Make My Life Easier Thursday: Humidifier Cleaning Fish

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Protec Humidifier Cleaning Fish One day (and it was yesterday for me) you realize that the sun is setting earlier and there’s a chill in the air that makes you fast forward in your brain to wintertime — the cold, the dark, and the dry air. One day in the not so distant future I’ll break out the humidifier for my son’s room (where did I put that thing again?). While looking for something completely different at the pharmacy the other day, this product caught my eye. You put it in your humidifier, and it is supposed to keep bacteria at bay and (hopefully) extend the time period in between washes. Since ease of washing ranks in the top three requirements for a humidifier that goes in a child’s room, this seems like a good way to keep things simple. It’s $4.97 at Amazon and also sold at Target (online and in some stores) for $6.99. Humidifier Cleaning Fish This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!
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My son is 2.5 (bday in January). He started preschool in January and the new year recently started. He spends 9-3 in a class of 2 and 3 year olds and then 3-5:30 in aftercare in a mixed age setting. There are two groups of kids in aftercare. He’s in group one and all of the boys he started school with in January (his “friends”) are in group 2. But his two favorite teachers are in group one. Does it matter if he’s separated from his friends? He’s easy-going and doesn’t complain (which is part of why he was the one they pulled out due to numbers/ratios) but he also seems to mostly be inside whereas all the other boys are outside.

Getting geared up to TTC. What ovulation/fertility tracker app do you recommend? Bonus if it’s free. Thank you!

Would anyone like to fantasy interior design for me? I want to redo my master bedroom. We need all new furniture and paint. We are in a traditional cape cod and there’s a chair rail around the whole room. It’s a large room but awkward spacing, with two large cape cod style windows that jut out but can’t really be functional. I literally have no vision here. I like simple, modern, fresh. Floors are carpet. Anyone have a vision here?

Does anyone else have a preschooler who is sort of a tornado, for lack of a better term? She leaves behind a stream of toys and drawings and “treasures” everywhere she goes. It’s exhausting. I do have her pick up big toys before bedtime, but it’s more like … why is my kitchen table suddenly covered in Polly Pockets and rocks and markers? Polly, the rocks, and the markers all have storage spots, none of which are located in the main living areas. Is this even a solvable problem, or do I need to s*ck it up for a few more years? I am a person who is very affected by random clutter and it seriously stressed me out. I feel like I’m picking stuff up constantly. There are buckets and bins in every room to contain the crap, the origin of which is a total mystery to me sometimes.

What is your favorite place to visit with a toddler? I love to plan trips, and I’m starting to brainstorm about taking our 2 year old somewhere next April/May. Can be international (but must be Zika free since we are TTC), and we’d likely go for around a week. Amsterdam is on my short list, but I’d be curious to know where else we should consider. We live in Florida near a great beach, so not terribly interested in a beach trip.

Can any folks on here who made the NYC Private v. Public school decision share their thought process? We live in a good elementary school zone (albeit very not diverse, alas, such is the case in NYC in general). I am getting stressed though about all the forthcoming changes to the public school system – not the changes themselves so much as the prospect of dealing with continual change and navigate different processes over and over while my kids are in school. I also worry about the prospect of better-off families leaving the public schools in response to these changes and the possibility that the public system takes a hit overall as a result. Conversely, even setting aside the exorbitant cost, private schools have their own issues in terms of being a pressure cooker and exposing my kids to a degree of wealth that is totally obscene. But, consistency, small class size, and frankly more racial diversity than my 98% white school zone are pros.

Anyway – would appreciate hearing from anyone who made this decision and what factors weighed into it. In all likelihood my unconnected kids wouldn’t get into private school anyway, so in the end this might be a non issue!

Tips for getting the odor of vomit out of carpet?

I’ve only taken my 19 month old swimming a handful of times and she hated it every time. We’re in the Midwest so swimming (outside anyway) season is ending. Is it ok to just take a break and try again next summer? Or do I need to keep dragging her to indoor pools that both she and I hate? I don’t want to raise a child who is scared of water and doesn’t know how to swim, but it’s honestly so miserable to spend an hour or more getting ready and then have her dissolve in instant tears the second she sees the swimming pool.

