Accessory Tuesday: Malachite Pearl Earrings
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With the Zoom revolution, statement earnings became the accessory of choice. Here’s a beautiful pair that works in both the virtual world and IRL.
Depending on what you wear with these malachite pearl earrings, they can be professional or even slightly playful. Handcrafted in gold vermeil and set with malachite and freshwater pearls, they’re a modern take on your traditional pearl studs. The rich green adds a subtle pop of color to an otherwise neutral outfit. If you’re feeling bold, add a green shoe or bag.
These earrings from Mejuri are $128.
The earrings are selling out quickly, so here are a few more pearl-and-malachite options, from Etsy: one ($15.30), two ($46), and three ($45.99).
Sales of note for 2/14/25 (Happy Valentine’s Day!):
(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)
- Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
- Ann Taylor – Up to 40% off your full-price purchase — and extra 60% off sale
- Banana Republic Factory – 50% off everything + 15% off (readers love their suiting as well as their silky shirts like this one)
- Boden – 15% off new season styles
- Eloquii – 300+ styles $25 and up
- J.Crew – 40% of your purchase – prices as marked
- J.Crew Factory – 50% off entire site and storewide + extra 50% off clearance
- Rothy’s – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
- Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
- Talbots – Flash sale ending soon – markdowns starting from $15, extra 70% off all other markdowns (final sale)
Looong time reader posting for the first time. I’m an attorney that will be participating in Career Day for my kid’s pre-K class next week. Any ideas of what would be fun and engaging for 4-5 year olds? I think i have 15-30 minutes to fill.
Has anyone else noticed that doctors are becoming more and more eager to send people to the ER? My husband’s doctor and our pediatrician seem awfully eager to refer patients to the ER, especially for imaging or medications that should have been ordered when they saw the patient earlier that day or could wait until the next day. I always thought the ER was for actual emergencies, like appendicitis and broken bones and cuts that needed stitches. I have never been to the ER in my life, but my husband and kids all seem to end up there about once a year for what turns out to be a garden-variety thing. Is this a trend among doctors, or do I just have a wimpy, whiny family? I am getting tired of the unnecessary germ exposure, disrupted sleep and routines, and giant bills.
My 3mo just got sent home from daycare for 72 hours because she had a massive blowout poop. To be fair, it was HUGE (and got all over the poor teacher) — but isn’t this just par for the course for babies? She’s EBF and only poops about every 10 days, so when it happens they tend to be enormous. The director recommended getting some “diaper covers” so the mess is contained next time. Does anyone else’s daycare have this policy? Seems weird to me.
I did when I was sick and had a newborn and I don’t regret it even though it sucked. I am honestly so tired of covid and we were fine when our 4-year-old and 8-month-old had covid along with the rest of the household. But little tiny newborns are just a whole different ballgame. I think we probably should have been wearing masks around newborns in 2019 to be honest. Around 4 months, I start to think that you don’t need to be as careful, but with a newborn, I wouldn’t risk it.
Our daughter, newly six, has some emotional/behavioral issues we need to get under control. She’s on a wait list for a therApist but in our area the waits are bonkers. We don’t she really has anything specific, but she’s super bright, stubborn, young for her class, and may have mild attentive issues and attention seeking behavior which are all coming to a head. She’s a middle child, too, which I think comes into play.
– she will fidget and do things like untie her shoe and swing it around (gently) during class. Her teacher said at our spring conference “i used to think she wasn’t paying attention but whenever I call on her she answers without missing a beat.”
– at sports, she has trouble sitting still and waiting her turn. She’ll do thinks like pick daisies at softball (who doesn’t? But in this case the answer is nobody else!), or start picking at the foam in the mat at gymnastics, before her turn.
– at home, and almost exclusively when tired, she has ragey, snappish behavior and cannot be reasoned with. Extremely emotional outbursts that often end in screaming and door slamming.
The other day she was annoyed at her younger sister and just screamed an ear splitting scream in her face.
