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Some of the articles of interest to working mothers that we’ve seen around the web recently…
- Huffington Post shares a viral Facebook post by Cameron Reeves Poynter, a 41-year-old mother of two boys, about how parents carry an invisible load. Poynter blogs at Lucky Orange Pants.
- The Washington Post has advice for helping a toddler cope when her mom returns to the workforce.
- The Washington Post also offers a roundup of different mothers’ experiences of pumping at work. (Video may autoplay.)
- Scary Mommy provides the backstory of a viral Facebook photo of Jenna Casado Rabberman’s car after it was totaled in an accident, and how properly positioned and fastened car seats saved her young sons.
- The Cut profiles journalist Lisa Ling, who lives in Los Angeles with her husband and two young daughters, for their “How I Get It Done” series.
- The Cut also shares a mom’s experience of dual culture shock after moving abroad with her six-week-old baby.
- Her View From Home blogger Jorrie Varney writes about why, instead of going to sleep after putting her kids to bed, she chooses “alone time, hands down, nearly every night.”
- The Week shares the perspective of a mother who, at 40, has no regrets about her decision to be a mom at an advanced maternal age, but adds, “I just wish my knees didn’t hurt so badly.”
- The New York Times offers advice to parents on dealing with adolescents’ requests for tattoos or piercings.
- The New Yorker offers a dystopian view of the world of Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends.
- Recipe of the Week: The New York Times’ Cooking has 16 recipes that are ready in 20 minutes or less.
- Laugh of the Week: Scary Mommy shared a missed connections post on Facebook by a mother of three seeking her potential BMFF (best mom friend forever) at Target with the hope that one day they can “wander around aimlessly in Target together for our moms’ night out.”
Also, do be sure to check out the news update over at Corporette!
On Corporette Recently…
- We shared financial advice for women lawyers just starting in Biglaw (or other very high paying gigs).
- We offered the best beauty store tips and tricks.
- Our How to Build a Work Wardrobe series continued with How to build a work wardrobe at Talbots.
- We suggested the best merino wool sweaters for work.
Did we miss anything? Add ’em here, or send them to [email protected]. Thank you!