Washable Workwear Wednesday: Cap-Sleeve Scuba Sheath Dress


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Washable Short-Sleeved Dress for Work: ECI Cap-Sleeve Scuba Sheath DressYay, this dress has more sizes in stock! It looks like such a great dress and I was bummed when I found it a few weeks ago with only one or two sizes in stock. It’s machine washable. It’s highly rated. It’s under $50. Sign me up! It was originally $70, but is now marked to $39 at Macy’s. Use code SALE to get an additional 20% off today! ECI Cap-Sleeve Scuba Sheath Dress Here’s a plus-size option. (L-3)

Sales of note for 1/16:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Has anyone ever attended an ironman as a spectator with a small child? I am planning on cheering somebody on and am wondering if my 2.5yo would be safe/entertained. I have never attended a race as a spectator before.

Speaking of daycare –
DD is in a big corporate-style daycare. It has many benefits: lots of kids, big, bright spaces, playground is attached, bathrooms are in the room, lots of friendly staff, and cameras so I can watch what is going on. I trust the care, but it is so, so nice to be able to check in and see what she’s up to. I can also see who is going in and out of the rooms. The down side to this place is that I don’t think it is super nurturing, with so many kids (up to 20) the teachers are more focused on herding kids from snack time, to art projects, to the playground, etc. So far, DD seems to be fine and I am not bothered by the approach. She is pretty independent and seems to enjoy her time there.
The issue is that we might be able to get her into a different daycare with lots of benefits: cheaper, 2 blocks from our house, and language immersion, big but also very nurturing, they are more focused on learning. 2 big cons: no cameras and no attached playground, so the kiddos have to walk 5 blocks (in DC) to local parks. I am having a hard time getting over the camera access, esp in light of incidents like the one TK mentions above. I know having a camera does not prevent something like that from happening entirely, but it gives me peace of mind. Ramble over. Does this ever get easier?

Moms, does anyone have suggestions for infant care around MountainView area (SF Bay Area)?
I’m looking to move there in about a month and a half and my child will be a year old then..

Thank you again to the person who suggested repurposing a Bellaband as a cami/pregnancy cleavage cover up under low-cut dresses and shirts. My 32H’s are locked in, my dress fits smoothly, and I’m not sweating like I would with a whole extra layer.

Also to whoever said that you’ll look chubby far longer than you’ll look pregnant….I didn’t believe you, but it’s totally true. At 21 weeks with kid#1, I think I have a cute bump, but people are surprised when I tell them that I’m pregnant!

Can someone please explain clothing sizes for young toddlers to me? What is 18-24 months relative to 2/2T?

Also, my daughter has so far fit into clothes right on track for her age and she’s 13 months now, wearing almost all 12-18 months stuff, which is plenty big on her. I know most kids slow down in growth after the one year mark. Should I buy her winter clothes in the 12-18 month size? Or 18-24 to grow into or maybe it’ll be too big?

I have an interview Monday for a dream job. I also happen to be 5 months pregnant.
I can’t decide if I should mention this at the interview.
Gut instinct is no, even though I’ll probably look pretty pregnant (or at least suspiciously plump). On the other hand, I know the interviewers through professional networks, and I’m worried I’ll start off on the wrong foot if I wait until an offer to disclose. (Especially if this information has made it to them through the grapevine, though I’ve been pretty quiet about this pregnancy)
It’s unusual to have multiple rounds of interviews in my area, so I can’t even wait and see if I make it to another round.

Have any of you experienced a reduction in work ethic during pregnancy? I’m in the second trimester (past the point of feeling sick all the time) and I feel completely unmotivated in my job. I’ve been pregnant before with all ending in miscarriage, and I felt the same during those pregnancies. Perhaps the nervous energy that helps me succeed at work is being channeled into pregnant anxiety. It’s frustrating. Has anyone been there? Any tips?

Does anyone have an idea of the cost of infant daycare vs. a nanny or a nanny share in DC? Both would be in the city itself. No employer subsidy for either, unfortunately. I’m currently pregnant and realized that I would have to get on a waiting list like, right now if I wanted to go the daycare route, but haven’t really given it much thought yet.

Has anyone tried keen sneakers for their preschooler and can tell me how they fit?

They look a lot like see kai run. My daughter has been in Plae sneakers this year and hitch are great but I want something a little different for the new school year and the Plae styles are all pretty similar.

And/or other non-athletic sneaker style suggestions for a 8-8.5T?


Ugh, you guys.

A teacher in my nephew’s daycare class was just arrested for sexually assaulting another student in the class. The 3-4 year old class. Sister-in-law is freaking out (naturally) and quit her job to keep my nephew home with her full time. They took all the right steps so far as having him talk to the right professionals to determine whether he might also have been a victim – no signs so far that he was – but it’s just been gut wrenching for our family.

I’m not really a gloom and doom, the world is falling apart type – but WFT. We fill out all the paperwork for recall notices on toys – put on sunscreen every time they go outside – wear helmets – make kids stay in car seats until they’re 8 – we do all of these things to keep our kids safe, but there isn’t anything you can do to protect your kids from the crazies and the psychos.

I’m struggling with the idea that are kids aren’t ever really ‘safe.’ How do y’all come to peace with that?

Of course it’s fine. Our son went to day care at 10 1/2 weeks and is developing just fine at age 5 1/2.

Hi Moms – I need some help from women that have experienced this. DH and I are starting to talk about TTC. If/when we have a baby, I will have to work to help us pay our bills and also I want to stay in the workplace and continue building our retirement fund. Plus, I have always had this overwhelming feeling that I want to keep working and make my own money in case I would ever have to take care of myself by myself. With that said, I’m starting to freak out about the idea of leaving a little baby in a daycare – which is what I’ll have to do at the 12 week point. Can anyone please tell me that it really does work, it is ok, and that you’ve put a baby in a daycare and ended up still having a loving family member? Thank you!