Washable Workwear Wednesday: Floral Pintucked Blouse


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Since I haven’t really shopped for clothes in person since March, I’ve been paying more attention to Loft’s website and its many great sales. I haven’t actually shopped at one of their brick-and-mortar stores in a long time, and I don’t buy from the site often either, but I’ve snagged a few nice deals during quarantine.

This floral blouse caught my eye right away because the print sort of reminds me of a William Morris design. I really like the pintucks as well as the keyhole button closure at the back, which is small enough to still be office-appropriate. And while I’m not a big fan of ruffles in general, the ones at the neckline here are pretty subtle.

I like how they’ve styled it with the faux-suede, button-front skirt, but for the many offices where that wouldn’t fly, I think it would look just as nice tucked into some tailored pants. 

The top is $59.50 but currently on sale for $29, and it’s available in regular sizes XXS–XXL and petite sizes XXS–L. Floral Pintucked Blouse

Sales of note for 2/14/25 (Happy Valentine’s Day!):

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

  • Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
  • Ann Taylor – Up to 40% off your full-price purchase — and extra 60% off sale
  • Banana Republic Factory – 50% off everything + 15% off (readers love their suiting as well as their silky shirts like this one)
  • Boden – 15% off new season styles
  • Eloquii – 300+ styles $25 and up
  • J.Crew – 40% of your purchase – prices as marked
  • J.Crew Factory – 50% off entire site and storewide + extra 50% off clearance
  • Rothy’s – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
  • Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
  • Talbots – Flash sale ending soon – markdowns starting from $15, extra 70% off all other markdowns (final sale)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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I have to come up with Christmas present ideas for kiddo (5yo). I’m grateful but it feels weird to be thinking about this now.

Does anyone have experience with Plus Plus blocks? They showed up on a few toy roundup lists and look interesting, but I’d love to hear a field report.

My 10-year-old is developing some small bits of mask-ne on his nose. He’s self-conscious about it, even though his face is covered at school. Would a cleanser of some sort help? He’s young enough that I’m not sure what to do; I don’t think he needs a hard-core acne product by any means.

Sorry, threading fail. Where can I get masks that will actually fit my 3 year old well? Everything we have she seems to be constsntly pulling over her nose because it slides.

The amount of anxiety I have over the thought of being stuck in my house all winter (okay, maybe some outdoor activities, but not like in the summer) without trips to indoor locations and other towns entirely is rough. It will help a lot to have some ideas of fun things we can do as a family or I can do one on one with our five year old daughter at home. She’s at in-person school, so weekends are the issue. What are some fun ideas for at-home ideas this winter that I can start preparing for? Thank you!

For those of you who use disposable masks, where do you buy them, and how are you sure they aren’t scammy products that don’t actually provide protection? Maybe I am paranoid, but I am having a hard time finding three-ply pseudo-surgical masks that have good reviews…I tried a medical supply company, Target and evil/overrun Amazon, and none of the reviews inspired confidence. Looking for me, my partner and my kiddos, ages 5 and 7, to use as backups or if we actually get sick. Thanks.

Mine were 4 and 6, I think, though a lot of that was because they were just getting too big and apt to fight. But they would also sometimes want to roughhouse and play in a way that seemed a bit too close with nudity. They’re 5 and 7 now, and still change in front of each other without any concern most of the time. We have a separate shower, and they usually bath at the same time (one in the shower and one in the bath, with me flitting between to help), to save time.

There was a story on NPR this morning about music classes that reminded me of a thread here the other day. Apparently, yes, masks are required while playing the wind or brass instrument. The story described that the students had masks with slits to put the mouthpiece through (this sounds like a disaster for reed instruments!), and the instruments were also fitted with bell covers. oh, and the whole practice was outside on a tented tennis court with the kids 14 feet apart from each other.

Part of me was happy they found a way to do instrumental music, and part of me was just so sad that these kids are missing out on the experience of playing in a large ensemble.

