Make My Life Easier Thursday: One-Step Sterilizer Dryer Advanced

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Baby Brezza Sterilizer Dryer Advanced

Cleaning baby bottles and pump parts is a drag — so many little pieces, and it’s always questionable how clean they actually are. Baby Brezza’s One-Step Sterilizer Dryer Advanced takes the guesswork out.

This sterilizer uses steam to kill germs and dries your bottles and parts as well. Use the control panel to sterilize and/or dry, or for storage (Everything stays germ-free for 24 hours if you don’t open it after sterilizing.) A replaceable HEPA filter is included so only clean air dries your bottles. It quickly cleans eight bottles and two sets of pump parts.

This sterilizer and dryer is $139.99 at Nordstrom and also available at Amazon.

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I saw you got lots of responses about mixing up letters being totally normal. That’s definirely true, but if you suspect there is more to it (even if it’s just a gut feeling), I would start pursuing an evaluation now. Dyslexic learners are often incredibly bright and verbal, which can mask dyslexia. If your kiddo is dyslexic, early intervention makes a huge difference. I would not take a wait and see approach for long. You don’t want to borrow trouble, but that gut feeling is often right when it comes to dyslexia. Just wanted to offer my perspective as a mom of an incredilble kid with dyslexia.

Silly to complain about but I promised my oldest a trip to Mexico to visit SIL. We finally settled on this weekend, and now there’s a hurricane.I decided this morning to cancel the trip and reschedule at some point. SIL is safe but has no electricity. I’m just bummed. I was really looking forward to a break and hanging with my oldest.

Minor parenting victory: our scrappy little city elementary school’s aftercare program only runs mid-October to mid-May and not on Fridays. This makes life very hard for working parents. And so after a summer of lobbying, I managed to convince our local JCC to run a bus to the school to pick kids up for their after-school program. I’m SO happy to not be scrambling for coverage again, and we’ve already more than met the minimum number of kids needed. Yay!

PSA – I just signed DS #1 (Rising K-er) up for various day camps offered by our Y for school holidays/closures during 2023-24 – including spring break 2024!

Lots of open slots now, but I feel like once the school year starts in a few weeks things will fill up fast. I figure if we end up traveling for anything I booked, I’m more than happy to get the Y credit and I know someone will be happy to be off the waitlist :)

I’m the poster from yesterday with the hiking pack question. I was looking into rentals and there are a few outfitters with them, but babyquip keeps popping up in my search results as well. Has anyone rented gear through that service before? I found several highly rated people on there with one available for the dates I need.
Is the pickup/dropoff process pretty easy? I’m leaning toward having the person meet us at the airport so we don’t have another stop along the way.

Any suggestions for something we can bring with us on a trip for a 3 year old to sleep on? I read that she is too young for an inflatable mattress but I do want her to be comfortable if possible!

the poster last week whose daughter was looking for ghosts arriving from NY, did they show up? i thought of you this morning as my daughter insisted we add ice and food coloring to the cup of soapy bubbles she made in the shower last night and insisted that when i get home i wave a wand and say a spell to turn it into snowflakes that will last forever

Are devices like this worth it? Giving birth to #2 soon and #1 was an infant 6 years ago. We’re at an age and point in life where we’ll pay for little conveniences like this.

Also, talk to me about Baby Breeza. I plan to BF initial but will not BF when I go back to work, so we’re already preparing for formula life. Worth it or not?

Any other fun or new devices out there that maybe weren’t on my radar 6 years ago, when I was also pinching pennies more than I am today?

Anyone have an alarm clock for kids (7 yo) they like? I’m specifically looking for one that you don’t have to turn on every night–like a progammable one. Hatch is too expensive but I’d go up to about $40-ish. Thanks!

Recommendations for work pump bags? Just returned to work this week after maternity leave!
I primarily WFH, but have 3 work trips coming up this fall (flying) and would love to hear all the recs and products I should have to pump. Hoping to transport the milk back home, but am willing to pump and dump if it becomes too much extra stress. I have a spectra and a willow, but would ideally only bring the Spectra with me.

Can anyone recommend any good books or resources for men while TTC? My husband has some anxiety about becoming a parent, both the run-of-the-mill worries like being unprepared or not knowing how to change diapers and also some specific anxiety about special needs. His sister was born with severe disabilities and it forever altered their family’s life in really dramatic ways (need to be vague to not totally out myself, but believe me when I say it was an extreme impact). It makes complete sense to me that he would be worried about this and I want to help. Are there good resources that are reassuring and that don’t have the opposite effect of increasing anxiety? On the mom side, I’ve heard people say that What to Expect When You’re Expecting just makes you freak out about everything and that’s the opposite vibe to what he needs. I can see him inching towards thinking that if we do everything perfectly, then bad things won’t happen, and that’s clearly not realistic. He’ll do therapy so just looking for book recs. Thanks!

If your kids do aftercare at school, is there a quiet time enforced for homework and for how long? Do they go outside?

My kindergartner is enrolled in the aftercare program at her school. The school day dismisses at 3:30 and the aftercare makes them have quiet homework time until 4:30. This seems really excessive to me even for older kids (it’s a K-3 school so I seriously hope no one has an hour a day of homework!), but is especially frustrating for a kindergartner who has no homework. We typically pick up around 4:45, so she basically has no play time, and I don’t love the idea of paying for her to sit in silence. They also don’t seem to go outside at all, which seems really weird to me. Do we have terrible aftercare or is this normal?

Any FPIES moms here? Kiddo (8 months) has a likely FPIES diagnosis.