Makeup & Beauty Monday: Perfect Cleansing Oil

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Shiseido Perfect Cleansing Oil I was listening to a recent episode of the podcast Forever 35 (episode 128), where the hosts Kate and Doree interview skincare expert Caroline Hirons. I’d never heard of her before, but after this interview I’m pretty much enamored. She is a fan of gentle cleansing and called out the St. Ives Apricot Scrub for being the worst (shamefully, I still have a tube in my shower right now!). I’ve been curious about double cleansing for a while now, and I think my skin would benefit from it, especially when I go back to wearing makeup (eventually??). This cleansing oil has a lot of positive reviews on Sephora and was an Allure Best of Beauty award winner. I’ve read good things about Shiseido’s skincare products, and the prices aren’t insane, like some skincare lines. The cleansing oil is $35 for 6 oz. at Sephora. Perfect Cleansing Oil This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

Sales of note for 2/7:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

  • Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
  • Ann Taylor – Extra 25% off your $175+ purchase — and $30 of full-price pants and denim
  • Banana Republic Factory – Up to 50% off everything + extra 15% off
  • Boden – 15% off new season styles
  • Eloquii – 60% off 100s of styles
  • J.Crew – Extra 50% off all sale styles
  • J.Crew Factory – 40% off everything including new arrivals + extra 20% off $125+
  • Rothy’s – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
  • Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
  • Talbots – 40% off one item + free shipping on $150+

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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DH is WFH again from our apartment after briefly being back in the office. We live in one of the states where the numbers are soaring and he has an open concept floor plan at work (though his office is still open). He got promoted last year, was told earlier this year by a mentor that he should sort of coast this year anyway, but he is the type A overachiever type, but doesn’t know how to not push himself. We have a nanny who is really wonderful and tries to take our twin 2 year olds outside, but it is a million and one degrees here and DH is struggling bc he says the kids cry off and on all day (i think he is exaggerating a bit, but they are 2, and are still learning to “use their words” and get frustrated over everything…as they are 2) and it is getting hard to work at home. (I am going into an office, but i am the only one here). i want to be supportive to DH, but also want to convince him that it is ok to not be at the most productive ever and to be mediocre for a bit.

More covid contingency planning! My kid would be in prek next year (he’s 4) but I am increasingly convinced his preschool will not be open and am trying to contingency plan. For prek, does it make sense for me to try to hire a tutor? It seems ridiculous in some ways but I don’t want him to fall behind. What did folks do in shut down zones last year who had kids in prek? FWIW he does not love video school so wondering whether I should try to lock in an in person tutor now….

Ladies – we are down to the wire between choosing between a new to us but great local daycare or a yet-to-be found nanny (competition is stiff for nannies right now and we’ve been looking but not found yet when these daycare slots opened up). It’s for our preschooler and toddler. Ugh. This feels sooooo hard. The preschooler could desperately use some social interaction and structure and we lean to the daycare for that reason for a least the next few months but are scared of the risk and of the next shut down. We’re in an apartment and both wfh until we’re told not to at some unknown time in the future and so a nanny would pack five of us into this space. We’re in DC which was a hot spot but now has very low cases and is not in exponential growth if that helps. Thoughts?

A while ago (2 months? 2 weeks? who knows) I got some of those vacuum bags and packed up most of my work clothes, vacuumed the air out, and put them in a storage bin under my bed. At the time, I left some work clothes out “just in case”. Apparently, I thought I needed 2 gray pencil skirts, a pair of navy work slacks, a pair of black work slacks, and a pair of grey work slacks “just in case”, with 4 button-up blouses and 3 blazers. What did I think I was going to need to do, suddenly pack for a week-long business trip?!
Anyway, this weekend I finally vacuum-packed everything but my “every day” clothes that are currently seasonally-appropriate. I have so much closet/dresser space, now! Highly recommend as an easy, relatively-inexpensive (just the cost of the bags) project that will make a huge difference in your space. I feel like a minimalist Instagram influencer with my organized closet that has a capsule wardrobe hanging in it. Nevermind the bags and bags of clothes vacuum packed and hiding under my bed….

Things in my community have become TENSE. A few weeks ago, covid was relatively contained and cases were decreasing. Now they’re spiking, and we’re in the “orange” zone instead of yellow. And man, oh man, has the debate heated up about whether school should happen. The district announced in mid-June that students would be going back, in-person, full time. Parents have an option of choosing all-remote if they want. The teachers are fighting this hard. Disappointingly, the district has been very cagey about what they’ll do to make it a safe situation, other than requiring masks for all.

Look, I desperately need my kids to be back in school, for a variety of reasons. But the longer this goes on and the worse things get here, the less sure I feel about anything, really. Should we be sending kids back to school? Is it as “safe” as we’ve been led to believe? I feel terrible for the teachers, and the stupid leadership decisions made at every level have basically pitted parents and teachers against each other.

