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My husband recently put one of these (though without the net) in our truck, and it has made it feel so much more organized. This bar sections your truck so that things aren’t rolling around inside. In the photos shown, they have groceries lined up, but I use it for more “permanent” items in my trunk to keep them from rolling around and getting in the way of other items. For example, my bar is placed further back and keeps my umbrella stroller, restaurant seat, and reusable grocery bags that all always live in my truck, sectioned away. That way the rest of the truck space can be used for groceries, etc. I like that this one has a net, and I can see myself stuffing it with emergency diapers, wipes, and maybe even a change of clothes for my son. It is $32.49 at Amazon and eligible for Prime. Ratcheting Cargo Bar with Storage NetThis post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchasesmade through links in this post. For more details see here.Thank you so much for your support!
I have really small bre*** like 5’4″ and slim so it’s okay for my body but I’ve been insecure about it my whole life. I had a guy I was casually seeing in college tell me he wasn’t “into it” which compounded how I feel. Now I’m bfinh and they are amazing normal sized and I hate how my husband loves them and while he says he loves them normally too, givem how he notices bigger brea*** I know he’d like it more if they were bigger. I just don’t know how to make peace with this, I’ve considered surgery because we’re done with kids but I can’t imagine how to tell my daughter sges beautiful and perfect if I cant do it myself.
I know this is horribly immature and sounds like a teenager but it has really been bringing me down. Many thanks for any kind responses.
Aug 15, 2019 2:54 pm
What are your favorite baby/ toddler shampoos? We are close to finishing our bottle of cradle cap shampoo and I don’t think LO needs it anymore. She has fine curly hair, but no specific needs.
Aug 15, 2019 1:26 pm
Some beach towns have rental companies that will bring a full crib to your rental for a small rate (think like $10/day). I didn’t know this until recently but I think mine would’ve slept better in an actual crib. And then you could leave the pnp at home!
Aug 15, 2019 12:44 pm
So this is a pick the right moment kind of thing, but I’ve started responding to my Mom’s sort of snide comments like this with “why do you think that” and/or “good for you, not for me”.
Some fun conversations we’ve had include “Yes, you were married and had two kids by 23, good for you, not for me” and “So why do you think I work too much?” Usually it just is coming from a place where it isn’t a decision that she’d be comfortable with, and she’s not good at realizing other people have other wants/needs/priorities. We’ve been having variations of this conversation since I was a teenager, I’ve just gotten less antagonistic about it.
Legally Brunette
Aug 15, 2019 12:18 pm
Need to vent. I was talking to my mom, whom I love dearly and who has done a ton for our family. I was telling her that I got together with my college friends for dinner a few days ago. Her response? “Well, make sure that you’re spending enough time with the kids!” This is basically her response every time I do something social for myself, and I find it so maddening and frustrating.
I never feel mom guilt UNTIL someone else says something that makes me feel that I should feel guilty. Aaaahhhhh
I hear about couples who got on vacation by themselves sans kids (or even a weekend by themselves) and I feel like if we did that I would never heard the end of it from family. And honestly, I don’t even want to do that. But I need my social time with friends.
Aug 15, 2019 12:00 pm
Looking for advice for hiring babysitters. I’d like to get a list of sitters to call for date nights & sick days/backup care (we are transitioning from nanny share to preschool). I have already found some folks and have been checking references. I tend to want to have a face-to-face meeting with the sitters before I actually hire them for a job, though. Should I have them come over for an hour or two (paid) to meet them & chat and have them play with my toddler a bit? Should I just hire them when I don’t actually need a sitter to hang with my kid for a bit while I’m around the house (or maybe run out for a quick errand if I’m comfortable)?
daycare turnover?
Aug 15, 2019 11:41 am
How much turnover is reasonable in a daycare? I ask bc my toddler’s teacher just put in 2 weeks notice, which means he’ll be on his fifth teacher in barely 14 months. 2 teachers got promoted, two quit (one for a much better position, I’m not sure why this one is leaving.)
This is in NYC, and in an area where a lot of daycares are opening but it’s expensive (2500/mo). Should I be concerned or is it just kind of standard for a major metropolitan area?
Aug 15, 2019 11:15 am
My kiddo really wants to give all her little daycare friends a gift when she leaves them to start kindergarten in a few weeks. Her idea was to give them each a quarter, which is hilarious but not quite on the mark. Any ideas for a little parting gift from one kid to another? There are 12 of them in all. I would love to give a photo of her with each of them, but that would require asking her teacher to take those photos over the next week and I don’t want to put more on the teacher when I know this transition time is very busy for them. Other ideas? My regular goodie-bag ideas are not cutting it here for lack of sentimentality, but maybe I’m projecting since my kid was fine with literally paying them for their friendship.