What age did you stop bathing kids of the same gender together? Our DD is two years older than our DS for reference. They also share a room, so maybe that’s a part of this question too…

Anyone entering the Nugget lotto today? I haven’t gotten the link to the page where u enter at 12pm. Please share if you have it! My DH thinks I’m insane but I figure it will be good for fort building this winter

How are you thinking about sickness and this winter? Is a COVID test required at any sight of symptoms, which are so common place with just run of the mill toddler colds?

2 year old DD didn’t have a test but we went to the pedi for a suspected ear infection on Sunday and despite her stopped up nose and brief 100.6 fever, she had no other symptoms and he thought it was unnecessary to test her. We have had no known exposure. Here we are today, on antibiotics, and she’s all good. I, on the other hand, took a direct hit sneeze from her into my mouth on Sunday, and I wake up today with a fiery throat, sinus pain, thick green snot (sorry), hurting ears – every classic sign of a cold.

I would bet a whole lot of money that it’s just a cold and, if history is reliable, I’ll have a sinus infection in a week. I’m going to get COVID tested today because the symptoms are so aligned and we have a nanny and see my parents on weekends typically. I want to just be able to put everyone at ease and prove I don’t have COVID. That said, is this how the winter is going to go? How are you handling run of the mill sniffles and whatnot vs. COVID? I’m all for safety and distancing, we probably won’t see my parents this weekend as this works through my system, but I guess I just hadn’t thought this through fully. It’s going to be a long New England winter, isn’t it?

Does anyone have suggestions about making connections with people mid-pandemic? We moved to our current city for my husband’s job a few years ago, and I’ve never made friends here. My child turned 2 at the beginning of 2020 and this was going to be the year I really tried to get to know other parents at school via school social events and birthday parties and then…. The result is that I now haven’t had an in-person interaction with an adult who’s not my husband in almost 8 months and my mental health and marriage are suffering. We have reached out to our few acquaintances here with kids and asked about outdoor, socially distanced play dates but no one took us up on it – it seems like most people are understandably trying to keep their bubbles small and we don’t make anyone’s cut. I have a small but tight circle of friends with similar age kids in the city we moved from, but that’s on the other side of the country, and talking to them on the phone/Zoom just isn’t the same, especially since they’re all in the same place and are (responsibly) meeting up with each other in person.

I know there isn’t an easy solution to this, but I’ve just really hit a wall and am not sure how I’m going to get through what’s likely to be at least another year of this. It’s also hard because I feel like the broader messaging from society at this point is that if you’re still not seeing anyone outside your household, it’s because you’re overly anxious about the virus and you have no one but yourself to blame. But I’m not anxious, I just don’t have anyone to see! Would appreciate any advice you might have.

Help, my almost-3 year old is kind of a disaster!
We’re having meltdowns on essentially a daily basis, often multiple times a day. I feel like we’re trying a lot of the strategies from How to Talk So Little Kids Will Listen but we’re running on empty. (Other age-appropriate book suggestions are welcome).
One of the biggest struggles is getting out of the door – he hates change of any type. He cleverly obstructs every step and whines. This includes meltdowns to go to school (which he actually loves and is happy to be at when he’s there). We try targeted choices (which shirt? what do you want for breakfast?), we try fun distractions (let’s go on a pumpkin hunt while we walk! can we race?), we try reason, we try picking our battles (you don’t want a jacket? you want to wear a PJ shirt? whatever)). All are marginally successful but some days (it’s starting to feel like most days) it only postpones the meltdown. We don’t have great strategies for ending the meltdown either, as the usual suspects don’t seem particularly effective.

Any new suggestions? Commiseration? Here are 2 big concerns: he gets a lot of screen time because of #pandemicparenting and he is VERY treats oriented which I worry is setting him up for a bad relationship with food. It can be an effective bribe but I worry it’s too effective. We have some “natural consequences” like if getting ready takes too long, he doesn’t have time to play, or stalling bedtime can mean no time for stories. But should we consider using access to screen time as a privilege that can be lost? Is 3 old enough for that kind of “consequence”? I suspect the answer may be NO screen time but that is really really hard for 2 working parents that are trying to get stuff done like work calls and such.