Splurge or Save Thursday: Gel Lab Pro Nail Color

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Deborah Lippmann’s Gel Lab Pro Color

Sure, you can get very nice nail polish at the drugstore, but Deborah Lippmann’s colors are just divine.

This polish has 10 active ingredients that deliver healthy nails, long wear, and beautiful shine. You get the gloss of a gel manicure without the damage. Just apply like any other polish (base coat, color, topcoat) for a straight-from-the-salon look.

Deborah Lippmann’s Gel Lab Pro Color is $20 at Nordstrom. It comes in 17 colors, including several office-friendly neutrals like Modern Love.

Sales of note for 1/16:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

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Looking for new bathing suits. I typically get some from Lands End but looking for something different. Any suggestions?

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We have had two different relatives knit sweaters for the baby. I really appreciate the time and effort that went into them. That being said, the baby is now more or less the right size for them, and I kind of don’t love them. I tried them on and sent a picture to each person with words of appreciation. But one of them is sort of scratchy and the other is cotton but super stiff with a collar that turns up into her face. The fit is also a bit off – body is too large, sleeves are too short. They were both removed immediately and replaced but our fave store-bought sweatshirts. I guess I’m asking for permission to donate? I feel guilty because of the time people put in. Or is there some trick to homemade sweater appreciation I’m missing?