News Roundup

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Zoe Saldana on the red carpetSome of the articles of interest to working mothers that we’ve seen around the web recently…

  • The New York Times takes a look at stylish maternity fashion that’s off the beaten path.
  • Moms Into Fitness provides you with a few postpartum core workouts.
  • Fortune looks at a growing trend of companies offering working mothers access to maternity coaches who “advise them on what they can expect before, during and after maternity leave.”
  • Working Mother reports on new research that found the real reasons working moms leave the workforce, while Liberating Working Moms offers working-mother resolutions for the new year.
  • Women can’t have it all? Men can’t have it all either, says the author of this piece in Esquire. Here’s a slideshow of quotes from some of the men interviewed for the article.
  • The New York Times Motherlode blog ponders parent volunteers at schools — who volunteers and who doesn’t (or can’t), and what that means.

Do be sure to check out the news update over at Corporette!

On Corporette Recently…

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Weaning question:

My almost-12-month old has started biting me while nursing– again. We went through this around 6 months or so and she learned not to do it. She’s had teeth for months now, so it’s not teething. I’m wondering if this is her signaling she’s ready to wean? My strategy right now is to pull her off, say, No, No biting, in a stern voice and close up shop. Sometimes it makes her cry (probably the stern voice) but other times she goes off merrily on her way.

Any experience with this?

I may have missed a previous update that included this article, but I just read this Dec 1 article from NY Mag and it really really resonated with me: