Finally Friday: ‘Flex’ Pump


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Women\'s A New Day Shoes Jen Pu PumpsOoh: it’s nice to see that there are three new beige colors for the popular, highly rated, under-$100 Flex pump. Zappos has even more colors, as does Amazon. Michael Michael Kors ‘Flex’ Pump (L-5)

Sales of note for 1/16:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Just need to say that I am so. glad. this week is almost over. H was out of commission with a nasty stomach bug for 2 days that I am living in fear will spread to someone else in the house, I’m totally swamped at work, and the icing on the cake is that I got a fever call from daycare 2 hours before a huge deadline. Working from home with Thomas & Friends on TV. Ugh.

Also – high chairs – worth it to get a pricey one? Looking at the Stokke Steps vs. the Ikea Antilop. The Tripp Trapp was also tempting but it looks hard to clean which kind of freaked me out…

Wheatgerm in your yogurt or smoothie and probiotics will change your life.

First trimester here, second time around. Majorly constipated. I’ve been trying to remedy with what I eat (fiber rich foods, dark green veggies, fruit), but it’s hard when I don’t always feel like eating. Recs for other things I should consider trying? I will raise this at my next appointment with my OB but would appreciate any ideas in the meantime. I tried prune juice last night and almost gagged. I might try mixing it into a smoothie? Help! TIA!

Did anyone else who BF get MAJOR PMS before they re-started their period? I have been a raging b**** for the whole week – snapped at my daycare ladies, started fights with my husband, grumpy with clients. I have a 6-month-old who I EBF/pump for and I am wondering if I am about to start my cycle again. As a related side note, did anyone use a menstrual cup before and after pregnancy? Do I *have* to size up? I’ve been putting off buying a larger one but am pretty sure I should get on that if I’m about to need it…

We finally found one that has a great childcare philosophy, great English skills (difficult to find in our area) and generally competent. However, she did make a comment about not getting on the floor to play with baby too much, and being glad that there weren’t stairs in our apartment building. She also doesn’t want to wear baby to protect her back. She’s 56 yo. My son is 6 months. I can’t decide how important it is for him to have someone who can get down on the floor with him around and hold him more often. I think if he were closer to 2yo and could move more independently, I would have much less of a problem with this. But, it’s not like if he were in daycare somebody would be holding him all the time either (which we would have no problem doing if he got off the waitlist). The other twist is that we are moving soon to a house that has a second floor. But I think we could consolidate all baby activity/care to the first floor, except the bathroom.

I’m leaning towards thinking that this is a non-issue until proven otherwise, but interested to hear what others think or what others have as nanny dealbreakers. It’s been such a grueling process to find the right person…

Balance bikes vs. Trikes? Recs for brands?

I’d like to get my almost 20 month old (how the heck did that happen) kiddo some sort of riding toy. I’ve heard great things about balance bikes, but she seems a bit young for those. I’m also eyeing the push trikes that convert to a real trike — it would be nice to have something we can use around the neighborhood/to go down to the park. I did some searching online but there are a lot of options with varying reviews and prices.

Any favorites? I’m fine with paying a reasonable amount for something that’s good quality, but we’re also not looking for something that needs to last through multiple kids.


I’m looking for a couple pregnancy-friendly (I can size up) or maternity wrap dresses that can work for the next few months. Ideally 3/4 but short sleeve or sleeveless may work too…and ideally these could also be nursing friendly?

Anyone have ones they are currently using and love? I’m tall, so they need to be generous of length.