News Roundup

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Some of the articles of interest to working mothers that we’ve seen around the web recently…

  • The New York Times reported on a study that found that the wealthiest mothers and their babies are the most likely to survive the year after childbirth — except when the family is Black.
  • Above the Law emphasized the importance of educating managers about how to properly support their staff through parental leave.
  • The Washington Post explained how your feelings about work and your experiences on the job affect how you parent, and in turn, can influence your child’s development.
  • NBC News shared information from the CDC indicating that “sexual attacks and other traumatic experiences have led to an unprecedented level of hopelessness and suicidal thoughts among America’s young women.”
  • The 19th reported that an Oklahoma judge transferred a lesbian mom’s parental rights to her son’s sperm donor.
  • Romper shared baby sleep experts’ tips for the four-month sleep regression.
  • Nursing Clio explored the racist history of American baby contests.
  • In Insider, a mother wrote about how she switches out of “mom mode” when her kids are with her ex-husband.
  • Your Laugh of the Week comes from Frazzled, with “Help! I’m Trapped in the E-Mail Chain Organizing a Thank-You Gift for Billie’s Mom.”

Also, do be sure to check out the news update over at Corporette!

On Corporette Recently…

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