Physicians Assistant?
Aug 15, 2019 10:40 am
Trying to start seeing a GP (seems like a good idea?) – my appointment tomorrow got cancelled and they rescheduled me with a Physicians Assistant. Does anyone see a PA rather than a doctor? I’m very annoyed – it was an insurance thing. I have a complicated medical history if that makes a difference…
I don’t have any particular issues right now and already see a cardiologist, neurologist, and hematologist (complicated medical history!) if that matters. The scheduling woman tried to convince me I was better off with this PA because she is very good. Don’t want to write her off but my vacation/PTO days are precious.
Aug 15, 2019 10:19 am
Seeking Vacation Advice! We’re headed on a week long vacation next week to a beach house with my in-laws, our nanny and our 4mo. I feel like we’re already packing our entire house (pack and play, gathre mat, stroller, DH wants to bring highchair but I’m pushing back) and we’ve also got the beach stuff packed (umbrellas, beach wagon, cooler, etc.). We’re not planning on having the baby on the beach much – she’ll stay at the house with the nanny for nap/play time from 12-4 each day. We’re EBF, so I’ll bring pump and bottles but don’t need baby food.
What am I missing? Any other tips for first vacation?
CPA Lady
Aug 15, 2019 9:39 am
I got a “foldable car trunk organizer” off of amzn and it is magical. Especially for the summer when we’re going to the pool a lot. I keep kiddo’s puddle jumper in one compartment, a bunch of beach towels in another compartment, and normal trunk stuff like a first aid kit and car battery charger in the other compartment. It really cuts down on the trunk chaos.
So Anon from yesterday, you should get one! It is a small thing I got that has made my life easier and better and way less visually chaotic.
Sleep help!
Aug 15, 2019 9:13 am
Hi – Posted yesterday late in the day and posting again in hope of additional response (thanks to those who did respond!). Sleep help please! Our six month old’s sleep is getting worse not better. She goes down just fine but then is up every two hours or so and only goes back to sleep when we feed her. I’m at a bit of loss given our restricted options: we are in two bedroom apartment and our toddler is in the room they’ll eventually share so we have to leave the baby in our bedroom until she sleeps enough not to wake the toddler and the toddler’s a great but light sleeper. We tried CIO at 4 1/2 months and unlike our older kid it didn’t work well – it got her down at night no problem but never worked for middle of the night wake-ups and we folded after a brutal week and half (for real — we were totally committed but it definitely failed). I’m not willing to do CIO again after that experience. We’ve also already tried a sleep consultant and didn’t see much improvement from her suggestions so I don’t really want to do that again. We do eat, story, song, down awake at 7:30 and she goes down just fine but then cries at each night wake up until we feed her. Any suggestions or resources to read to get our lovely but deeply stubborn baby to sleep more consistently at night?
I have really small bre*** like 5’4″ and slim so it’s okay for my body but I’ve been insecure about it my whole life. I had a guy I was casually seeing in college tell me he wasn’t “into it” which compounded how I feel. Now I’m bfinh and they are amazing normal sized and I hate how my husband loves them and while he says he loves them normally too, givem how he notices bigger brea*** I know he’d like it more if they were bigger. I just don’t know how to make peace with this, I’ve considered surgery because we’re done with kids but I can’t imagine how to tell my daughter sges beautiful and perfect if I cant do it myself.
I know this is horribly immature and sounds like a teenager but it has really been bringing me down. Many thanks for any kind responses.
What are your favorite baby/ toddler shampoos? We are close to finishing our bottle of cradle cap shampoo and I don’t think LO needs it anymore. She has fine curly hair, but no specific needs.
Some beach towns have rental companies that will bring a full crib to your rental for a small rate (think like $10/day). I didn’t know this until recently but I think mine would’ve slept better in an actual crib. And then you could leave the pnp at home!
So this is a pick the right moment kind of thing, but I’ve started responding to my Mom’s sort of snide comments like this with “why do you think that” and/or “good for you, not for me”.
Some fun conversations we’ve had include “Yes, you were married and had two kids by 23, good for you, not for me” and “So why do you think I work too much?” Usually it just is coming from a place where it isn’t a decision that she’d be comfortable with, and she’s not good at realizing other people have other wants/needs/priorities. We’ve been having variations of this conversation since I was a teenager, I’ve just gotten less antagonistic about it.
