News Roundup

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Pat McGrath Labs’ first product, “Gold 001”Some of the articles of interest to working mothers that we’ve seen around the web recently…

  • Vanity Fair takes a look at Pat McGrath Labs’ first product, “Gold 001.”
  • New York magazine reports on a Utah company that offers $2,000 to pregnant employees to buy maternity clothing.
  • Time provides some wine pairings to help you enjoy that candy you secretly stole from your kid’s stash leftover Halloween candy, while this piece from The New York Times shares techniques for getting the candy in the first place.
  • The New York Times lists the year’s best illustrated children’s books.
  • Breadwinning Mama talks about the simple pleasures you can enjoy as a busy mom. What are yours?
  • NPR has a good Halloween-week story about pregnancy that informs us of this creepy fact: “You likely have cells from your older siblings in your body. And cells from your grandmother, maybe even your great-grandmother.”
  • Your Laugh of the Week from The Onion: “Parents Of Crying Child Must Not Be Any Good.”

Do be sure to check out the news update over at Corporette!

On Corporette Recently…

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