Finally Friday: Travel Cosmetic Pouch

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LeSportsac Travel Cosmetic Pouch | CorporetteMomsI’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: I’ve really whittled down what I carry for myself after having kids. (This was what was in my bag before kids.) Almost all of my personal stuff now fits in a bag like this lovely LeSportsac travel pouch, and I just move it and my wallet from diaper bag to tote bag to purse as needed. (Although honestly I could probably cut the wallet out of the picture if I tried hard enough!) I like that the pictured bag has outside zippers, comes in fun colors (much easier to find inside a bag!) and is only $22. Happy Friday! LeSportsac Travel Cosmetic Pouch (L-2)

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And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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As a professional and a mother, I don’t let my son take the state tests even though he does well. I wish more professionals would help me in the fight against the corporate takeover of public education. The hours of homework, the lack of recess, the increased segregation, the disparity for how they treat black urban kids compared to white kids in the suburbs, the deprivation of electives in favor or remediation, the prison pipeline, all in the name of privatization which is just giving my tax dollars to corporations. Too many young smart recent college graduates, are jointing Teach for America, also known as Teach for Awhile. I hope more and more of you join in the opt out movement even if you have kids in private school or you are homeschooling. Corporate mothers need to join this fight.

Thanks so much! Any crib recommendations? Anything you love/hate, things to look for?
I feel like I thoroughly researched everything when I was pregnant and now I cant keep up with all the changes!

Hi ladies, I need crib advice for my 1 year old daughter. So far, we have had her in a mini crib and it has been working out really well, but I think she has started to outgrow it. She stands in it and can rock it and she doesn’t have much room to move around at night, causing her to wake up frequently. So, should I just get a bigger (regular sized) crib or start thinking about a toddler bed? I just never really thought about the next step after the mini crib.

Does anyone have any idea if Hotel Transylvania 2 is appropriate for an almost 7 year old (who is not on the sensitive side)? My son got invited to go, and my instinct is that it’s OK but my husband thinks it might be scary.

I need to vent for a second. I am working up until I deliver (if possible), largely because my org has pretty crappy maternity leave, so I need to save all my time up for after the baby comes. I am 39 weeks, and SO SO SO SO TIRED of all the comments I get from co-workers, especially the “you’re still here????” comments, and the comments about how “you’d better not have that baby here!” Believe me, I would rather not be here, and there is nothing I want less than to go into labor at the office. What is it about pregnancy that makes people feel totally comfortable saying things like this?

I have a similar pouch that came with the Everygirl LeSportsac and really like it … but what I like best is the Everygirl. Hoping to use it as a pumping tote when I go back to work. Anyone have experience with doing something similar? My insurance pump is tote-less and although I’ve seen recommendations for pumping bags, I’d rather not spend the money if my current, much-loved Everygirl will do the trick.

Also: hoping to use regular insulated lunch bag to transport the finished product. :)

I’m 20 weeks along and really struggling with the blues. Did this hit anyone else? I have felt just really sad and down for more than a month now. I’m sure it’s largely caused by hormones, as well as this impending sense that life is about to change. Don’t get me wrong – I’m so excited for this baby and he is very wanted. But I also feel really down and then mad at myself for not being happy and glowing like I’m supposed to be, which makes me feel more awful. I recently started therapy but too recent to have made any big impact. Am I just not cut out for pregnancy?

LeSportsac cosmetic cases are on ruelala today!

So I’ve been doing pretty well at not freaking out about pregnancy and all the changes your body goes through, but….

Today I am wearing a 34H bra. This is absurd. I’ve always had a larger chest and hated it, so this is really not my favorite. If one other person tells me, ‘it’s only going to get worse’, I will pinch them.

Gah, I can’t wait to be done with having babies and get a reduction.