Family Friday: New Jammies

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A pair of New JammiesIf you have a kid who’s had eczema or other skin problems (or in general if you like to buy organic cotton), you know that pajamas can make a big difference — and that they’re normally fantastically expensive. And of course, because they’re organic cotton, they never seem to last long either. We keep buying this brand, New Jammies, which go as low as $16 per pair at Amazon. They’re cute and they come in short and long sets, and for summertime this cotton pajama shorts set is cute. There are tons of patterns to choose from, too. I highly recommend the brand. New Jammies This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

Sales of note for 1/16:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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I would lay it all out, personally. You sound like a rock star who will succeed wherever you end up and will have a great recommendation from your current boss. Your manager will be up a creek if you leave – and he knows it – so you won’t be the only person giving the Big Bosses the message that you are necessary to the successful conclusion of the deal you’ve been working on.

I agree with you manager – you should tell the Big Bosses that you are committed to staying, provided that it’s worth your while. You don’t need to say, “I do all of [manager’s] work, but you should absolutely say [I know that [manager] very much values my contribution and relies upon my ability to get things done.”

Good luck. Calm, cool, collected and fact based conversation – you got this!

Okay Hive, please be somewhat kind but firm with me today, ha. I’m a little fragile from my beat down of a work week where I was pulled from a deal team (see below) and my boss was given credit for work that I do completely independently (without him) in a large meeting.

I am in a work environment where a layoff is looming. Our part of the business is being sold and we will either go with the new company or be laid off with a severance package. My area of the company/business is very typically “old boys club”. I have spent the last few years showing my worth, and then using that showing to help turn the tide a little against the old boys club.

I’m on a two person team where my near-retirement manager only became my manager because they were restructuring for the sale and didn’t know what to do with the two of us (he’s been at the company for 38 years, so has seniority). He is equal parts awesome, because he lets me do what I want, and infuriating, because I do 80% of the work (he has a lot of business knowledge, but I have all of the legal/negotiating/technical knowledge) and he gets all the credit.

For the upcoming sale he and I play a HUGE part in getting it done and making it work. Based on this I worked hard to get him to invite me to the deal meetings. And it happened. It was awesome, I was able to show my worth, and frankly, it felt really good to finally be getting accolades for the fact that I do the bulk of the work around here. Then a major speed bump hit the deal (not related to our work at all). Everything has been on hold for a few months, but it is getting back on track.

The Big Bosses are now involved to ensure no further speed bumps and have declared that only one person per team is allowed in the meetings. So i’m out. My manager has advocated for me to be back on (because he has admitted to me that he needs me there to help understand the work, requests, etc), but Big Bosses say no, they want to keep it small. I still field a lot of the questions and do the work for the deal (behind the scences, so Big Bosses don’t see it), so it’s super infuriating.

But, one of the Big Bosses (who also decides our bonuses) is currently asking around to see “what everyone’s plans are” aka asking if we are planning on staying until the end, and if not, what might keep us here. My manager has advised me to be somewhat honest “i’m sticking around because I love my job, want to see what the new opportunities are, and for the retention bonus, but I have had other opportunities come up”(all true). I can’t decide what to do. My boss has implied (and I know) that they really NEED us to stick around until the end.

So, can I be honest about the amount of work I do? Should I ask to sit on the deal team again? Or does that seem inapprorpiate for a meeting like this?

For those of you who became pregnant quickly with #1, did that have any effect on conceiving #2? I got pregnant 12 days after removing my IUD, and was sick instantly (and constantly for the entire pregnancy), and it was not at all what I expected. It worked out wonderfully and I am very grateful it was so easy to conceive, but I want to be ready if that happens again. We are thinking about #2 and I’m wondering if I should prepare mentally for another insta-pregnancy or if past performance is not indicative of future results. I can also see myself stressing out if it takes a really long time. Just curious what others’ experiences have been.

Question for those of you who have potty-trained girls – is there a way to make it less messy? I knew that when we had a boy, there would be . . . aim issues. But I figured those days were over. However, when little girl sits down and goes on the potty, it shoots out everywhere unless I get her sitting (and still!) in just the right position. What’s up with that? I’ve never realized that we had that ability going on down there. Any advice to stop that?

Camping with a 2.5 year old: peaceful venture into nature or more work than it is worth?

This is our first camping trip with kiddo and I am envisioning exploring the area, dipping our toes in the nearby river, smores by the fire, and bedtime stories by flashlight. I am not a seasoned camper (this will be my second camping trip ever), is this a bad idea? The sight is only an hour and a half away so we can always quit and go home at any time.

Hoping for some reading recommendations. It’s been a long slog of infertility treatments, but the upcoming procedure is expected to be successful (I know, I know…). After 19 months, I’m about as even keeled about this is anyone could be.

Still, I’m looking for a couple recommended blogs/books/anything about pregnancy for first timers. ‘What to expect while you’re expecting’ is the only title I know. Is that the best, or just the best known? Would love a website or two that I can read during the work day. I’d love to read about things from what to eat/not eat all the way to how to financially prepare for baby. I’m a full time (50-60 hr week) professional in “big finance” (i guess?). I out-earn DH by quite a bit, and I will continue working post baby, in case that colors any recommendations. Thanks!

How does organic cotton help eczema? Our guy has it but we never purchased organic because of the price. Can you elaborate a bit on the benefits? Thanks!