Need to vent. I was talking to my mom, whom I love dearly and who has done a ton for our family. I was telling her that I got together with my college friends for dinner a few days ago. Her response? “Well, make sure that you’re spending enough time with the kids!” This is basically her response every time I do something social for myself, and I find it so maddening and frustrating.
I never feel mom guilt UNTIL someone else says something that makes me feel that I should feel guilty. Aaaahhhhh
I hear about couples who got on vacation by themselves sans kids (or even a weekend by themselves) and I feel like if we did that I would never heard the end of it from family. And honestly, I don’t even want to do that. But I need my social time with friends.
Looking for advice for hiring babysitters. I’d like to get a list of sitters to call for date nights & sick days/backup care (we are transitioning from nanny share to preschool). I have already found some folks and have been checking references. I tend to want to have a face-to-face meeting with the sitters before I actually hire them for a job, though. Should I have them come over for an hour or two (paid) to meet them & chat and have them play with my toddler a bit? Should I just hire them when I don’t actually need a sitter to hang with my kid for a bit while I’m around the house (or maybe run out for a quick errand if I’m comfortable)?
How much turnover is reasonable in a daycare? I ask bc my toddler’s teacher just put in 2 weeks notice, which means he’ll be on his fifth teacher in barely 14 months. 2 teachers got promoted, two quit (one for a much better position, I’m not sure why this one is leaving.)
This is in NYC, and in an area where a lot of daycares are opening but it’s expensive (2500/mo). Should I be concerned or is it just kind of standard for a major metropolitan area?
My kiddo really wants to give all her little daycare friends a gift when she leaves them to start kindergarten in a few weeks. Her idea was to give them each a quarter, which is hilarious but not quite on the mark. Any ideas for a little parting gift from one kid to another? There are 12 of them in all. I would love to give a photo of her with each of them, but that would require asking her teacher to take those photos over the next week and I don’t want to put more on the teacher when I know this transition time is very busy for them. Other ideas? My regular goodie-bag ideas are not cutting it here for lack of sentimentality, but maybe I’m projecting since my kid was fine with literally paying them for their friendship.
Trying to start seeing a GP (seems like a good idea?) – my appointment tomorrow got cancelled and they rescheduled me with a Physicians Assistant. Does anyone see a PA rather than a doctor? I’m very annoyed – it was an insurance thing. I have a complicated medical history if that makes a difference…
I don’t have any particular issues right now and already see a cardiologist, neurologist, and hematologist (complicated medical history!) if that matters. The scheduling woman tried to convince me I was better off with this PA because she is very good. Don’t want to write her off but my vacation/PTO days are precious.
Seeking Vacation Advice! We’re headed on a week long vacation next week to a beach house with my in-laws, our nanny and our 4mo. I feel like we’re already packing our entire house (pack and play, gathre mat, stroller, DH wants to bring highchair but I’m pushing back) and we’ve also got the beach stuff packed (umbrellas, beach wagon, cooler, etc.). We’re not planning on having the baby on the beach much – she’ll stay at the house with the nanny for nap/play time from 12-4 each day. We’re EBF, so I’ll bring pump and bottles but don’t need baby food.
What am I missing? Any other tips for first vacation?
I got a “foldable car trunk organizer” off of amzn and it is magical. Especially for the summer when we’re going to the pool a lot. I keep kiddo’s puddle jumper in one compartment, a bunch of beach towels in another compartment, and normal trunk stuff like a first aid kit and car battery charger in the other compartment. It really cuts down on the trunk chaos.
So Anon from yesterday, you should get one! It is a small thing I got that has made my life easier and better and way less visually chaotic.
Hi – Posted yesterday late in the day and posting again in hope of additional response (thanks to those who did respond!). Sleep help please! Our six month old’s sleep is getting worse not better. She goes down just fine but then is up every two hours or so and only goes back to sleep when we feed her. I’m at a bit of loss given our restricted options: we are in two bedroom apartment and our toddler is in the room they’ll eventually share so we have to leave the baby in our bedroom until she sleeps enough not to wake the toddler and the toddler’s a great but light sleeper. We tried CIO at 4 1/2 months and unlike our older kid it didn’t work well – it got her down at night no problem but never worked for middle of the night wake-ups and we folded after a brutal week and half (for real — we were totally committed but it definitely failed). I’m not willing to do CIO again after that experience. We’ve also already tried a sleep consultant and didn’t see much improvement from her suggestions so I don’t really want to do that again. We do eat, story, song, down awake at 7:30 and she goes down just fine but then cries at each night wake up until we feed her. Any suggestions or resources to read to get our lovely but deeply stubborn baby to sleep more consistently at night?