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Open thread time! What did you do for Mother’s Day? What did your family do to make Mother’s Day special for you? Did you get any great presents (including lumpy pancakes or handmade cards)?
I’ll answer how mine went in the comments (I’m scheduling this ahead of time)…
Anon says
Sadly, not much. I’m trying not to be a grouch about it. I told my husband weeks ago what I wanted (basically, a project that would take my 8-year-old about an hour to complete, with adult help) that didn’t get started until halfway through the day. While the Little was napping, I asked what the plan was for the afternoon, and all I got was, “I don’t know dear, what did you want to do?” So – basically, no planning at all – and the time we could have potentially spent doing something was taken up with Dad and the 8-year old doing to project I’d asked for, while I watched the Little who, by then, was up from her nap.
So, day was mostly me making breakfast and lunch, doing laundry, taking the Little to swim class, and most normal mom-weekend things. I did insist we go out to dinner so I didn’t end up stuck with all three meals, and we did presents for 15 minutes after dinner before the bath / bedtime routine.
OOO says
I bought tickets to a local Mother’s Day Brunch event and we walked there. We took pictures in the garden and later I went to the outlet mall by myself. FaceTimed with grandmas. Though my gift list suggestions were ignored, it was the perfect day and I’m still glowing!
Anonymous says
I woke up at a reasonable hour (7:30am). All 3 kids (4.5,7,10) were up. My middle brought me a hot cup of coffee. Youngest had a tantrum that she did not get to make it. They made a breakfast menu for me and ate their own breakfast while I decided. I ordered and they returned with avocado toast and eggs, made entirely by the kids. The kitchen was cleaned, not by me. I got presents and cards including one declaring me ‘queen of the moms’ complete with crown and a sign for my door declaring ‘best mom sleeps here’! One present was a watering system for our front porch baskets. I took Oldest to her lacrosse game (newly gifted water cup in tow, filled with ice and water by Youngest) with Youngest and Middle and DH stayed home to install the watering system. We came home for lunch. Youngest had soccer so we all went over to the field. Middle had a big temper tantrum over being dragged to sports (the agony). There was a parent/child game so Middle and Youngest played as the parents against Youngest and her friends. We went home. DH took Youngest to the grocery store and did the weekly shopping, which is usually my job. Middle opened a “mom salon” and did my hair in an outrageous bun and also did my make up.
Middle, Oldest and I did yard work (me looking fabulous in a dance bun and a full face of makeup applied by a 1st grader) which was mostly planting flowers. They were actually helpful! Oldest created then sent me a “tiktok”* mothers day montage video that made me cry esp since she’s been a little bit of a pill lately.
Oldest’s evening softball game was cancelled by the league because of mothers day so we had a family catch in the back yard. Nobody cried when they didn’t catch the ball, which is huge. We got take-out for dinner and also had cake (picked by Youngest while at the grocery store). Middle, who is 6 lessons into playing the piano, played/sang me a Happy Mother’s Day song (to the tune of happy birthday ;)). Everyone but me cleaned the kitchen.
They all went to bed, but Middle had a rough time of it. DH fell on the bedtime sword while I had a glass of wine in the hot tub. DH eventually joined me in the hot tub then invited me up for a “mother’s day after party” which was a back rub + really good s*x.
I woke up to a clean kitchen and everyone made the bus.
I feel like after 10 years, we finally have this d*mn holiday down. And it wouldn’t have been mothers day without a tantrum or two so I can’t even complain.
*it’s not tiktok but i’m not technical. It was something she made that had a sappy song and words and pics of us.
Bean74 says
Love the idea of holiday “after parties!” Stealing that one…
Anonymous says
We went to a local restaurant and ate outside… this is kind of big deal because my mom has been very covid cautious and also doesn’t like eating outside, so i was thrilled she went. the kids weren’t too badly behaved, although i had one too many martinis. My youngest made me a card that talked a lot about how kind HE was. my husband got me earrings i actually like. all in all, a good MD.
Bean74 says
Mine was nice. I went in with no expectations which seemed to be key. My 6-year-old gave me a pendant he made at school, and a sweet card. Then, he brought me Lego daffodils that he and his dad had put together. Lazy morning, and they gave me more presents – new shoes, a beach hat, “beach dress” (cover up) for an upcoming trip, and a Lego set for my son and I to do together. We did that, went to Target and Home Goods, and I took the dog for a long walk by myself. Went to dinner where we ate outside and got ice cream. Talked to my mom and mother-in-law and texted with friends.
The key was definitely low expectations. This was the nicest Mother’s Day I’ve had since becoming a mom.
Anonymous says
I got my haircut, had brunch with a friend, and bought myself some herbs from a garden center. My husband brought the kids back after lunch and then I took them to the playground. Nothing special or celebratory other than my older daughter’s art project for me that she made at school. But I was happy to have time for myself in the morning and avoided having to make breakfast for my family so yay for that.