News Roundup
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Some of the articles of interest to working mothers that we’ve seen around the web recently…
- Sunshine and Hurricanes gives you advice on organizing all those papers and all that artwork that your kids bring home from school.
- PopSugar Moms shares tips on the annual school-supplies shopping trip. (I’m thinking Amazon Prime — who’s with me?)
- Hellobee has some responses for the common excuses we make to ourselves when we don’t feel like working out.
- Working Mother rounds up 12 items to make pumping at work easier.
- At Above the Law, Mommy Dear, Esq., writes that she wishes that law schools would help prepare future lawyers for the challenges of balancing career and family.
- Quartz asks why there aren’t more “happy, satisfied working moms” on TV and in the movies.
ADMIN TECH UPDATE: If you’ve been having problems with the mobile site (grrr) please check today and let me know how it’s working — I think the problems are fixed.
Do be sure to check out the news update over at Corporette!
On Corporette Recently…
- We took a look back into Corporette history.
- Kat answered a reader question about determining whether you hate your job or your career.
- We talked about what we’re worried about forgetting to bring on a work trip and looked at made-in-USA workwear brands.
Did we miss anything? Add ’em here, or send them to [email protected]. Thank you!
We saw the movie “Alexander’s Horrible No Good Very Bad Day” and Jennifer Garner is the mom and she has a terrible day at work and trying to balance being a mom and work and stuff… and I thought I saw the ending coming a mile away… but then SPOILER ALERT
twist: she got promoted. And her family was happy for her.
I liked it, as a mom and a cute family movie.
I loved the HelloBee article. My favorite:
Excuse #4: I’ll exercise when I get home from work.
Counter: No I won’t. I really just won’t. I’ve learned this about myself over the years – if I don’t get up and go immediately after waking up, it’s just not going to happen at all that day. I will come up with an excuse. So, it’s 5:00 AM or nothing for me!
The Sunshine and Hurricanes post… Is anyone else tired of over-the-top drama of mom blogs? I like a funny post as much as the next mom, but ALL CAPS and SERIOUSLY? THE PAPER!!! I SOBBED! makes me wrinkle my nose and think of infomercials with people tripping into hot stoves on purpose. We’re moms, not morons.
Feel free to ignore me. Work is rough and I’m not in a mood to put up with silliness, so that link rubbed me the wrong way.
I’d argue that all of the items in the Working Mother article actually make pumping at work harder, since none of them are necessary or even really needed. I think the best pumping at work routine has as few steps as possible and minimizes the amount of plastic crap in your life that needs to be hand washed daily in hot soapy water. Boo to Working Mother. Selling me crap is Not Helpful. (I fully admit some of this snark is just about me being annoyed with pumping at work in general.)
Last week we toured a daycare that made me excited to have my baby so I could send him/her there (engaged teachers, amazing curriculum and programs, great facility, etc.). I decided to keep the other appointments I made just to keep an open mind, and today I toured one that was literally disturbing. 90% of the teachers were high school students with no formal training or education (and who didn’t seem to particularly like children), I saw one teacher out of 10 that was actually engaged with a kid (lots of ignored, screaming kids and babies), and some questionable sanitation practices (bedding stored next to the toilets). These places are 5 minutes apart in an expensive area of town and the difference in tuition: the bad one is $4 a week less. It had me thanking my lucky stars we had already put down a deposit on the first one (and that they had an opening for us).