Finally Friday: Linden Leather Bootie


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A Linden Leather BootieMoms, if you’ve been on the hunt for a low-heeled bootie for casual days at work or for weekends spent chasing your kids, let me bring your attention to this highly rated boot from Franco Sarto (a Nordstrom exclusive). The buckles do tend to make it more of a casual boot (as does the brown sole), but it looks like the perfect boot to wear with tights, pants for work, and all manner of jeans (flares! boyfriend jeans! skinny jeans!). The boot was $150, but is now available for $99 in three colors, sizes 4-12. Franco Sarto ‘Linden’ Leather Bootie (L-2)

Sales of note for 1/16:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Probably too late in the day, but I just realized that I have no idea what I’m feeding my 21 month old for dinner….any suggestions? How do people manage take-out with daycare pickup and starving little ones? Do you order from work before you leave and pick up on the way home? Delivery is too much of a headache in a secured high rise ….

Our current nanny isn’t work out. How much notice/severance should I give if we let her go? Also… any tips of having that “conversation”? I need to talk with her today about stepping it up, but we’ve had that convo before and it has gotten worse. Also, I can’t let her go immediately since I need to set something else up first.

I have a bit of a different take on this. We just hired a nanny. In my (metropolitan) area, the practice is for the nanny to tell you what they need to take home, and then as the employer you figure out what that will cost to pay taxes on top of that and that’s the arrangement. So our nanny takes home x dollars per week and we back out her before tax salary from that.

You are in such a better position to do this math than the nanny. And I think it’s our responsibility as the probably more educated and savvy party. I think it’s unsurprising that she was surprised and it’s something you should have figured out with her before.

Second week back at work after leave. My nanny, who started full time this week, has just seen her first after-tax paycheck calculation and basically said it isn’t going to work for her. We tried to be up front about things in the hiring process, because almost no one where we live pays on the books, but obviously there was some miscommunication. Complicating factors: it’s a nanny share; we’re covering the full amount until the other kid joins in six weeks and it’s hard enough to do that at the current rate; the other family probably can’t stretch to much more beyond the current rate– certainly it’s unlikely they could get to their share of the amount more she wants per week after taxes.

As a nanny, she seems great so far. But as an employee, I’m now (more) worried. Also, this of course makes me feel as though I am failing my tiny child. Thoughts? Commiseration? It’s so hard to extricate the emotional from the business issues and keep any sense of perspective.

I cannot find cute matching Christmas or Winter theme cotton PJs anywhere! I’m looking for one piece footed sleepers for my 10 month old and a matching or similar two piece or one piece footed for my 5 year old. Everything winter/Christmas themed seems to be in fleece. Any suggestions for where to look? I don’t mind spending for quality as our tradition is new Pjs on CHristmas eve that they then wear throughout the winter.

39W6D and stuck in the office. Haaaaaalp.

Just felt like whining.

Well, I just ugly cried in my mentor’s office because I’m about to get a job offer that would let me leave public accounting and go work significantly fewer hours and make more money. I’m simultaneously so relieved and happy and also disappointed in myself for not being able to force myself to make this work… But I know I’ll get over that third thing soon. Tell me it’s going to be ok! I really love my coworkers and the work I do at my job, but the hours are killing me…

I’m not due until February but just got my FMLA paperwork from HR this week. Is there any reason I can’t have my doctor fill it out now with my anticipated due date so I can get it submitted and have it out of the way?