Family Friday: Primary

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A girl sitting on the stairs.I love the idea behind Primary — basically, that kids’ clothes should be colorful and fun, but not necessarily full of sequins and “cute” phrases like “DADDY’S PRINCESS!” As their tagline notes, there are no logos, no slogans, and no sequins — just awesome colors in the softest fabrics they could find, all under $25. Nice! The site also offers free shipping with no minimum purchase, and they’re offering 25% off today! This pretty picnic top for girls looks great — it’s $18, available in sizes 2-12 in 10 colors. Primary Picnic Top

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What do you think of makeup for little kids? I mean like… two.

Kiddo likes to hang out in the bathroom with me while I do mine, and I give her (safe-ish) stuff to play with, like a fat eyeshadow pencil thing, and she draws on her arms and has a great time. I’m careful to tell her that some things aren’t safe (“only for grownups”), and to focus on personal preference (“I like putting sparklies on my eyes!” rather than saying that I’m using it to ‘fix’ something) and I don’t want her to think that caring about or enjoying stuff like that is bad… but it also feels *absurd* that I’m thinking of buying a cheap makeup kit for a two year old. (But I am kind of sick of her wrecking my makeup.)


Any recommendations for a portable AC unit? Effective and quiet are the highest priorities. Despite having a new, high-end central air system installed less than a year ago, our second floor bedroom positioned above the garage is HOT. Thank you very much in advance!

Another question – where do you buy costume jewelry for a 6 year old? I don’t love what I see on Amazon, but not sure where else to look!

I dislike the “daddy’s princess!” tees as much as the next person, but I’d like to push back on the idea that every item of kids’ clothing at mainstream stores is logo’d and screen printed to death. Solids are fine and are great to have as staples, but it really isn’t difficult to find fun prints or even basic stripes/dots. (My daughter is accumulating quite the collection of flamingos and pineapples for summer.) If I have any kids’ clothing gripe, it’s that Under Armour must be the unofficial uniform of my son’s elementary school. I wish the name-brand obsession didn’t start so early, although I suspect the parents are driving it.

Another great quality of Primary – there is no Boy’s/Girl’s tab. Just a kids tab.

We’re hosting a morning birthday party for my daughter. Right now I’m thinking bagels, cream cheese, lox, fruit salad, coffee/tea/OJ/mimosas, and birthday cake, but I feel like it could use some more stuff – an egg dish, perhaps another sweet item, etc. Any menu suggestions?

How/when did you all tell your coworkers you were pregnant? I’ve done it once before but it’s just so awkward. Last time, I was able to tell most of the relevant people while we were out at a social event at a partner’s house, while things were pretty relaxed, so it wasn’t like I was walking into someone’s office and closing the door like something serious had just happened. I don’t think I’ll have that opportunity this time around. I’m nearing the end of my first trimester, just got an all-normal ultrasound, and am starting to get too big for my normal clothes. I feel like people may be noticing all the flowy tops and the fact that I haven’t had a drink at the many happy hours we seem to have had lately. I kind of want to just not say anything to anyone and let them figure it out as I get bigger and bigger, but that is awkward too. Any tips?

Question regarding bathing my 13 month old: Now that we are in sunblock season, do I need to bathe him each night? We were on a twice maybe 3x a week bath schedule and now we have to send him to daycare w/ sunblock on (and they reapply for the afternoon). I’m concerned about leaving that on him longer term. Also — I never used soap before on his face, just water. If I am bathing him daily now, do I need to WASH off the sunblock?

Forgive the stupid question, but am I supposed to tip a baby sitter above her hourly rate? We’ve been very fortunate to have family members who love to watch our child. We’re hiring our first baby sitter, 2.5 years in, and I’m clueless!

I’m a big fan of their leggings for my toddler. Does anyone know how the dress sizes run? She’s barely 2 and on the smaller side so I hesitate to order something labeled size 2-3.

How do you guys deal with completely clueless coworkers, especially those who manage others and may become your boss? This coworker is senior to me but is not my boss (as of now). She is ten years older, single and no kids. She expressed shock and disapproval that anyone would need to use the internet for personal use during the workday or take care of more than the occasional personal task while at work. My response was that when I work 40-50 hours per week and those hours coincide with when everyone else works, there is no way to take care of myself and my family during my “off” time. She was also taken aback when I mentioned that I keep an eye on the NYT during the day. I would brush her off as just not getting it, but I am concerned about how out of touch she is regarding the demands of working parents given that she could become my boss.

Their pajamas are really nice and soft. Also love the tees. I wish the shorts were adjustable waist though.

I love the concept behind this brand (i cringe at ‘cute like mommy’ shirts) but I definitely like patterns for toddler clothes because stains are a lot less obvious on a pineapple print romper than a basic yellow one.