a $200. And I think we could use an extra car seat for grandma this summer.
Something that could also be a factor, I’m currently expecting with kiddo #2, so I am guessing this might be the only trip my kid takes that involves air travel for at least a year or two.
From experience, would a using a cheap carseat be a wise choice? Or should we take our chances and check a “normal” carseat?

I need a place to be heard and understood today. Life is hard right now. First world hard, but hard nonetheless. DH just got a nice promotion at work, and I am very happy for him. But he is much busier. It has really messed with the balance of duties at home, and it is starting to really wear on me. I feel like my work, schedule, and needs consistently come last just becuase my work is more flexible. I’m a WFH attorney with control over my calendar. But, I also don’t want to work less – I like my work and the money I make. I’m worn out. I’m pretty confident that the answer is to sit down and reassign dutues from scratch, outsource more, etc. But I just feel too exhausted to even have the conversation. But I also shouldn’t let resentment build up. I really don’t think life is going to slow down for either of us anytime soon.

family picture help. links coming in comments. family consists of me, DH and twin girls who will wear the same dress. i know that light colors are often recommended, but i’ve somehow ended up in white for all of our other family photos to date. not sure if this is too busy, but thought that maybe the pink in the girls’ dresses will pull out the pink in the dress i’m considering for myself.

Flashback! I still find these in random spots in my linen closet or back of a dresser drawer sometimes. They’re great. But I wouldn’t leave them to wash till laundry day – they will smell and it will not come out in the wash if you let them sit too long. If I didn’t have other laundry to wash that day, I would just fill up a sink with warm soapy water, let them sit a bit and then rinse and dry. You can use a little hanger with clips to hang them.

Be sure to put them in a zipped pouch for washing….otherwise the washing machine repairperson will just shake their head at you…