Accessory Tuesday: Liam Waterproof Bootie

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Liam Waterproof BootieThis waterproof bootie from Blondo has been around for a few years — and getting great reviews — and right now it’s a particularly good bet. You can wear it with skinny jeans, work pants, and maybe even with tights for work. It’s waterproof, has a zip on each side, and has a 1.25″ heel. It’s 10% off right now at Nordstrom, which brings it down to $129. Sizes are 5.5–12, and it comes in black, gray, and tan. Liam Waterproof Bootie Psst: Have you seen our post over at Corporette about what to get for work at the Nordstrom Fall Sale? This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

Sales of note for 1/16:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Thanks to everyone who responded on Friday about how to not become the default parent – I talked to DH and of course he “didn’t even think about it!” (duh) and since then he’s been a lot better. The verbal handoffs as to who “has” the baby have increased, and I have made it a point myself to request them more- one of the responses made me realize how I need to do that too, not expect DH to read my mind!

Thanks as always to this s1te for giving such helpful advice!

I saw the new Tory Burch smartwatch and am kind of thinking I might want one for Christmas? It’s a “hybrid” smartwatch, meaning it looks like a regular watch but does “smart” things. I looked further into it and Fossil makes some nice looking ones as well.
Has anyone tried one of these hybrid watches? is it worth it? I’m a bit confused about how it works without a digital display (how does it alert you to texts and emails?)

Can anyone offer advice on how to talk to a four-year-old about curbing pretend gun play? He has just discovered that he can make his hand into a pretend gun and spends a large part of the day firing lasers at everyone. I know he doesn’t truly understand the implications. I have talked to him about how we don’t do that in our family and that some people use guns to hurt other people but that seems like a slippery slope. They don’t allow it at his school but it happens.

I know it is normal but I find it really upsetting with all that we have seen happen in the country recently. So maybe this is more about me than him?

Anyone want to play virtual stylist?

My husband and I and several of our friends are going to Las Vegas in a few weeks to celebrate a milestone birthday for my husband. I am very excited for a rare kid-free weekend!

I would like a cute dress or two or maybe a cute top to wear out there. However I am four months post-partum so my chest is massive and my tummy is not particularly flat.

Any suggestions of where to shop? Or specific clothing recommendations? I would just like to feel pretty and put together. And maybe a little sexy :) But also not looking to spend a fortune. I am fine with fast and disposable fashion in this case.

Our daughter needs to find a new daycare by next summer (infant program is ending) and we have a fantastic place where we have a spot at the time we need it. The problem is it adds a good amount of time to our commute both ways. It’s doable but not desirable if that makes sense.

So – there is also place between our house and our jobs that is fantastic but has a huge waitlist (it’s closer to downtown of our midsized city so I guess it fills up faster). We had a great tour there a few months ago and I followed up by email. Is it rude/annoying to follow up again and just say we’ll move at any time and still want to be in the line? What should I say to the director? Should I check in every few months?

Thanks for any advice. First child and really want the easier commute…

Pregnancy hormone question:

Has anyone ever felt that their hormones are more balanced during pregnancy? I’ve been pregnant twice now, and except for some bad first trimester fatigue and a few weeks of nausea, the second and third trimesters have been pretty good. My skin is better, hair is better, I’m happier, my appetite is actually more even, I have less anxiety, more normal body hair, fall asleep easier (although with the belly, sleeping through the night is hard). I’m going to talk to my doc, but does anyone know if this means that I could have some hormonal imbalance (low estrogen?) when I’m not pregnant? I’d love to try to harness some of these positives for life post-pregnancy.

What do your kids’ grandparents like to be called? MIL came up with a name for herself that combines her state and “mom.” Think: FloridaMom, shortened to FloMom. She also tells my kids that they have two moms, one regular mom and one FloMom. I find this really hurtful. Husband agrees that its weird and asked her to pick a different name, so she changed “mom” to a short version of he name, think: “FloLiz.” WTF
Kids now use all the names, but mostly call her grandma because its easier. She still wants to be called mom and does other things that diminish my role. I know my kids know that I am their only mother, but MIL’s behavior is so disturbing. Am I overreacting?

@ second child (ugh, threading)

We’re on our third. You really can make it work. We just reached this place in th 2 vs 3 debate about money, and decided that some people want a kitchen update or a nicer car, and for us, we wanted a kid. we bought our house in a town with great public schools and bought a small house. Our kids might (gasp) share a room. My kids *definately* wear hand-me-downs (3 girls).

We just crammed all 3 in in two years, which is insane, but I didn’t want to spend all of my 30s pregnant. I definitely took a step back for a bit but will be able to ramp back up faster than if we’d spaced 3 years.

We have friends that waited until their older kid was 4 to have a second so they only have 6 months of double FT childcare.

We have other friends that nanny share with the younger one and send the older to preschool so the childcare cost isn’t really 2X but 150-175%.

