Maternity Monday: Ruched Tee

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Liz Lange for Target Maternity Ruched Tee | CorporetteMomsI may have had this very top, bought for my first pregnancy with Jack. I remember being disappointed in it — maternity Ts are all disappointing until you really start to show — but I will say, I wore that thing into the ground as a pajama and workout top, as well as a basic while pregnant with both boys. Not bad for a $15 top. This one comes in seven colors, sizes XS-XXL, at Target. Liz Lange for Target Maternity Ruched Tee Building a maternity wardrobe for work? Check out our page with more suggestions along both classic and trendy/seasonal lines. (L-2)

Sales of note for 1/16:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Looking for vacation suggestions. Thinking Europe- stroller accessible city, ideally somewhere with good food, easy to find main floor rentable apartments or apartments with elevators, good museums (that are stroller friendly), ideally a walkable city. Ideally a city we can have stuff like diapers and wipes and a playpen and groceries easily delivered. We’ve done Prague, Paris, Istanbul and Rome in the last two years to give you an idea about us. Usually we do a week or so in the main city and train around a bit.

I had one of these t shirts for my third pregnancy and hated it so much that I took it off the first time I wore it and put it straight in the trash because I felt guilty even giving it away. The material and cut was terrible. Pay the little extra for a basic Gap maternity t-shirt!

Insurance question! Until the divorce is final, I have health insurance through my husband. I can submit claims and check the status of my claims, but all the reimbursement checks come addressed to my husband and there is no mechanism on the website for changing our residential address (apparently he has to change it through his employer, and there isn’t any way to have two addresses). This seems wrong – for privacy purposes, it seems like there must be some mechanism to get checks sent directly to me in my name. Has anyone dealt with family insurance before?

I partly ask because I’ll have claim checks that won’t get sent out until after the divorce, and I’d like to be able to control where that money goes (I expect they will be split, since the underlying claims were paid out of marital funds). My husband is really struggling to keep up with mail and bills, so it’s possible the checks would sit in his mailbox for months….

Yes. I dropped to twice a day much earlier than that, and at the time was still pumping for a surplus. Eventually my supply dropped, and I used up my stash. Towards the end, I would increase to three times a day a few days a week if my output seemed low. I nursed full time on weekends.

Did anyone cut a pumping session at work and still manage to nurse for a full year? My LO is almost 10 months and I find myself growing more and more impatient with pumping 3x a day. Until recently, I was barely keeping up with her milk consumption at daycare, but now she’s eating more solid food and I am getting ahead. I only get maybe 2 oz from my 3rd session but I’m still afraid to cut it. I want to nurse her full time (plus solids) until she’s one. Thoughts?

Thanks! Spouse is supportive and is feeling the same way. He has volunteered to say something, but I fear that doing so will result in major hurt feelings and MIL will be on eggshells around me, which just makes everything worse. For example, it results in her asking 10x more questions, like “Is it ok for me to use this spatula?” “Can I take a shower?” FWIW, her and I have a good relationship, but I think that baby visits are such a sensitive topic.

Grumble, grumble…I am in a foul mood today (and was all weekend). Since the birth of our baby 10 months ago, my MIL has visited us every month. She lives out of state so she stays with us during the visits. The visits are usually a week to 10 days at a time and generally announced. While she can be helpful with certain things, the visits wear on me because I am not used to having another person around all the time. I work from home, so she is not only in my home, but also in my office. This weekend she announced that she has already scheduled a monthly visit for the next 4 months. Our baby is loved and her busy grandmother is taking time to be with her- how can that be a bad thing? But it is! The little habits you notice only when you live with someone are really annoying! I feel like I cant be free in the way that I am when she is not visiting.
The fact that these visits make me so salty makes me feel like a bad person – how can I deny a loving grandmother time with a baby? But I am having such a difficult time letting little things go and embracing our long-term, temporary visitor. Advice? Commiseration?

My kids all spend most of their summers in Keens, which appear to be just about perfect all-purpose warm weather shoes (and fit my kids’ exceptionally wide feet perfectly). . . BUT they are already getting a bit pungent. Any secret Keen cleaning solutions out there? TIA!

Tech question: I can’t seem to turn off the mobile theme here (when I click the “full s*te” button nothing happens), and I hate it. Is there a way to do it I’m missing (not having this problem on the regular s*te)?

When should I start purchasing maternity clothes? Does it make sense to slowly pick up a few things ahead of needing them or should I wait until I absolutely can’t wear my normal stuff?

I’m 8 weeks now and tall, with strong abs, so I’m hoping I can get away with not needing them until closer to 16 or 17 weeks. Two friends were chatting over the weekend though, and one mentioned that she needed them at 10 weeks or so and the other mentioned that she just wore yoga pants to work from week 8-12 (which would SO not fly in my office).

Also, I’m a big fan of the brand Seraphine online- can anyone comment on the fit of their clothes?

Hi all. We are taking what is normally an 8-9 hour car ride with our eight week old daughter this week. She is still eating every two hours during the day. Any suggestions for getting through the car ride relatively unscathed? My thought is to pump in the car and bottle feed her, stopping when she finishes to burp her and let her have a few minutes to go to the bathroom so we don’t have to stop for a diaper change 20 min later. She is pretty good In the car, so I’m mostly concerned about minimizing the number of times we stop. Thanks for any suggestions!

It has recently come to my attention that we are supposed to label all of the baby clothes that we send to daycare. Whoops. What is the best way you have found to do this? And by “best” I mean the least amount of work possible.

I had my baby a week ago! Big Brother (age 6) is loving him.
Today is the Jewish circumcision, the bris (please, no comments on the appropriateness of circ for boys). My comments/feelings on this are that sometimes I think a party 8 days after birth is cruelty to the parents, esp. to the mom. I’m still wearing mesh underwear, for gd’s sake!

But yesterday we went out and saw people and it’s so much fun to brag about our cute new baby and show off our family, and people want to see Cute Baby. So on that part, it’s a really nice idea, and to know that we have a village to support us in this lucky, yet still difficult transition, is truly wonderful.

What are some other rituals that you and yours do for ‘newborns’ – say, 1st year or so? Have you made up your own rituals or integrated cultures at all? Would love to hear about it.

Good morning! Hoping you all can help me with the best way to support a friend going through IVF. Her long fertility journey is continuing with her first implantation soon. She works a full time demanding job. We live in different cities. For those of you who have been there – what kind of support did you most appreciate? I’ve been sending supportive texts on the days of her appointments, etc, but I’m wondering what she might particularly appreciate around this next milestone, including small gifts. Part of my question comes from not knowing what the procedure itself entails for her (bedrest? anaesthesia? pain?). TIA!

I think I’m in shock. I was bleeding last night (at 5.5 weeks with first pregnancy, from IVF) and went in for a scan this morning. Dr. asked how many embryos we transferred (answer: ONE!). It’s identical twins.

Had to share somewhere. I know it’s still so early, but are there good twin resources you all could recommend? Anything in particular relevant to identical twins?

I think I have a big freakout ahead but this all still feels abstract and insecure.