Organizing Thursday: LittBag

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I found this purse organizer while browsing through Oprah’s Favorite Things — apparently, this was one of her “favorite things” from 2018. I like that it has many organizing pockets, a zippered top, and handles, and it looks like it’s a substantial size. Of course, the LED lights are the icing on the cake. As someone who is always rooting around in the depths of their bag for 10 minutes trying to find a receipt, a lollipop, or keys, I would love to have this to light my way. It comes in a bunch of different colors and even has expandable sides for when you’re using a larger bag and/or carrying more things. The other one I see all the time is by ToteSavvy, but that one is to be used as more of a diaper bag. Either way, I like the idea of a purse insert! This one is $41.98 at Amazon and is eligible for Prime. LittBag  

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Sales of note for 2/14/25 (Happy Valentine’s Day!):

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

  • Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
  • Ann Taylor – Up to 40% off your full-price purchase — and extra 60% off sale
  • Banana Republic Factory – 50% off everything + 15% off (readers love their suiting as well as their silky shirts like this one)
  • Boden – 15% off new season styles
  • Eloquii – 300+ styles $25 and up
  • J.Crew – 40% of your purchase – prices as marked
  • J.Crew Factory – 50% off entire site and storewide + extra 50% off clearance
  • Rothy’s – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
  • Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
  • Talbots – Flash sale ending soon – markdowns starting from $15, extra 70% off all other markdowns (final sale)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Any anti-Montessori opinions out there? There is a new Montessori preschool in our neighborhood that looks great. Wondering what questions we should be asking before getting on the waitlist.

suggestions for books for toddlers that deal with mommy going away and then coming back. not about the kid going to school and missing mommy, but more about kid still being at home and mommy going to work or vacation, etc.

Looking for some “this is totally normal” reassurance if possible! My 13 month old daughter (who recently moved up to the toddler room at daycare) has become so much more fussy, clingy, and just not as pleasant over the last month or so. She was such a happy and non-fussy baby (of course there were a few periods of time when she was teething or sick when that was not the case, but overall…) and now she is fussing about something more often than not. She hates being dressed, being put down on the changing table, she screams/cries if we put food on her plate she doesn’t like. She is also incredibly picky and has not been eating much food at all, and we end up just giving her what she will eat (peanut butter sandwich or veggie burger, sometimes pasta) to get her to eat SOMETHING. She won’t eat vegetables or fruits unless they are in puree/yogurt/veggie burger form. She took a few independent steps 2 weekends ago but now has seemingly no interest in walking. She does not have any words yet (that I can tell) which is also making me nervous.

I am sure this is all normal but it’s making me so sad and anxious. When will it get better?

I’m currently seven months pregnant with my first child, and my employer is pushing me to commit to a week-long international business trip when baby will be four/five months old. Is this feasible? If so, what might I want it to look like? I’m completely at a loss given all of the unknowns in the situation!

For reference, I receive two months of maternity leave, with the possibility of up to three months additional sick/disability leave after that if medically necessary. My employer would certainly be reasonable if I had to unexpectedly cancel the trip for an emergency situation, but they would not enjoy a “I thought I could but can’t/I changed my mind” discussion. The hope is to breastfeed, but whether that actually happens and for how long is unknown. My husband does have paternity leave he can take anytime in the first year.

All insight appreciated!

I’m having a pregnancy panic spiral today. My 12 week appointment is next week, and most days are great and positive, and then days like today I freak the **** out about a miscarriage. I know I’m being irrational. I know the odds are really good at this point. Some days are just hard.
7 more days until I know for sure.

Help! Has anyone seen a plastic Elsa figurine in a brick and mortar store than I could use as a cake topper? I struck out at target, Walmart, the dollar store, and party city. They either had figurine packs for $40 or nothing at all. I feel like these things were all but ubiquitous when I wasn’t looking for them. Have you seen one somewhere recently?

I was on Wellbutrin off and on from my late teens to mid-twenties, and just messaged my PCP (who I did not see during that time) to say I was thinking about starting on it again, and she just immediately called in a prescription. Now I’m feeling weird about it. I’m not horrifically depressed or struggling like I was back when I used to take it, but I’m having a harder time than normal managing my ADD (which wellbutrin is an off-label treatment for) and I do get fairly severe seasonal depression every year (usually culminating in a meltdown in the March timeframe) so I wanted to nip those problems in the bud. I did do the questionnaire she sent, and of course I’ve been tired fairly often and thinking I’m not good enough sometimes and having less interest in things and struggling cognitively at work more than usual etc., but isn’t that pretty universal for being an adult in the Winter with small children?

