Feeding Tuesday: GoGo Squeez Applesauce Pouches

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A box of GoGo Squeez Applesauce PouchesI’m always amazed at how much those little pouches cost for babies and kids — some of the fancier ones are almost $2 per pouch. I buy these GoGoSqueez pouches in bulk on Amazon, though, and the price comes down to $20.40 for a pack of 48 with Subscribe & Save (or $.42 cents per pouch). When I’ve done the math in the past, they even come out less expensive than the big jar of organic applesauce we get on Fresh Direct. Hooray! GoGo Squeez appleapple, Applesauce on the Go

Sales of note for 12/30:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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How appropriate for feeding day!

I called my insurance company to find out what they cover for pumps under the ACA (after spending way too much time trying to figure it out on my own). Oddly, it seems like the coverage is great to obtain my own (not so great for rental) and there are many options – Medela PISA, Medela Freestyle, Ameda Purely Yours, Freemie, etc.

For all of you who have already been there, do you think there is any value in getting my own hospital grade pump, such a Medela Symphony, before the baby is here? Or, is it better to consider the other features of the more popular models and then rent a hospital grade only if necessary?

thank you :)

Walked into work today after working from home yesterday, and they had painted the big office / room I share with another attorney. WHOA! So smelly. I immediately backed out and saw a friend of mine from IT, and begged for a monitor and power cord for a station downstairs. I’m back down where I would rather be sitting anyway. It is nice while it lasts…and at least the smell was bad enough I didn’t have to go into any detail as to why I couldn’t sit up there. All day sickness is bad enough without that!

I have some exciting updates on all my pregnancy-related questions…because my baby was born early Saturday morning! We are all healthy and doing fine, though since he was two weeks early he’s really sleepy and having trouble breastfeeding. We ended up renting a hospital pump for the first month because he can’t really latch and falls asleep at the breast. The nurses and LC at the hospital didn’t seem to think his timing mattered for feeding, but he was technically late preterm so this latching problem and pumping is common…according to the internets. I will probably buy a mobile pump later but I am glad to have the really nice one for all the pumping I’m doing, especially since I’m not going anywhere anyhow!

We ended up doing firstname mylast hislast for my name conundrum. And the inlaws will drive out in two weeks and are happy about it.

All in all, the labor and delivery went pretty well, and recovery is going fine – for those of you who are pregnant and worried about the terrible birth stories you hear, take heart that it might not go that way. I’m still a little dazed because my labor was only 7 hours (though painful, no doubt) and was over before I knew it. I had thought I would have more time to process what was happening, and quite frankly, to worry about what was happening. But my body just took over and now here we are. Hoping you all have good experiences, too!

We love these pouches and buy in bulk at Costco — but I’ve also gotten them through Amazon Subscribe and Save.

Hive, I need some encouragement. I’m interviewing for my dream job next week and will be 19 weeks pregnant. The CEO of this company has recruited me but there are other candidates — plus I’m interviewing in front of employee panels, etc. so I need to bring my A-game. I vacillate between thinking “YES! I am a BAMF and I am going to ROCK THIS!” and “Oh man WTH am I doing, interviewing while pregnant? They’re going to take one look at this round belly and laugh me out of the room! No one will take me seriously!”

FWIW, the CEO and I had lunch together in the fall and have had limited email correspondence since that time, but I was not pregnant when we met and he doesn’t know I’m expecting now. Part of me just has no idea how to deal with the elephant in the room and I’m angry at myself (the world?) that this is even an issue. If my husband were to be interviewing right now he wouldn’t have to explain anything about his kid/family situation and I hate that this is the case with me. *pity party*

I’m having a big work dilemma and I was hoping you ladies, especially those with older children, could give me some advice. I’ve been working in public accounting for a couple of years. One of my favorite managers left about six months ago to go work for a private company. She reached out to me yesterday to tell me about an opening in her department. She works way fewer hours and makes $30,000 more a year at her new job than she did here. Since most of y’all are lawyers, I guess she did the equivalent of going “in house”.

I am so torn. I love my job, I love the work that I do, I love my coworkers. However, I do not love working weekends 5 months out of the year and working 70 hour weeks. And I didn’t love that stuff even before I had a baby. This is my first tax season with a baby, and quite frankly, I’m scared. I’m also scared about what leaving public accounting would mean– does it mean I’m not dedicated and driven? Not as ambitious as I thought I was?

I also think I would be crazy to pass up a job with a higher salary and fewer hours.

UGH. Does anyone have any advice?

Not to stir up controversy, but I think these are the same type of pouches that allegedly have contained mold in the past. http://www.mommyish.com/2014/08/01/mom-finds-mold-in-fruit-pouch-gets-shamed-by-internet/

I will also say that my child has had his fair share of them in the past, as they’re super convenient and tasty, but I’m now hesitant to give these to him after seeing these claims.

I have much love for these things. My almost 7 year olds still take them in lunches or as snacks, and my 17 month old loves them.

On the topic of eating, RoseyNews just had a post about kids who are “hilariously picky eaters.” The teddy bear picnic made me lol. Oh, toddlers.

I have at least two of these (and a baggie of Goldfish) in my diaper bag at all times. Highly recommend them.