Finally Friday: Knit Long Vest

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A woman wearing a Knit Long Vest.I was recently shopping on lower Fifth Avenue in NYC and kept seeing sweater vests and long duster vests in all of the stores — to be honest, I’d always thought they were kind of stupid in previous years when the trend was just getting started. (I like my arms to be warm!) But when I later went to a discount store (Century 21) and saw a sweater vest on deep discount, I couldn’t help myself and got it. I’m now wearing the darn thing everywhere (on top of dresses! on top of skinny jeans! with flared trousers!) and I feel like it’s a great way to quickly and easily update almost any look. I can’t find the one I got online, but this one at Nordstrom looks similar, but with one major difference: pockets! Very important! It’s $69, and comes in four colors. Echo Knit Long Vest Some other options are here, here, and here. Anthropologie has the motherlode if you want to see a ton of variety, though!

Sales of note for 2/14/25 (Happy Valentine’s Day!):

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

  • Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
  • Ann Taylor – Up to 40% off your full-price purchase — and extra 60% off sale
  • Banana Republic Factory – 50% off everything + 15% off (readers love their suiting as well as their silky shirts like this one)
  • Boden – 15% off new season styles
  • Eloquii – 300+ styles $25 and up
  • J.Crew – 40% of your purchase – prices as marked
  • J.Crew Factory – 50% off entire site and storewide + extra 50% off clearance
  • Rothy’s – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
  • Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
  • Talbots – Flash sale ending soon – markdowns starting from $15, extra 70% off all other markdowns (final sale)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Hey all – a friend of mine who is done having kids gave me two pairs of very high-quality maternity jeans. They fit great and are comfortable, but they are wider-leg and that style just doesn’t look great on me. I’m wondering whether it’s worth it to have a tailor take in the legs to make them more of a straight style? Anyone have any idea how much this would cost and if it’s worth it for jeans I will be wearing for approximately 5 months (maybe more if you count potential wear during my pregnancy for #2 further down the road)/

Does anyone have advice for a 30-month-old yelling “Go away” and “I don’t like you” at me, her father, the dog, etc? She does it mostly when we are doing something she doesn’t like (like telling her to stop playing with a toy and get her shoes on) but sometimes it comes out of the blue too. We’ve tried saying that it hurts our feelings, we’ve tried walking away (she usually follows, trying to get our attention), and we’ve tried just ignoring it, but she persists. We haven’t been consist with these responses because a lot of times it’s in a situation where it’s not safe to walk away, like the changing table or the bath tub. I don’t think it’s serious enough for a time-out, which we use for hitting, but it does bug me. Any thoughts?

Ugh, anyone have experience with a toddler having trouble adjusting to preschool? My twins are 2 1/2 and they just started going two mornings a week, 9:30-12:30, on Thurs and Fri. Yesterday, I got a call saying B was sick and asking if I wanted to come get him. So the au pair went and picked up both of them. But he was fine! He was just really upset about not wanting to be in music class and had cried so much his nose was running and he was coughing. But the au pair says the minute she showed up, he wiped his face and smiled a huge smile. Within ten minutes of getting home, he was bouncing around the room. Today, she texted me that they had asked her not to leave J.B. and to take him home instead. Then it turned out he could stay after all. I called the director to see what was up. She said he was very worked up and that that can get the other kids in the class worked up. I realize he’s my son, and yes he can have meltdowns, but nothing outside the bounds of normal two year old behavior. I’m meeting with the teachers on Monday anyway (we missed back to school night and so I had set up a quick meeting just to say hi and hear a little about what the class would be doing), but I’m kind of frustrated, confused, and not sure what to do, if anything. He does tend to get overwhelmed with a lot of new people all at once, and it’s kind of chaotic getting to the 2 yo room in the morning (it’s kind of a scrum with a big foyer with all the rooms opening off of it and five classes of kids and their parents all criss-crossing to get to the different rooms) plus he tends to cry whenever he’s left somewhere. I guess I would have thought that either people who opt to teach two year olds would have techniques for dealing with this kind of behavior, or they would have specific recommendations for us for what to do with him before and at drop off to deal with this. But instead it was kind of “oh, he can’t stay if he’s like that, well I guess he’s calmer now so yes he can, but he’s really screaming but no I wouldn’t say this is abnormal for a 2 year old.” Just wondering if anyone has any experience like this or any suggestions. This woman is also a brand new director so maybe she’s still trying to figure all this out.

Sorry for the long post. My 17-month-old son has never liked having his diaper changed, and we’ve always had to distract him with toys or a bottle or something to get through them. But for the past month or so, he’s been throwing increasingly intense tantrums over every diaper change and whenever we put on clothes in the morning or pajamas at night. He starts crying before we even get to the changing table, then cries and screams throughout, plus turns over on his stomach, throws any toy or sippy cup we try to distract him with, kicks and hits the air (or us if we’re in the way), and flails backwards, sometimes hitting his head. I think it started getting bad when he was sick and we were having to give him medicine he didn’t like. I’ll admit that we haven’t always kept our cool and have yelled at him a couple of times and have held him down just to get things done, which of course made thing worse (we have never spanked or hit or intentionally hurt him).

Last night I decided it was time for a reset. I don’t want something we have to do at least twice a day to be this miserable for everyone. I read some tips online and tried to implement them. I took him to his dresser and gave him a choice on what he wanted to wear. He picked his outfit by pointing to/grabbing some shorts and a shirt. We went over to his changing table and asked him to take out a diaper and a wipe for me. But as soon as I started taking off his pajamas, he was crying, screaming, flailing, kicking, etc. I tried to give him the choice of standing up or laying down, but he just collapsed to his stomach. We ended up changing his diaper with my husband holding him up and me putting it on (but this can’t always be a two-person job, for obvious reasons). We decided to get him dressed away from the changing table, and we played a little game with him first so he was laughing and happy before we started. He cried a little when we dressed him, but it was better.

I have tried changing diapers away from the changing table, but it doesn’t help. Mostly, he just crawls away naked unless we hold him down, which causes the same tantrums. He also does the same thing when other people (babysitters, grandparents) try to do this.

Does anyone have any other tips for calming this process down? A lot of the tips online seem to apply to older toddlers. He’s not talking yet, and he really can’t dress himself.

Any recommendations on maternity compression tights? I am just about 17 weeks and I’ve had issues with circulation prior to the pregnancy, so I’ve been looking around but not having luck. I’ve heard recommendations for Solidea Maman, but can’t find them anywhere! I’d really appreciate any recs. Thanks, ladies!!

I just stood up for myself and my family to a toxic family member. I’m very proud. I did it by shutting her down — I said, “I don’t need to explain this to you.” And then I asked questions, “What are you going to do with this information? Why do you think this (side) conversation beneficial to our situation right now?” AND I cc-d it to people — so they can see her trying to escalate it and see me trying to shut it down. I’m really, really proud of myself.

I have a lot of thoughts about these long vests. Realistically I doubt that I will wear or buy one.