Kids don’t need to have college paid for. It’s a nice to have (our grandparents have indicated they will help, but regardless we are planning to pay for state school). Kids don’t need dance lessons and a bazillion teams. My second (a girl) was “free” in terms of stuff. My third (also a girl) was free plus- we got so much stuff we started selling baby stuff / donating it. We ask grandparents to put $ in their college fund or buy family museum passes and buy them like, stickers, vs a million toys.

See if there are less costly childcare options around. See if either you or DH can flex (this happened as a matter of necessity for us; DH was going to take another job and his employer came back with a promotion and a flex arrangement). I was able to pull myself off the road dramatically as I’ve grown in seniority.

Is moving an option? Could that relieve some of the burden? Smaller house/lower taxes/equal house but worse commute for one person but a home office? Closer to family?

Find your village. I have moms that also work and we swap who watches the kids on stupid closed school days, sometimes we just split a babysitter (neighborhood high schooler- also part of the village!). I have parents of my kids friends that will take them to soccer for me on the weekend if I schlep them to ballet.

I’m of the strong opinion that if you want.more than one, have more than one. You’ll be looking back and regretting it.

If you’re happy with one, by all means, stick with one!! But some people see a bigger family.

My husband and I have talked a bit about having a second. Recently I have been feeling pretty strongly I want to, but I had gotten the sense he wasn’t as on board, so we talked about it. His main concern is how we can afford it. Frankly, it’s my concern too. I can’t even fathom paying twice as much as we are right now in childcare. Our expenses are fairly trim as it is (we don’t live paycheck to paycheck, but we aren’t lavishly spending, either). Husband getting a higher-paying job is not feasible for a variety of reasons. I like my job where I am, I am doing well, I walk to work, there’s a ton of flexibility, and I get paid decently. I am in a fairly competitive field, but my institution has a lot of regulations about raises. My boss has been saying she wants to bump me and get a pay raise, but I can’t tell if this is a carrot on a stick situation or something that will really happen. I could move to a competing institution and probably leverage a higher salary, but I do like my work here. I feel like not having a second kid just because of money kind of sucks. (I know it’s not “just because”; money is a big deal.) I feel like the expense of child care is really the issue. Any suggestions of how to think this through?

One way we could cut money is not funding retirement fully, but I don’t want to do that. I currently contribute 8% to my 401k, because our company matches 150%. It would be idiotic not to take advantage of that match. I could stop contributing to my Roth IRA, but I’m only contributing $200 a month to that, so it doesn’t go too far. I could talk to my parents, who would be able to help us financially, but I don’t love that idea for a variety of reasons. I considered applying for another job and using that to leverage for a raise here, but I have never done that, and I’m not sure how my boss would react. Ugh.

Could you wear this as an alternative to a rainboot, given that they are waterproof? I have bought and returned so many rainboots and still don’t have anything to wear when it rains.

I ordered these from Nordstrom last week and they haven’t come yet. Pretty excited for waterproof, decent looking boots for commuting.

I’m in a commission-only role in finance/i-banking. I’ve posted on the other s!te about it in the past. It’s completely wearing on me and the financial support I was promised in my first 3 years as I build my own business is not there (to the tune of $200k less than what they indicated I’d make). Company admits the support hasn’t been there, and they admit they’ve “failed me” in my first year and things will get better. But with #1 due soon (spring), I’m over it – “it” being the risk and uncertainty that comes with the commission-only nature and the grind-it-out lifestyle. The company is also morphing and growing, so the support they’ve provided others who newly transition into this role is not scaleable at the same level and less likely to be there/be stable.

I do love the deal flow and quality of deals I’m working on, but…. I alllll the other stuff just isn’t a long-term fit – lifestyle, boys club, and of course the comp structure. We poo-poo anyone who leaves our firm or goes “in-house” – saying they couldn’t hack it/they took the easy way out, etc. Some of that narrative is why I’m still here. The reality is since I’m not making big bucks yet, I actually would effectively lateral in terms of comp if I went in house.

I guess I’m curious if anyone here moved jobs – maybe even took what was perceived to be a step back – before/shortly after having kids? I get the whole “don’t leave until you go on leave” thing, but I’ve been dissatisfied long before we knew the baby was on the way. I think what’s changed is the window of time I’m willing to stick it out might now be shorter.

rant-vent: This is the third week at a new preschool for kiddo and it is not getting better. She starts crying at home and screams and cries and tries to run away at drop off. Its almost getting worse everyday. We have watched programs about school, we have talked about how mommy always comes, we have had playdates with classmates, and one-on-ones with the teachers, I don’t know what else to do. The teachers says that they try but she will not engage. Other kids will ask her to play but she just says “no thanks.” She loved her old school, but curiously, she is not talking about it or asking to go back there. She also says that she does not want to have fun or play at her new school, as though she is grumpy by choice.