Makeup Monday: Cream Discovery Set

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I got a sample of these creams and am tempted to restock.

This trio from Sol De Janeiro is the perfect size for your late summer getaway. The warm, tropical scents evoke an exotic beach vacation (even if the only beach you’ve seen lately is your screensaver). Just a small amount restores moisture, firmness, and evenness to parched skin. Toss one in your pool bag, suitcase, or purse for a vacation on demand. 

This Mini Cream Discovery Set is $35 at Sephora.

Sales of note for 1/16:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

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You guys, help. My husband smells so bad at night if he sweats *at all* during the day (which is pretty much inevitable if it’s 90 degrees outside). He showers in the morning and then again mid-day if he works out at lunch. He will shower at night before bed if I specifically ask him to, but it clearly annoys him and I can’t seem to get him to make it a practice. I’m pregnant and the sweaty smell is really making me miserable. But I also understand that 3 showers a day seems excessive. He doesn’t seem willing to switch his morning shower to an evening one, and I certainly don’t want him to smell bad at the office. Any ideas? Is this even normal?

Has anyone bought a Life Vac? I am going back and forth between being really annoyed at their fear-mongering targeted ads and thinking that maybe it’s worth having just in case? But then I think well, if I’m going to get one I should have one for the car etc and it starts to seem like kind of a big investment… But then “what if…”. Ugh parenting is hard.

Does anyone with a Pacifica have advice about installing forward facing car seats in the Captain’s chair? We have rented the Pacifica for a road trip and I can’t figure out how to remove/ extend the headrests so that our car seats can sit back against the back of the seat. We have a Diono and a Graco extend to fit and with both carseats the headrest of the Pacifica tilts slightly forward in a way that the top of the car seat just rests against the headrest and there is a bunch of space between the back of the car seat and the back of the seat.
Usually I can google or YouTube a solution, but I’m coming up empty here.

I’m doing some casual back to school shopping while on calls today. Anyone get anything cute for girls 6-9? We have the very basics covered but are in the market for a fun pair of casual shoes, cute outfit or two. Hit me with any recent faves!

(Yes, the girls pick their own clothes, but I like to offer guided choices to make sure they don’t have like 209443 tank tops and no pants.)

Follow up on my tantrum prone 2 year old — I posted a few weeks ago that my 3rd kid was throwing me for a loop with these wild, throw himself on the floor, screaming tantrum fits. He was my first kid to have these types of fits, so I was at a loss. I got lots of great advice about how to handle big emotions in the moment, which I really appreciated. Also, wanted to add that we just got back from a longish trip with him, and I legit think we were letting him get too hungry, and these seriously epic meltdowns were being driven by hanger!!! My other two kids stave off hanger with high protein diets, but this kid apparently needs more fat in his diet! Having more frequent, higher fat snacks reduced the intensity and duration of his meltdowns. Also, once he starts to meltdown, he won’t eat, so it was really helpful to see how much he improved by getting out in front of the hunger. Just wanted to follow up in case anyone else is trying to troubleshoot a 2 year old :)

Another sleep question. Between summer generally and recent time changes due to travel, my kids are really off their routine. But the problem is my 6 year old who hasn’t fallen asleep before midnight since we got back from vacation and generally only after a ton of screaming and tears. We’ve tried letting her stay up to watch a movie in hopes she’d just get tired, and we’ve tried having her go to bed earlier when she’s not overtired. Nothing seems to work and she is kind of just regressing – wants us to stay in the room with her, screams that she doesn’t want to be alone (she’s not because her sibling is there), says she doesn’t know how to fall asleep, etc. We haven’t really dealt with this in years and I am at a loss for how to deal with it with a 6 year old. She shares a room with her younger sibling which also complicates things (but other than her keeping him up, he’s fine). I am wondering if letting her go to sleep in our room where she at least won’t bother our youngest may be a good idea but she claims to not want to be alone. What do you all do to reset to normal when your kids are jet lagged?

Reposting from Friday… can anyone speak to success stories with Clearblue ovulation tests (or other tracking methods)? Thanks in advance! (And thanks to the responders on Friday!)

Help me! My 2.5 year old started sleeping poorly in the last few months. Difficult to get him to sleep without staying in the room with him and many tears. He’d then wake up between 5am-5:15am crying and we’d have to go in to calm him down and he rarely went back to sleep. After trying everything else, we finally got an Ok to Wake clock. This helped enormously with getting him to sleep–he now goes down pretty easily without us or tears. However, mornings are only somewhat better. He’s waking a bit later around 5:30am but still cries and screams for us to go in there. We’ve tried check ins and that kind of works, but not always. Right now we have the clock set to go green at 5:45am, hoping that one day (?) he’ll sleep a bit later and we can move it back to our ultimate goal of 6am. Is this a pipedream? Will this day never come? Any other ideas on things to try to make our mornings less stressful and maybe even get everyone to sleep a little later?

why is there so much illness going around! my kids are not even currently in group childcare, they are with our nanny and they go to playgrounds and went inside to our history museum wearing masks. last week was pink eye. and last night kid was up screaming that her ear hurt from 11pm-4am. school starts Wednesday, tomorrow is meet the teacher. we missed the last day of school, and hoping we don’t miss the first. how are we even going to make it through the school year? and how am I going to keep my job…

Where do I buy pants from my longish skinny kid? Kid is 6, 47in and about 46-47 lbs. So fits with a lot of size 7s for height but size 6s for weight. He wore size 5 shorts this past summer, but pants need the length. A lot of brands’ pants just fall off his waist, even with drawstrings. I’ve had good luck with Primary before, but even those tend to be short on him, even if they are slimmer.

While I agree it smells tropical, this cream has a SUPER INTENSE smell and weird residue, imo. Would not recommend.

Kat, I’m getting this message (BlogVault Firewall Blocked because of Malicious Activities) when I try to load the page from my computer…it only works on my phone. I haven’t done anything malicious!

Question from an only child mom…what’s the etiquette on joint gifts to siblings? I’m visiting friends soon who have a 3 and 4 year old. Because the kids are so close in age and are too young to have super specific interests, all the gifts I picked out will work for either kid. Is it ok to make it a joint gift? Or do I just divide them in half randomly? Make one individual gift and the rest joint?

I know this is a fancy problem to have, but my dad always wants to travel with us somewhere for Christmas, and this year has proposed Kauai. I don’t know if there will be much to do besides swim in the pool for my 3-yo, who is not very outdoorsy. The hotel my dad has (fully refundable) reserved is not actually on a beach either, so we’d have to drive to a beach. I’m feeling meh about the expense and hassle of going all the way there. Do y’all either (1) think it would be fun/worth it? or (2) have another suggestion that is at least semi-warm at Christmas and doesn’t require a passport? We did Destin last year, which I thought was nice.

We’ve been in a revolving cycle of colds lately and it’s really annoying! I feel like we can never go anywhere because one of us is coughing, and we keep taking turns feeling miserable. I’m pretty sure our 3-yo is the vector here. Is the only way out through?