Finally Friday: Zip Back Crewneck Cashmere Sweater


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Affordable Cashmere Sweater:  Halogen Zip Back Crewneck Cashmere SweaterI somehow missed this highly rated sweater when I rounded up the highly-rated things left in the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale last week — but it looks great for a casual office or just for weekend fun. It’s available in sizes XXS-XXL, too! The sale ends soon (meaning prices go back up to full price) on August 8, so if you haven’t hit the sale yet, please do so. Mamas, what were your favorite things you got at the NAS? Halogen Zip Back Crewneck Cashmere Sweater (L-4)

Sales of note for 1/16:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Just want to thank everyone who commented yesterday about my idea of traveling to Patagonia with an 8 month old. I think we’re going to hold off for a few years!

Does anyone have strategies for a toddler who is afraid of thunder? We had a big fireworks display on the 4th of July, and it was right outside our windows. Ever since then, kiddo is terrified of thunder and worries about whether fireworks will wake her up. We use white noise and black out curtains, and she has several nightlights within reach of her bed.

How/when did everyone switch their baby over to whole milk?

My 10.5 month old will be transitioning to the toddler one’s room at the end of September and they don’t allow bottles/make(or give) formula in the room. My baby has started to decrease the amount of formula she drinks this week on her own, but is still around 24 ounces.

Should I start mixing in whole milk / wait until we get closer to the switch? Any advice?

I am going to ask our Dr. about this fwiw, but wondered what everyone on here has done.

I know I’m borrowing trouble here but I’m TTC and I’m already worried about my potential delivery scenarios. Since these would impact who I use as my doctor throughout my pregnancy, I need to make a choice once I am pregnant. I really don’t love any of my options though. Here are my choices:

(1) Stay with my current doctor who I LOVE. She unfortunately was bought out by a group affiliated with the Catholic Hospital and can only deliver there. I have always felt that Catholic delivery would be a no go for me for ethics reasons. However, they have a wonderful innovative program where babies with health problems still remain in your room with you. My doc swears they have the best outcomes out of the three choices. She fully respects why I am uncomfortable and told me she had the same discomfort being bought out by them but after doing her research felt the hospital provided the best care for her patients. She also interviewed other docs that have delivered there for years and anytime they have had to ask permission to perform a procedure the catholic ethics counsel has granted it. I just have such a problem with the fact that my doc would have to ask for permission. I am professionally acquainted with the GC of this hospital and I could ask him more about the procedures that require permission and their standards, etc. but ugh. I just don’t want to go there. Option 1 is 25 minutes from my house and 10 minutes from my work. I know 2 people that delivered there and had good experiences.

(2) Go to the private hospital in the same town. It has the only real NICU but as mentioned above, hospital 1 handles many special cases and only the worst get transferred to this NICU. Of the doctors that could end up on call to deliver for me there, one is my client for reasons unrelated to his job and another is a doctor that I serve on a board and professional committees with. While I highly respect both of them and think they are amazing at what they do, I don’t want them to see me in that state since I work with them professionally. There are other doctors that deliver there and I would pick one that wasn’t them as my regular doc but there is no guarantee that they wouldn’t be the on call doc when the time comes. Other con is obviously finding another doctor. I don’t know anyone that has delivered there but my friend did a professional training in their NICU and was impressed by the facilities in general. This hospital is 15 minutes from work and 30 from home.

(3) Third choice is a hospital 10 minutes from my house. One of my closest friends delivered there and another friend will before I have to. A third friend was hospitalized there for other issues and received great care. A coworker also moonlights there but not in labor and delivery. I will need to find a new doctor. My friends love their doc so I’m good with going to her but their doc was also just bought out by a big practice group so now instead of having a rotation of 4 or 5 potential docs it is more like 10 or 15. Also, they say that the practice lost its individual feel after the doctors had to move into the big new building. My biggest concern with this option is I have had to take my husband and another friend (separate occasions) to their ER and both times I was not pleased with their care. I found it very neglectful and borderline malpractice. I had to really step up as an advocate for them to get them what they need. Since then a young girl died from the same time of alleged neglect/malpractice and the family is suing the hospital. I know labor/delivery is a different department than the ER but it still just makes me so nervous.

Beyond that, I’d be looking at driving an hour or more to any other hospital and I don’t want to do that. If these were your choices, what would you pick?

This is the kind of sweater I always really like and want to wear but tha just makes me look like a shapeless blob.
Oh well. But I do want to say that I feel like the featured clothes this week have been decidedly less mom-ish, which I really appreciate. Thanks Kat!