Maternity Monday: “Grace” Twist Knot Maternity Top


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A woman wearing a \"Grace\" Twist Knot Maternity TopThis is a cute and flattering top from Kimi + Kai maternity. I like the interesting knot detail on the neckline, which is kind of a cross between a v-neck and scoopneck. When I was pregnant, I really liked tops that were long, made from a thick material, and a little bit stretchy. This top is 5% spandex, so it will be good at growing with you. It comes in sizes XS–L in several colors, is machine washable, and is currently on sale for $28.80, regularly $48. “Grace” Twist Knot Maternity Top A plus-size option from Motherhood Maternity is available both at Macy’s and the brand’s own website. Building a maternity wardrobe for work? Check out our page with more suggestions along both classic and trendy/seasonal lines.

Sales of note for 12/30:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Any recommendations for maternity costumes or silly pajamas or something along those lines? Am super pregnant and have a costume party to go to Friday. Ordered some pajamas to wear from ASOS that I thought would be fun but they are held up at customs??? Any suggestions? Could be casual or dressy – just need something that I can order that will get here!

Hi Ladies this is a vent/looking for advice. We just returned home from a week in Aruba where the 3 of us were sick the entire time. I went to work today and got sent home after being there for an hour b/c of not feeling well. My son is in daycare today. My mother in law has offered to pick him up and keep him for the night and she watches him on Tuesdays. I should accept this help right? I still feel like crap and my husband has the flu. I just can’t even think clearly now. TIA!!

Extra petite has a very candid post today about her battle with PPD, thought I would alert others who may find it helpful.

What scooter/trike-type product can people recommend for a 2 year old? He’s been walking since 11 months and has good gross motor skills and balance but I think a push car will be too boring and a true scooter will be too tricky.

We have an amazing next door neighbor with kids in late elementary / middle school. They’re moving to a new house and over the past few months, we’ve gotten a steady supply of toys and books for our toddler. They’re terrific toys and books and she’s been really enjoying them. THey also got her a brand new board book for christmas, small gesture but still really nice. I baked them a plate of brownies as a thank you the first time, but they’ve since dropped off stuff 5+ times and I don’t know what to give them as a thank you.

They are moving to their new house in August, so maybe a housewarming gift? If so, what would that be? I also thought about something for the kids, but I have no idea what their elementary and middle school kids enjoy and don’t want to contribute to clutter. Any thoughts are greatly appreciated!!

Just wanted to say a thank you to this community for all the recs/help in general. I had a week of parenting solo while husband was in Europe and I surprised myself with how smoothly it went – I used so many suggestions that have been discussed here (Nope to baking stuff to bring in for holidays, just buy it; throw money at things; wfh/call in to meetings if you have to; prep food on the weekend and eat leftovers). Nothing earth shattering but I think reading here helps me reinforce the idea that it is OK to use these shortcuts when you’re working full time and caring for a tiny human.

You’re all killing it, ladies.

I am in the early stages of pregnancy with child #3. My older daughter, who is 4.5 y.o., has recently started getting out of bed in the middle of the night, waking me up, and asking to be tucked in. I think this started when we night-trained her a few months back, because she liked the dream pees (she fully woke up for them and liked having alone time with me for all of two minutes…); now that she has moved past those, she is claiming additional alone time at night via middle-of-the-night wakings. Last night, this happened at 12:45 am, 5:15 am, and again at 6 am. I generally have trouble sleeping, and especially getting back to sleep once awakened, and her interruptions are costing me like 90 minutes of sleep per night at a time when I need all the sleep I can get…plus, I am not getting to the gym in the early a.m…plus I get furious, and it takes a while to subside.
The things we have tried, all of which have been unsuccessful so far are: (i) guilting/yelling, (ii) coupon for 1 short YouTube video, good every morning if she hasn’t woken us up overnight, and (iii) rational conversation during the day about the importance of sleep (she responds during the day to each of these, but then at night reverts to wakeups).
She shares a room with her little sister, who also wakes up for a number of these incidents but is confined to a crib and therefore gets upset at her relative confinement compared to her sister’s.
Co-sleeping will not work for me and my husband, or for #2. I don’t want to invite #1 to sleep on the floor because of #2 and also because it will make it harder for me to sneak out to the gym before the kids get up. Do you have any advice for a very tired and angry mom re: keeping the kids in their beds? Thanks.

