Family Friday: LCD Writing Tablet

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When we first received a similar tablet as a gift, I wasn’t sure what a six-year-old would need a tablet for. Now, I’m a believer — it has saved us from many a meltdown.

My daughter can write and draw anywhere, anytime — no paper, pencils, crayons, or markers needed. For parents, it’s blissfully mess-free, portable, and durable. According to Bravokids, the battery lasts about six months. (I don’t think we’ve replaced ours yet, and it’s definitely been more than six months.)

It’s perfect for keeping kids occupied in restaurants or on the go. And, when you get home, there isn’t a stack of art to add to the fridge.

The tablet starts at $21.99 depending on the color and whether it’s monochrome or not.

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And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Am I crazy, is there is link to this LCD tablet somewhere? I’m interested but how do I find it?

I had extra vacation left so I’m taking today and next Friday off and doing all those glorious tasks like taking donations to Goodwill, cataloging kiddo’s artwork, and buying gifts for the church giving tree. It actually feels amazing. There’s a lot to be said for checking stuff off your to-do list. 10/10 recommend.

My 3 year old’s teachers told me he pushed another kid down today at preschool. This is new behavior for my kid. Should I text the other child’s mom to apologize (I don’t think he was hurt, but he did fall down and ask my child to stop)? Also, any tips on dealing with this type of behavior?

Y’all. My 3.5 year old is out for blood. She is excessively whiny from sunrise to sunset. She won’t stay in her bed overnight. She’s obsessed with me and not DH right now which is making me extra insane (him too).

How do I handle the tantrums? Like full on, throws body on the floor sobbing when we do anything that she doesn’t want. We typically ignore and just stick to the expectation “it’s time to eat. no you cannot play outside [in 15 degree weather]” but sometimes that just escalates and when it’s bedtime, or worse 2 am, everyone ends up upset.

It is one thousand percent attention seeking. We do a lot of “when I count to three you can choose X or Y but those are your only choices”. That has more success than anything else. We validate big feelings. We redirect and distract. Time out doesn’t work. Sometimes we end up yelling, which I’m not proud of, but now we’re seeing her yell at us in the same way. Parental fail – monkey see, monkey do, clearly. Tell me this is just a phase or am I failing as a parent, because the latter seems way more likely these days.

BTW, ‘progress report’ from preschool claims she’s an adorable, calm natured, smart and responsible little girl. She’s (mostly) good for our nanny. It’s clearly a mom and dad thing.

My son (almost 4) drew all over the walls, floor, and our sofa last night in sharpie. I spent more than an hour scrubbing this morning, on my day off. I am so frustrated, that is all.

My son’s school requires that birthday treats are store-bought and individually packaged, and they must have an ingredient list on the individual package. I’m at a loss — any ideas for something in particular that would be good? All I’m coming up with is cruising the snack area at Costco and trying to find something there. I was hoping I could do individually wrapped decorated cookies from a local bakery if they put the ingredient list on each package, but that’s not a “store”.

My 6 year old is very picky eater and it’s turning into not really eating very much at all. She’s naturally thin like her father, and she has her annual check up next week so we’ll see how her growth chart is, but I am getting really concerned about how little she eats. She came home from school yesterday and looked very pale. I realized she had eaten a bit of the rice we gave her and a small chocolate from her advent calendar, and that’s it. She did eat a really good dinner that night. I’m not so worried about her weight as much as I am about her getting the right nutrition. She doesn’t like cheese, except on pizza, and we are mostly vegetarian so she doesn’t eat meat–we’ve offered but she won’t try it. She does like beans, chickpeas, tofu, peanut butter but those are in constant rotation and I think she’s just getting sick of them. I know the whole, kids will eat when they’re hungry thing, but I just don’t believe that she can go a whole day at school and only feel hungry enough to eat a cup of rice. She’s very active. I don’t know, I’m just worried. Any thoughts appreciated. Also–how do I bring this up with her doctor without making her feel like there’s something wrong with her? I don’t want to make her feel bad about it. She has a very healthy body outlook.

We have something like this and it has been GOLDEN for getting our 7-year-old through her older brother’s holiday concerts and church services.

A writing tablet is great and all, but you can’t fold paper airplanes with it after you’re done writing, which seems to be the primary use for my first-grader’s worksheets. My house has more planes in development than Skunk Works ;)

Anyone have a recommendation for YouTube (or other online) prenatal yoga? Now in my third trimester and feeling increasingly creaky/sore. I tried one last night, but it was very focused on “preparing for birth” (e.g. “this will help you open up your pelvis for the baby! this will help you breathe through contractions!”). I’d prefer one that’s just about making me feel less terrible.