Am I being too flippant about using an antidepressant? Why do I suddenly feel weird about getting what I asked for? I haven’t used them since I was appx. 24, should I risk having them affect me differently or causing me to do something I wouldn’t normally do (like make a weird decision at work) when I could just muddle through? The stakes seem higher now than when I was younger.

Sorry, these are bigger questions than strangers on the internet can answer, but would like reassurance this is normal.

What do you do with the art your kids bring home from daycare/preschool? Toss? If you keep, how do you store everything?

what is the best way to research public schools? can you tour them? I attended private school my whole life so I am not entirely sure how this works. DH and I are looking into buying a house and want a better understanding of the schools. Also starting to think that at least for high school we might need to shell out for private school because while the elementary schools around us are supposed to be really good, one student shot another student at the high school we were thinking our kids would attend….

Unreasonable source of anxiety this morning: Is my house cleaner going to judge me for the messiness of my house? Or is it just job security?

(Note: my house is probably cleaner than 80% of people who have little kids and a dog and one spouse who’s been out of town for work for a couple months… I know this is my anxiety about my own inadequacy in all aspects manifesting in this one way…)

I posted something to this effect on the main board yesterday, but bringing it here today. I think I just need venting and commiseration.

I’ll spare the gory details but we’re otherwise ready to start medication for IUI on Saturday after getting long-waited insurance clearance yesterday. In the same call notifying me of approval, RE’s nurse tells me that I’ve lost my measles immunity from childhood and I need to be re-vaccinated before we start treatment due to “new protocol” in the office (went to this doctor for kid #1 two years ago and this never came up). There’s a 45 day waiting period post vaccination to start treatments. My RE’s office did the bloodwork and had the results of the negative titer test from October 1 and they sat on that information. I could have been vaccinated anytime this fall and would not have an issue.

I’m working through it with the RE’s office, not short of me absolutely going bonkers on them yesterday. Evidently if I petition high enough they will allow me to sign a waiver and proceed without the vaccine so I’m optimistic I will be injecting myself come Saturday. But, the solution aside, it is a crime that something that is so stressful and heart wrenching as infertility can be even further exacerbated by poor procedures and human error like this. And, if I weren’t just so freaking P-O’d and also just strong and willing to advocate for myself, I’m not sure where we’d be. FWIW, this is a major medical institution that is world renowned, not some small operation. The system is just so freaking messed up.

And, before it gets said, I know a 45 day wait in the scheme of things is nothing, but trust when I say that news, on top of everything else that led up to yesterday, gutted me. It shouldn’t come down to that. Sigh and end rant.

I’ve got a 5-month old baby and I can no longer even glimpse a news story about something tragic happening to a child without it triggering anxiety. I was up in the middle of the night thinking about one last night. Is this normal new-mom anxiety, or something more serious?

Need some support today. I feel like I’ve lost my mojo at work and can’t seem to get the win I need to get moving again. I was up in the middle of the night doing breathing treatments with one kid and have to go to an event with my CEO (who scares the daylights out of me) tonight.

The exhaustion, the lack of confidence… it makes me feel like I just want less job, but really I don’t. I like working. I like making money. There is definitely a morale issue during a high-pressure time at work which doesn’t help. My direct boss doesn’t have kids and will work herself beyond all reasonable exhaustion.

Advice for how to fake it ’til I make it? How to feel less intimidated by the CEO? How do I get my groove back?!

Thanks for letting me vent. I really value the opportunity to post here and feel heard and understood.

I’m expecting my first baby any day now. The plan had been for my out-of-town mother to come down for the birth and to stay at my house for a week or so to help while everyone gets settled. A week ago, on my due date, my sister’s son was diagnosed with RSV. My mother is now sneezing and coughing and is continuing to care for my nephew.

Of course, this means that my sister and my nephew won’t visit until he’s symptom-free and no longer contagious. My question is on timelines: CDC says some infants can be contagious for up to four weeks after symptoms go away ( Erring on the side of caution, does that month-long period apply to toddlers (nephew is one year old)? And am I correct that my mother shouldn’t be around me/Baby/our house until she’s been both symptom-free herself and not with my nephew for at least eight days, based on the 3-8 day incubation period referenced in that article? (And is that shorter period applicable to my sister, rather than the 40 days for her son?)

I would be grateful for any guidance here. The pediatrician office we’ll be using doesn’t establish patient relationships until after birth, so I haven’t met or talked with them yet and don’t yet have a sense of their approach or how much stock to put in it — and my OB has been frustratingly unhelpful and vague on this question. It goes without saying that my newborn’s health is the paramount concern. No visits with/caretaking help from my mom in the first days will be a bit of a heartbreaker, of course, but not the priority.

Thankful for the hive wisdom on this.