News Roundup

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BathroomsSome of the articles of interest to working mothers that we’ve seen around the web recently…

  • WBUR shares some findings from a recent survey about airports and how breastfeeding- and pumping-friendly they are (or aren’t).
  • The Washington Post features an essay about the physical challenges and sacrifices that come with motherhood, and New York magazine’s Science of Us tells us that “pregnancy brain” / “mom brain” is a myth.
  • Working Mother calls for the retirement of the phrase “advanced maternal age.”
  • The New York Times reports on a study showing that lengthy work absences for maternity leave, like those commonly taken in European countries, can actually prevent working mothers from advancing. And here’s a perspective from this country: a new mom writes for The Toast about her maddening struggles with HR regarding her maternity leave/FMLA.
  • The “default parent,” says this The Huffington Post piece, is the one who schedules all the pediatrician appointments, researches preschools and summer camp options, keeps track of the kids’ schedules, etc. Does this sound familiar to anyone?
  • If your partner stays home to take care of your child, should you expect dinner to be made when you get home from a long day at work? The New York Times’ Motherlode blog ponders the question.
  • Here’s a laugh for your Friday: the Twitter account for the fictional Los Feliz Day Care.

Do be sure to check out the news update over at Corporette!

On Corporette Recently…

P.S. Giggle kicks off its Friends & Family event today, which runs through Monday, 11/3. You can save 20% on your entire purchase with code FRIENDS14. (Kat is now kicking herself for buying a second seat for her City Select stroller through Amazon after weeks of price-watching — she coulda had $34 off. Sigh.)

Did we miss anything? Add ’em here, or send them to [email protected]. Thank you!