Does anyone have a stool you really like for a toddler to get up the big toilet by themselves? My 3 yo only wants to use the regular toilet, not a potty chair, and I get a little worried about him getting up there by himself. I see a few on Ama**n, etc., but none of the reviews are great. He already has a regular 2-step stool for the bathroom sink, but it doesn’t seem stable enough for him to get up on the toilet seat, turn himself around, etc. TIA!

This will probably be an unpopular comment but I read (skimmed) Oh Crap this weekend and didn’t find it helpful. I can get over the condescending tone, but the part about night training 20 month olds drove me batty. And she didn’t seem to actually have any concrete suggestions for how to potty train. It just felt like a rant about everything parents are doing wrong, without suggestions for what to do instead. It’s recommended so much here I must be missing something. What parts of it did you find helpful?

This sounds like a “know your nanny” situation, but $100 sounds right. Ours had a Pandora bracelet that she was working on filling, so we gave her a charm “from” our kids (with return receipt) plus a Starbucks card.

We’re headed to Ft Lauderdale bright and early tomorrow from the northeast. I have a 10.5 month old. This is her third flight due to out of town in laws so we have that part down. But, is there anything critical this first-time mom wouldn’t think to put in her suitcase for the beach/pool/resort portion of the trip?

We will use beach towels provided by the hotel. I’m bringing a few toys and books. For food and supplies, our plan is to pack enough for the airport and flights + some cushion, and then hit the local Publix as soon as we get settled at the hotel (5 min Uber from hotel) to grab the bulky things – diapers, sunscreen, wipes, snacks for baby. Anything I’m not thinking of? TIA!

What do you do for your nanny’s birthday? Possibly relevant details: has been with us 1.5 years, nanny share, young toddlers, generous time off & otherwise competitive comp. And she commutes on public transit so nothing too bulky.

The old iPad we planned to load up with kid stuff for our upcoming cross-country flight is dead. Do we need to get a new tablet (probably a Fire) or can we get away with a laptop on the tray? Kidlets are 2.5yo twins.

I would prefer not to get a new device as I don’t think we would use it much at home (or at least, I wouldn’t want to use it at home), but I also don’t want my kids to break my laptop…

How long did it take you to feel normal post-weaning? I dropped the final two nursing sessions at 18 months and 6 weeks later, am feeling pretty rough. Not sure if it is weaning hormones, the long winter, or general life but I feel apathetic and disconnected. Work is busy, husband is preoccupied with some ongoing family stuff, toddler is wonderful but exhausting so perhaps just a season of life.

I’ll chat with my doctor but an appointment is at least 3 to 4 weeks away so wanted to crowdsource in the meantime.

Our nanny quit unexpectedly over the weekend (via text…). She’s willing to work for two more weeks. Normally I’d expect an employee to serve out their notice period, but I’m not sure if it’s different when the employee is taking care of your child. Would you be comfortable leaving a nanny alone with your kid for the next two weeks in this situation? Also we have a spot in daycare May 1, which is when our nanny was supposed to leave. We were already anxious about the transition for our 15 month old (who has always been at home with a parent or nanny), and the idea of starting her somewhere else for just a few weeks and then transitioning to our original place is really stressful. I’m also not even sure how much before May 1 we could get into a place we’re comfortable with. Waiting lists are long in our area, and we’re no longer on other waitlists because we accepted this spot. Is it reasonable to ask my boss about taking unpaid leave to cover the time until we can start her in daycare?