Budget Thursday: Jasmine Printed Wrap Dress

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Jasmine Printed Wrap DressThis dress is $145, which isn’t exactly a “budget” item, but it is 30% off, and it’s a washable wrap dress with a lot of sizes that’s from a great workwear brand, Hobbs. (I recommend Hobbs here a lot because they have so much that’s work-appropriate and washable.) The print looks great as well. So for $145, down from $210, I would say that it’s a good budget pick. It’s at Bloomingdale’s and comes in sizes 2–12. Jasmine Printed Wrap Dress Two plus-size options are at 6pm and ASOS. This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

Sales of note for 1/16:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Probably too late to get many answers, so I may try again tomorrow– but how many activities are too many for a 3.5 year old?

Kid recently started her first activity– a 30 minute once a week “dance” (creative movement) class that she loves. One of her friends from school is in her class and I’m getting to be friends with her mom. Then, soccer at starts next week– it’s at the daycare, but it starts at 4:30, so I consider that to be kind of an evening activity. So I signed her up for that. But then I remembered that I wanted to sign her up for swim lessons. So it’d be Tuesday swim lessons, Thursday soccer, and Friday ballet. Should I wait til soccer is over (10 weeks) to start swimming?

I know this all sounds crazy overscheduled, but… here are my pros:
1. I am an “indoor kid” and I don’t think I set a very good example of a physically active life for my kid. We mostly just sit around all the time we’re at home.
2. When my husband is traveling, I get kind of lonely. I’ve really enjoyed having some social time with my kid’s friend’s mom, and I’d love to have some time to work out at the Y.
3. Kid wants to do all these activities.

The cons are…. I don’t want to force her to do too many things.

WWYD? 3-year-old is ready to move into a big-girl bed and I need to buy bedding. Is it better to go for better-quality (PBK, specifically) or the cheaper route? I feel like I’ve gotten burned by inexpensive bedding before that just hasn’t held up, but … she’s 3, and her tastes will change a lot over the next few years.

Hi mamas,

Our spirited, wonderful girlie who turns 3 in a few months has started waking up about every hour and a half crying. All. Night. Long. She also has been waking up way too early in the morning and yelling for us or banging on the walls or singing the same line over and over again or otherwise NOT SLEEPING.

Is this a developmental phase? We have, in desperation, ordered the okay to wake clock and are making an appointment with the pediatrician. I welcome all suggestions, old wives’ tales, etc. We need some sleep!

I really like YogaGlo and they have lots of prenatal options.

On birthday parties – we recently attended a 12pm 3rd birthday party for one of kiddo’s BFFs from daycare. My first thought was “what kind of lunatic schedules a toddler party at noon?” but I held my tongue figuring they had a very good reason for scheduling it then (grandparent availability, apartment complex rec room availability, etc). It turned out some of that was in play, plus the birthday girl has dropped her nap. In any case we are getting more and more laissez-faire about weekend naps as kiddo will occasionally reject a nap or take a short one with no ill effects as he gets closer to age 3. If he was younger or still more clearly needed his nap, though, I’d have politely turned down the invite!

Speaking of birthday parties, how do people afford to invite the whole class? My kid wants to invite some friends from school to her party, but we can’t give out invites at school unless they’re to the whole class. I’m going to try to stalk the parents at drop off, but otherwise how do I get them an invite? And who are these people who can host 27 kids? Are their houses gigantic or are they paying out the nose for a deluxe party at Chuck E Cheese? Because I’m neither of those and thought 10-15 kids was almost too much already.

Does anyone know of any good pregnancy workout videos available online? I’m not opposed to paying for them if the cost is reasonable. Thanks!

My 2.5 year old daughter received a birthday party invitation from a daycare classmate in her room last week. The party is during naptime if you follow the daycare schedule. Daycare naptime is from 11:45-1:45. The party starts at 1:30. I really don’t even understand. Our daycare naptime is admittedly early, so I’m guessing a lot of kiddos in her class don’t even start naptime on the weekends at home until closer to 12 or 1. I can’t imagine that 1:30 really works with anyone’s nap schedule in our class, especially by the time your child wakes up, gets ready for the party, and you drive there. On weekends, my child usually sleeps until 2:30ish. We are declining. But I just had to vent for a moment and say what the heck?

This may be the dumbest question ever, but…I have come to terms with the fact that I really should be wearing my glasses anytime I’m not working directly in front of the computer. Including when I’m running around the house with my 12-month-old. Is there some parenting magic that will keep him from pulling them off of my face when I carry him? Or should I just get contacts?

I just started a new position as an internal consultant, in which my primary role is to analyze applicable guidance and advise applicable business areas and external clients. It’s a somewhat senior role, by both internal grade and required years of experience (5-7) and education (masters preferred.) I’ve had 7 years of experience in this particular area, and a masters.
The reason I’m prattling on about the experience required is that I’ve done no substantive work since I started – and now we are undergoing an audit and I’ve been tasked with really administrative tasks, like monitoring and taking attendance, down to passing around sign up sheets. I’m responsible for these tasks for the entirety of the audit, and nothing substantive.
This seems really bizarre to me. I feel kind of gross for bristling, like I’m “above” it – but there it is, that’s how I feel. What’s worse – this is work requiring me to put in twelve hour days. I miss my kids!
This is not what I left my previous job for, and I’m angry.
I’m wondering if I should look at it as all hands on deck or something – what would be your guys’ take?

We want to take a long weekend over Memorial weekend, plus the Thursday and Friday before, with DD who will be 15 months. We are looking at taking the train from Philly to Montreal, and getting an AirBnb. It’s supposed to be a beautiful train ride, and DD could walk around unlike on a plane. DD naps well in a stroller or carrier, and the plan would be to explore the city, go to parks, and eat pastries by day, and then put her to bed and eat cheese and drink wine by night. Is this a good/doable plan? Is the city generally child-friendly – could we take her to a cafe or restaurant for lunch or an early dinner? Any recommendations on things to do or areas of the city to stay?

Last year we put the Tomy squeak eggs (recommended here, and they were a HUGE hit!) and the Haba wooden shaker eggs in my son’s Easter basket. Any suggestions of similar fun Easter-ish toys for a 21 month old? We aren’t religious but just enjoy celebrating holidays.

May not be relevant as it’s not a firm, but for others- I stepped down into a new role (new boss/dept). I was a VP/dept head with a high travel role and managed a team of 30+. I moved into an account VP role, which is individual contributor and manages 2-3 key clients. Pay cut wasn’t that bad- something like $190k with $30k bonus down to $180k $15k bonus. Total number of hours worked went from 80+ to 50/60, time on road went from weekly to monthly, and overall stress was basically obliterated overnight. I did end up reporting to a former peer (I was VP, she SVP but we had the same boss), but we had a great rapport before and I framed it as I “don’t want to stay in my current role, what do you think I should do” and she said DO NOT LEAVE, JOIN MY TEAM.

A friend with a slightly older kiddo than mine has generously offered hand me down clothes. The tricky part though is that she wants them back when we’re done as they’re hoping to have a second. Similarly, I was planning to keep things that I buy in case we do. Anyone have a great system for keeping track of what outfits came from where so that I can honor her request easily? I’m thinking maybe take photos each time we get a donation with a paper sign indicating size?

Has anyone ever successfully given up responsibility while staying at the same company or firm? What are the pitfalls beyond the inevitable (and okay) pay cut? For reference, this is a law firm and the individual would be going from partner level work to associate level work with reduced hours. Any wisdom?