I want to voice my concerns to the school board, but I don’t even know what I’m advocating for at this point!

Has everyone written to their governors and state representatives yet? Given the lack of Federal leadership, now is the time to push your state government. Please consider sending an email or making a call.

I just emailed our governor asking him to shut down non-essential social activities so that we can increase the likelihood of opening schools. Why on earth is Six Flags open when schools will likely be closed this fall? Bars? Tattoo parlors? Race tracks? Casinos? Indoor shooting ranges? Massage parlors? Nail salons? Tasting rooms? Literally all of these activities are high risk with either (1) indoor, close proximity interactions or (2) which involve large crowds of unrelated people who cannot be contact traced. We need to reduce community spread so we can protect students and teachers. Literally no one needs a tattoo more than kids need to be in school.

Recommendations for comfortable t-shirts to wear with running shorts? A lot of the ones I’m seeing online are longer, which is great for leggings but need it to be on the shorter side so it doesn’t look silly with shorts. Thanks!

I HIGHLY recommend the Innisfree apple seed cleansing oil – it’s about $13, works well and doesn’t sting, and is cheap enough that I have like 5 bottles in our house at all times. We are all pasty people with a tendency towards skin cancer and coat ourselves in sunblock. This stuff removes it from arms/legs quickly and easily and smells nice (again – and doesn’t sting!). Even my kiddo uses it as it’s SO much easier than trying to get him to scrub waterproof sunblock off properly after camp/outdoors.

Has anyone considered a live in part time nanny as backup? I’m considering the following scenario and would love any advice from others. Last summer we had a wonderful summer nanny for our toddler while we waited to get into daycare. Nanny just graduated from the local university and plans to go to grad school after a year of prereqs. Our daycare is setup so you can either go 3 days a week or 5 days a week, with an optional aftercare after 3 pm. We have already had one two-week shutdown when a teacher tested positive, so I see the writing on the wall that daycare will not be reliable. Meanwhile, in checking in with our old nanny, she’s considering taking the prereqs for grad school online for this upcoming year and would be open to working part time for us, and being a full-time backup if daycare closes. We have extra space (this would use up our guest room and guest bath in a separate area of the house… but no one is coming to visit anytime soon), and she would be open to living with us. Am I crazy to think this could be a solution? We would have backup care, she would get to stay in town rent-free and do her online classes while working two days a week, and my kids could continue part-time daycare 3 days a week as long as it’s open. We trusted her fully last summer and I am trying to look at this with all perspectives. This would only be a one year situation, assuming that by spring 2021 things are looking much more normal.

Do any of you keep a record of cute or funny things your kids have said, and if so, where? Google docs? That seems simplest but just polling the audience. Also, since it’s Monday, feel free to chime in with cute things your kid(s) said/did this weekend.

At what point in time is it critical (vs. nice to have) your child be with kid his own age? Also, how did your kids (especially only children) make friends? Background – I have a 13 month old. When I was pregnant, the plan was that our son (who we are 99% sure will be an only child) would go to daycare. What a laugh that was, as any decent daycare that is also close to where we live or work has an 18 month wait list. So, due to the fact we couldn’t get into a daycare, we have a (wonderful, amazing) nanny instead. Then we applied and got into a local Montessori school with a full day program, which was set to start in August. But, right before we had to give them notice as to whether we were going to accept our spot at the school, my husband got a bit of cold feet about our son being the youngest in his class at school and not being “ready”, decided that he wanted to do the nanny for another year, plus COVID was starting to be a bit of a concern. Our plan then shifted to been to keeping our nanny, and also start having her take our son to story time at the library, music class, maybe a swim class, or possibly our nanny plus a morning daycare 2-3 mornings a week. We were going to start activities in March, but all the activity classes have stopped, and I am reluctant to put our kid in a daycare since cases are rising in our area (Charlotte). Also, I only have one friend in town who has a kid close to my kid’s age, and she’s a SAHM so she already hangs out with the other SAHM moms in her neighborhood. I tried a mom’s group thing when I was on maternity leave, but all of the other people in the group semi-knew each other (all teachers) and despite being billed as a group for my neighborhood/ general area of town, they all came from 30-45 minutes away, so I haven’t seen them again. My son sees all four of his grandparents on a regular basis, but I just feel like he’s missing out on not not being around peers his own age. I feel like I have an “indoor” baby like people have “indoor cats”. TIA!

Well, one week into daycare being open and we have a teacher with symptoms. Closed until we get results. I am basically numb at this point and taking it minute by minute.

How are we going to survive until there’s a vaccine? I’m not even joking. DH suggested quitting his job yesterday and like… maybe that is the call. I don’t see how you can truly do this with two full time working parents.

Talk me down, people.