Makeup & Beauty Monday: Mighty Patch Invisible+ Acne Pimple Patches

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Two hands holding pimple patches in front of the package

Even though I’m in my 40s, I still get the occasional blemish. My secret weapon is pimple patches like these.

Hero Cosmetics’ Mighty Patch both treats and conceals — better than makeup alone. This hydrocolloid gently absorbs the gunk from whiteheads and protects your skin while it heals — it pretty much eliminates any temptation to poke or pop. Target has also designated this a “Clean” product, free from a number of questionable ingredients.

These pimple patches are $10.99 at Target for a pack of 24.

Sales of note for 11.25.24 (Great Black Friday Sales!!)

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my 4.5 year old has been having a major major potty training regression and has basically decided she’d rather pee in her pants than on the potty. we potty trained thanksgiving 2020 and she barely had any accidents since until about a month or two ago when she started having multiple accidents a day. Now she seems to prefer to crouch down and pee in her pants (even when the bathroom is literally three steps away). She only pees in the potty (though we’ve had a few floor accidents) when she isn’t wearing undies or pants, so trying to do a lot of that at home. we’ve tried talking about it and she says its bc she doesnt want to stop playing, but some of the times when this happens she is not playing. i think it is psychological and has to do with her newfound obsession with death, which started back in September when Queen Elizabeth died. Totally random I know, but somehow the mention of that by DH made her thing about how my mom has died etc. She has had some separation anxiety since, but her teachers say she is fine at school (other than the accidents which they are fortunately being really kind about). I spoke with a therapist who used to work at a children’s hospital specializing in kids dealing with trauma to see if i should seek therapy, and she said the reasons to seek would be if it is impacting her in multiple areas of life, and/or i am uncomfortable discussing the topic of death with her. I am fine discussing it with her, but she genuinely seems anxious about people not coming back. Like I suggested that tomorrow it could be fun if the visiting grandparents picked hr sister up from OT and she freaked out that the grandparents should not do it, bc they might get lost on the way home. if anyone has a kid who had a major potty training regression – did they outgrow it without intervention?

I keep getting stuck in m0d on the main page. If you have a holiday lights display that you pay someone else to put up, how much do you pay?

Is anyone here part of a country club? We always thought no but are thinking through carefully whether to join since for the next two year while we can use the junior member initiation fee. What do you use it for/ do you find it worthwhile? Husband golfs and I could see us using the pool with kids, but not sure it is worth the price tag? We live in a wealthy nyc burb if it matters, and very much not into the country club stereotype scene.

I have a baby with a LOT of hair. I’d like to do ponytails etc but it seems like hair bands may be a choking hazard? Are there baby-safe hair accessories other than baby barrettes and those stretchy headbands?

My MIL watches my one year old once a week while I WFH and omg I cannot with the high pitched squeaking baby talk. Whyyyyyy do people talk to babies in falsetto??

Not exactly a parenting question, but this group is amazing: Now that we are in the darkest few months of the year, are there any concrete things that you do with your home or family to bring a bit more joy and light into your environment? The swing in daylight where I live is intense. In the summers it is light by 4am and gets dark around 9 or 9:30. Right now, the sun rises at 6:45 and it will be dusk at 3:30. And, it is cold, with a high of 26 today, and we are months away from the coldest time of year. Any ideas?

anyone else have the pre-holiday jitters. i was all excited that we aren’t traveling this year with our 4.5 year old twins but instead family is coming to us now that we have a house, but my MIL’s last visit was a bit of a disaster, bc one of my 4.5 year olds has been acting out a lot lately and now i’m nervous about parenting in front of guests and managing everyone’s feelings. and my SIL is coming with her soon-to-be-fiance and while my SIL doesn’t want a wedding, her bf does, so they will be having one and my MIL already found a venue even though they aren’t engaged yet and the date they’ve chosen is the weekend before my twins start kindergarten and the wedding is a 4 hour plane ride each way, and assuming the schedule stays the same as previous years, they might miss meet the teacher and the class play date, and then we would land on sunday and they’d start school on Monday. we live in an area very prone to flight delays that time of year due to weather, i’m sure the kids will be a bundle of nerves with starting a new school, and so i kind of want to talk to SIL about potentially selecting a different date, but i’m the kind of person who feels anxious about something until the conversation can happen and the conversation probably can’t happen until friday or saturday. and my mom passed away a few years ago right after thanksgiving, so this time of year is also challenging in other ways. ok, vent over. thanks for reading :-)

For those with middle schoolers – how do you handle holiday gifts for the teachers? My son went from having one or two teachers to seven. I generally get each teacher a gift card to Starbucks, Amazon or Target for a good sum. I’m not up for doing the same amount times seven. Is the answer as simple as gift cards but for smaller amounts?

I know this question has been asked a thousand times before, but I need winter boots for my first-grader. We’d been happy with Bogs previously — they kept her warm and were easy to get on and off — but suddenly she’s saying she doesn’t like how they feel. I’d like them to be reasonably easy to get on and off (so, no laces) and waterproof. It gets cold but not Midwest-cold where we are (average winter day is in the 20s). Any advice welcome! I’m happy to pay a bit more since these will get passed on to her little brother and sister eventually.

Saw my husband’s extended family this weekend. The women in his family tend to do much more of the parenting and the mental load for holidays (to varying degrees). The men tend to sit around and watch football. In our day to day my husband’s a full parent and even this weekend he was one of the more involved husbands, but it sure as heck wasn’t 50-50 and I was ready to strangle him.

Okay, trying to figure out what to get for our (amazing) au pair and my (fine) staffers at work.

So far we’ve gotten her air pods as her ‘thing to open’. I think we’ll probably get her some other small things (ski socks, my son wants to get her something, stocking stuffer type items), but… I’m just not sure what the norm is. The ‘big’ gift for our family is ski passes for everyone (including her) and my kids will each only have a couple things to open.

At work – I can’t gift cash and the max is $20/person. Previously I’ve given travel mugs with a DD gift card in them, flashlights, and a gift card to the coffee place in our building. This year, I’m thinking of just… stuffing a Christmas card with Scratch off Lotto tickets. Any other ideas?