– she will do annoying and inappropriate things for attention from both kids and adults. For example, at a playdate she followed the (very friendly) dad of her friend around poking him. I wasn’t there and I don’t know exactly how he reacted but I bet he didn’t say “Kid, stop touching me or you will need to go home.” (Which is the only way to get her to stop sometimes). Another example is that she’s the youngest kid on the bus and I think she gets bored/lonely on the bus. She’ll do things like make annoying noises or get in other kids’ faces. To the point the bus driver tells her to stop, and she says things like “you can’t make me.”
She tends to be really good with firm teachers/adults that lay clear expectations. When lines are blurred (super friendly bus driver, young gymnastics coach with not a ton of experience controlling the class, a friend’s dad) she veers into this weird power dynamic.
Does anyone have a kiddo like this who has made progress with therapy? Any tips/tricks we could start on, or books to read, while we wait?
For what it’s worth, our daughter has started to recognize her behavior is not appropriate. She’ll say things like “my brain is making my body do it and I don’t want it to” or “I know it’s not right but my brain couldn’t stop.” She is very good playing with other kids 1:1 most times, but if a kid wants to play something different than she does, she just plays alone. She plays with kids just fine in groups, but wanders off to play alone a lot. Her teacher described it as “not your typical social interactions” and that she seems immature socially (all true) but no major red flags. We have heard this all through preschool (which unfortunately was short and then really weird due to the pandemic) and have yet to make breakthroughs. It seems like she needs help understanding how to be (and maybe wanting to be?) a good friend.
Anyway, thanks if you’ve made it to the end of the novel. This worried mama is just looking for some advice!
Can someone explain how my nearly-5 year old can compose poetry and build 8+ Lego models independently but “pick out clothes and get dressed” is a nearly impossible task? Like surely if you can follow 60 Lego steps, you can put socks, pants, trousers and a top on?
My husband has been the primary parent for the last year and I’ve always rolled my eyes at his grumbling about getting kiddo dressed and downstairs in the AM. But it IS a pain, he’s absolutely right. It’s not even requesting a change of clothes, it’s just…
I’m hoping it’ll get easier in August when he’s in a uniform?
Okay this is a silly question but I just bought DS a bunk bed for his birthday. He’s been dying for one. I think it’ll be fun for a good runway of time and I’m excited. What age did your kids age out of liking bunk beds?
And it’s a twin over full. I usually have two sets of sheets for my kids beds. Do I buy two sets of twin sheets and two sets of full? Should they match? This feels like so many sheets for one boy’s room! Why is this complicated and why didn’t I think about this before?
Also tips on how to make making bunk beds easier? What type of bedding set up I should do?
I posted last Tuesday with the follow-up that we finally got a house in the perfect location after being outbid on several houses! Update #2 – that deal fell apart yesterday.
During the inspection we found ~$50K of structural work that needed to be done, and most of it immediately. The sellers’ disclosure actually had false information about both the HVAC system and the roof, which are well past their expected lifetimes at this point and we found serious issues with these during inspection. On top of the structural work that popped up in the inspection, the house has bathrooms original to the house with that colored tile that was so popular in the 50s and a kitchen that is about 20 years old with junk appliances.
We originally asked for the sellers to cover half of the structural items – these really are things they’re going to either need to fix or disclose to sell the house now that they know about them – but they said they’d give us only $10K to cover one of the items we found. We almost walked away then, but then put together a plan that we could manage and agreed to the $10K in concessions and signed the updated purchase agreement over the weekend. Yesterday morning, they called our realtor and said they are giving us nothing and are holding firm on the original purchase price. They heard something about a nearby house listed on the same day at the same price – a much, much nicer house but in an inferior location to be sure – going for $100K over ask. Our winning bid was $60K over ask. So they want to go back on the market, and it’s being relisted today.
On top of this crap sundae, one of our children tested positive for covid during the concessions negotiation and I tested positive for covid yesterday evening.
So I take back everything I said about things looking up in the housing market – it is very rough out there and I wish anyone looking the best of luck (and I sincerely hope you stay away from the money pit that we almost bought that’s being relisted today!). I’m super bitter and having covid right now is just a kick in the teeth.
First time mom with a dumb question: when you are taking care of your own newborn and have a cold, do you wear a mask? Covid test was negative but I’ve got the start of a sore throat and I don’t want to get my baby sick, but I’m also just de-sensitized from the last 2.5 years, right? It’s not like new parents had masks on hand in 2019…