We’re taking baby on his first plane trip at 10 weeks old. It’ll be a 2-hr flight for a 3-night stay at the grandparents’ house. Any tips for the flight and the stay generally? Grandparents are a bit fancy and have a small 2-br so I’m mostly worried we’ll be taking over their whole house with our stuff. We’re bringing a stroller, car seat and travel bassinet. Can we gate check the stroller and the car seat?

Now that our kids are drawing and making messes at our wood dining room table, we’ve put a tablecloth over it, but I really don’t like it. I get yucky vibes from the kind of plastic tablecloths my parents had when I was kid. I’m looking for a kid-friendly long rectangular tablecloth that looks like adults live here, too. Any help??

also twins and we didn’t have her drive them for the first year though at that point assuming they are in infant car seats we could’ve just gotten extra bases. We don’t have local family so we didn’t need 6 car seats, but we do have 4- 2 for our nanny’s car. We recently relocated to where we live from a walkable area and i haven’t really driven much over the past 12 years so i figure she is probably a better driver than i am

Is anyone else experiencing, for lack of a better term, leadership fatigue? I recently joined a choir for the first time since college, and was surprised to discover that what I enjoy most about it is the fact that for once I am not the person in charge. I am not the conductor, just an anonymous face in a crowd of identically dressed people. I am not responsible for anyone else or the quality of their work or their feelings. All I have to do is to sing my own part correctly and blend with the group. If I mess up, I won’t be messing up anyone else’s life and it’s likely that few people will even notice. It’s such a refreshing change from work, where the buck always stops with me, and home, where like all parents I also shoulder enormous responsibilities. I didn’t even realize how much pressure I was under at pretty much every second of the day until I was put in a situation where the weight of that responsibility was lifted. Can anyone else relate?

Guys, I need a gut check– we’re getting very serious about moving to the suburbs (NJ, currently in NYC) in the next 6 months and are starting to narrow down houses/neighborhoods. Of course, the houses that check all other boxes and are in our ideal price range come with a huge caveat– they’re on a main/busy road. Obviously, this is why they’re in our price range.

Our daughter is currently 1. Can I hear stories/opinions about whether we definitely should not live on a busy road, or alternatively, that it’s not actually that big of a deal? I’d love for her to be able to learn to ride a bike on our street/play with neighborhood kids, etc but maybe I’m being overly whimsical about this. I need a reality check!

Still waiting on an ultrasound to confirm heartbeat and pregnancy (I’m superstitious about buying maternity clothes before), but I started nosing around looking at some new fall and winter maternity clothes, since I will be opposite seasons from kid no. 1 except for the last few weeks, where I can dip into last pregnancy’s summer stuff. I think I forgot this (and probably why my wardrobe was so limited) but I cannot for the life of me find work dresses in a pre-pregnancy size 16 or 18 (i.e., not quite plus size, but a lot of the nicer maternity stuff tops out at 14). For context, I typically wear Ann Taylor suiting (or near suiting) style dresses to work – the old navy and gap XXL typically fits fine, but it’s too casual for my seniority level now (and our office has been trending more toward the business side of business casual rather than the casual side it used to be at). I typically avoid pants because waistbands feel too restrictive and I constantly struggle pulling them up all day. Any suggestions, or am I just doomed to wear cheap jersey knit for months on end? Also recommendations for maternity tights or tight-like thigh highs (due to waistband issues)? I can probably only get away with boots without tights until Novemberish and not again until April.

For those with a nanny, how do you handle having the nanny drive your kids places? So far, we haven’t had our nanny drive our 7 month old twins anywhere. She takes them on walks in the stroller and they play in our backyard, so it’s not like they are completely trapped inside. But as they get older and more mobile, I anticipate she will want to take them out more. The nearest parks, playgrounds, libraries, etc. are about a mile away — that’s too far to walk regularly, right?

I like and trust our nanny, so I’m not overly concerned about her driving them in theory, but I can’t figure out how the logistics should work. Do I buy her car seats for her car? Do I let her take my car? She only works for us 3 days/week, if that matters. My mom keeps them the other days, and she drives them regularly on those days using her car (so buying car seats for the nanny’s car would mean we would need at least 6 total . . . ).