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Some of the articles of interest to working mothers that we’ve seen around the web recently…
- The Washington Post shares how to prepare kids to have a good and safe time during Monday’s solar eclipse.
- Cool Mom Picks offers the best places to buy jeans for tall girls.
- The Cut profiles Chloe Lonsdale, founder of M.i.h Jeans and mother of four kids under the age of 7.
- LifeHacker’s Offspring explains how to find a hack-proof baby monitor.
- Offspring also suggests a “veggie happy hour” to get kids to eat more vegetables.
- PBS’s NewsHour reports on why some preschools are sending kids outdoors, rain or shine.
- The New York Times details why many moms feel they are always being judged for their parenting skills, especially by their own families.
- The New York Times also reports that sleep problems during pregnancy could be connected to premature births.
- NPR shares the results of a study in MCN: The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing that found many nurses were ill-equipped to talk to moms about postpartum health risks.
- The L.A. Times offers advice on how to talk to your kids about last weekend’s violence in Charlottesville.
- An opinion in The Washington Post states, in light of the Taylor Swift trial, girls should no longer be raised to think that they should always be polite.
- Recipe of the Week: A healthy take on corn fritters.
- Laugh of the Week: Scary Mommy shares parenting tips from Ali Wong and other comedians.
Also, do be sure to check out the news update over at Corporette!
On Corporette Recently…
- Readers discussed how they handle drinking at networking events.
- Kat shared small purchases that have made a big difference.
- Readers shared their favorite colors they wear to work.
Did we miss anything? Add ’em here, or send them to [email protected]. Thank you!