Maternity Monday: Wrap Dress


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Olian Maternity Wrap Dress | CorporetteMoms This looks like an amazing dress, particularly for when you first start wearing maternity clothes, because it doesn’t scream “maternity” to me. I’d probably need a camisole or demi-camisole underneath it, but then I always do. The dress is $115 at Nordstrom. Olian Maternity Wrap Dress Psst: note that LOFT is having a flash sale with an extra 70% off sale prices all day today — precious few maternity items in there, but lots of the maternity items are “take an additional 40% off, no code needed.” Building a maternity wardrobe for work? Check out our page with more suggestions along both classic and trendy/seasonal lines. (L-3)

Sales of note for 1/16:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Any suggestions for activities for 13 mo olds? One of my little guys has been pretty fussy lately and for various reasons I think he’s just bored. The au pair takes them out for a walk when the weather is good, but they don’t walk yet (just cruising) and so there isn’t much to do outside besides sit in the stroller. (Also, if it were just one baby, putting him on the grass to play would be fine, but they’re fast crawlers and I don’t think we’d feel safe putting them on the ground without a fence or something between them and the very busy street that runs by our house.) At home ideas would be ideal since the au pair only rarely has a car during the day. Just trying to alleviate some of the cabin fever for everyone!

I just want to say:


That is all.

Ideas for a first birthday party in DC/NoVA when we can’t have one in our home?

Our place isn’t workable for a party — it’s a bit on the small side and we really don’t have any parking for guests, so I’m trying to come up with ideas for a first birthday party. It’ll be the end of the summer and ideally guests will probably include families with babies from about 6 months to 8/10 years.

I think our best bet would be to have it at a park, rent a pavilion, and have a cookout and just cross our fingers that it doesn’t rain, but if anyone has better ideas, I’d appreciate it!


Is there anything out there that I can use to shade a baby who is being carried or worn? My little girl is due in June, and, since we already have a 2 year old, we’d like to have her outside a pretty good bit (zoo, park, pool), but I’m worried about her in the sun. Husband and I are both really fair, and I understand that sunscreen’s not the best for newborns. I know that I can put her in the carrier/stroller with a shade, but I’d really rather be holding or wearing her much of the time. My first was born in December, so it wasn’t really an issue then.

Please allow me a mostly-humble humblebrag. But my son in kindergarten took all those tests and is now eligible for the Gifted/Talented/Exceptional whatever you want to call it class at our public school. It is a 1 day/week program; he’ll have to keep up with his regular class but they will be “reviewing” that day, so it’s OK.

The Gifted Teacher (by which I mean, the teacher of the Gifted Program) would like to meet the parents of the newly designated students. What do I talk with her about? What questions do I have? What questions should I be asking?

Both Husband and I were designated Gifted in early elementary school – we are proud but given our setbacks in career, finances, emotional intelligence, etc. we are also realistic – this is not a 1-way ticket to Ivy League + success, but we are glad our son will continue to be challenged in school, as he does enjoy learning.

So please excuse our own cynicism. Does this change our parenting or our son’s education at this time? Any help is appreciated.

I have been freezing batches of food for my 8 month old, on the advice of this group, and it’s been wonderful! So far I’ve done carrots, sweet potatoes, black beans, cauliflower and pasta. I haven’t done any fruit because it doesn’t seem like it would freeze/thaw well. Has anyone found any fruits that do freeze/thaw ok? I was thinking that berries might work. Any other ideas?

Question: for those of you who pumped when you went back to work, how did you transition from nursing your LO? Mostly just wondering how the heck you know how many times a day to pump and if you were able to figure that out before returning.

40w3d… no baby – but EVERYONE keeps stopping by my office “to check on me.” They offer up gems like “Oh you are still here!” or “any news on that baby?”

Goal for this week – Don’t punch co-workers in the face, and/or don’t say something totally rude.

Are any of you familiar with dad-to-be blogs? My husband isn’t a big reader and would much prefer to learn about pregnancy on a well-designed blog than in a traditional book. Any recommendations?