News Roundup
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Some of the articles of interest to working mothers that we’ve seen around the web recently…
Coronavirus-Related News & Resources
- The Huffington Post asked experts what school might look like this fall.
- The New York Times explained what you need to know about kids and COVID tests.
- Lifehacker gave tips on getting your kids to talk about their (virtual) school day.
In Other News…
- Real Simple listed the best foods for every skin condition.
- At Above the Law, a mom wrote about getting her law degree while raising three kids.
- NPR gave tips on making tough decisions.
- Scary Mommy shared relationship advice from a co-author of the book The 80/80 Marriage: A New Model for a Happier, Stronger Relationship.
- The Washington Post featured Science Moms, a $10 million campaign to educate and empower mothers to do something about climate change. (It was launched by a group of climate scientist moms.)
- Wirecutter rounded up the best kids’ headphones.
- Rolling Stone looked at how “Pastel QAnon” is infiltrating the natural parenting community.
- Your Laugh of the Week comes from Points in Case, with “What to Do When You Catch Your Child ‘Playing Epidemiologist.'”
Also, do be sure to check out the news update over at Corporette!
On Corporette Recently…
- We talked about the best short makeup routines.
- We had an open thread about foods we thought were “fancy” when we were kids.
- We recommended ways to organize under the sink.
Did we miss anything? Add ’em here, or send them to [email protected]. Thank you!
That HuffPo article is awfully optimistic. There is no way that most teens and adults will be vaccinated by September. Recruiting is just beginning for the Moderna vaccine trial in ages 12-15. If it takes a month or two to recruit the participants, then another month to get them vaccinated, then two months for follow-up, the soonest we could possibly see emergency authorization of the vaccine for ages 12-15 would be early summer. Then unless manufacturing and distribution are scaled up exponentially, there’s no way all adults and teens would actually get two doses of the vaccine in time to build immunity before school opens.
I’m in VA, which just moved adults with underlying health conditions, overweight/obese people, and people aged 65-74 from group 1c to 1b. It’s like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. There are still just as many people to vaccinate in the same order. The only difference is that a few non-front-line “essential” workers are now behind all the people listed above, when previously they had higher or equal priority. I would be surprised if we even get halfway through 1b by fall. And why does a mildly overweight middle-aged person who can WFH get a vaccine before my kid who will have to go to school?