Washable Wednesday: ‘Ship Faced’ Pink Slouchy Oversized Sweatshirt


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DentzDenim 'Ship Faced' Pink Slouchy Oversized Sweatshirt | CorporetteMomsFor Washable Wednesday, I thought we’d feature a weekend item — this fantastic sweatshirt from Etsy seller DentzDenim. Not only does it cover your tuchus, but it also is a great way to tell the world, “Even though my kid is REALLY into pirates right now, I’ve managed to both encourage that and keep my own interests.” I think nothing would look sexier than a nursing-bra strap peeking out. (Also good: mommy juice cups.) Have a great day, ladies! DentzDenim ‘Ship Faced’ Pink Slouchy Oversized Sweatshirt (L-6)

Sales of note for 1/16:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Talk to your doctor. But also – have you talked to SO? SO should be helping with cleaning around the house (or helping to hire someone to clean the house).


I use a pregnancy app that has community message boards. I look at the message boards fairly regularly, especially my June 2015 board (when I’m due). Today there was a post about a woman whose boss canceled a sales trip trip she was scheduled to take in 2 weeks. She found out through the male coworker who was told to take her spot. The coworker told her the (male) boss didn’t want her traveling by plane anymore because she was pregnant. The boss also made a comment that he didn’t like that she would be away from her family on top of being pregnant (the male coworker also had a family that he would be leaving, but apparently that was okay). Her OB had cleared her for flying (this was a 60-minute flight) for another 6 weeks.

The general response in the app community was that her boss was being very thoughtful and cared a lot more than other bosses. This attitude makes me INSANE! I get so sad when women aren’t advocating for themselves, or when they see something like this and think it’s appropriate.

OK guys, I considered going anon for this but who cares.

I am not doing well. I am fatigued all the time, generally not happy, and this morning my SO reminded me we should eat the leftovers in the fridge for dinner tonight and it made me cry. I am not concentrating well at work, am making mistakes and am not billing well (due to lack of concentration). SO and I have only done the deed once since LO was born almost 15 months ago – and I don’t even care because I have no desire to do so, though I know it is very bad for our relationship and SO is unhappy about it. I feel like everything is go, go, go and I never have two minutes to myself. By the time I sit down for an hour at the end of the day, I am too tired to even enjoy myself, and instead just sit there worrying about bedtime because who knows how many times I’ll end up having to get up in the middle of the night. I am constantly behind in my tasks and feel like nothing is going right.

I am thinking of going to talk to my doctor because it occurred to me yesterday that this could be depression. However, on the other hand it could just as easily be sleep deprivation. I’m sure half of you are going through exactly the same things and it can probably all be attributed to the trials and tribulations of dealing with a baby. I did have a run-in with depression (undiagnosed, but I’m sure of it) a few years ago and managed to get myself out of it. Part of me thinks that if I could just get some regular exercise (when?) and find someone to clean my house (who?) it would help things a lot. But those things feel ten million miles away and just too difficult to achieve.

I’m not sure what I’m looking for….commiseration? Advice? I did end up booking that trip to Disneyland next month and am SO looking forward to the escape from reality and the dose of sunshine, but am afraid that even if I feel better after that, nothing will really change and I’ll go back to feeling the way I am now.

Good Morning ladies – I missed feeding Tuesday, but I wanted to ask if you all have bottle recommendations. We have dr Browns and the bazillion little parts are driving. me. crazy. Are there any bottles out there that are a bit more low-maintenance to wash and assemble? Any tips for making the nightly washing a little quicker? Right now it takes over a half hour to assemble bottles and wash everything (bottles and pump parts). I prefer not to run them through the dishwasher since ours is not terribly effective; I feel like it just swishes the dirty water around. Any tips?

Just thought I’d throw this in there, given all the tough mornings showing up – for the first time in WEEKS, my kiddo did not have a tantrum this morning. It was awesome. We cuddled, we read books (so many books), we sang songs (I sang a song, she moaned roughly in time to the melody), we drank from a measuring cup in the shower, she even helped me pick up dog food when it spilled on the kitchen floor. Kiddo also threw yogurt all over the kitchen and emptied a pack of baby wipes on the bedroom floor, but I’m counting it among our best mornings.

Kat, so you don’t think no one’s noticed your epic April fools post, I would like to say that you got me. The sweatshirt caught my eye and all I could think was wtf. In my post-toddler-drop-off angst it took a few good moments (actually, loading the regular site page up) before I realized what was happening. Bravo.

6 weeks along and between 24/7 morning sickness and chasing an increasingly mobile 11 month old, I am going to die and/or get fired. Just need to tell that to someone as I sit at work and try to hide the fact that I am pregnant.

So my 12 mo old twins still aren’t sleeping through the night. They did a long stretch where they’d wake up at 4:00 or 5:00, have a bottle, and go back to sleep until 7:00. Lately, we’ve had a 5:30am wake up (like, let’s bounce in our cribs and yell and party wake-up, and eff you mom if you come in and try to sing us back to sleep it’s MORNING), several 2:00 or 3:00am wake ups. And last night, they woke up at 2:30, had a bottle, then one stayed up for another hour fussing roughly once every 10 min or so (so, just as I was falling asleep again, but then he’d stop so I’d wait to see if he was really crying, drift off, get jolted awake again…). Finally I made another 1/2 bottle for each of them, they finished those off and went back to sleep around 4:00. WTF, babies. Also, now they’re on cow milk I have to go downstairs to the kitchen to make bottles instead of mixing formula in their room (yes, yes, they’re supposed to be on sippy cups not bottles by now, but we have enough going on right now without adding that in).

So these guys each drank about 10 oz of milk in the middle of the night. After sucking down 8oz each just before bed. The au pair says they ate well during the day so I don’t know what’s up. Growth spurt? But should 12 mo olds still be waking up every night (or super early morning) for bottles? I’ve tried giving just water, or rocking back to sleep without bottles, or just patting their backs, etc., but none of it works. Whereas if I give them bottles, they generally finish them off and go back to sleep. Anyone else had 1 yr olds still not sleeping through the night? After the 1 1/2 hrs of awake time in the middle of the night, I’m a zombie today.

Thanks for all the helpful comments from yesterday! I ordered Expecting Better and can’t wait to read it. One quick follow up q: my first appointment will be at the beginning of my 9th week and I’m having to switch doctors because my regular doc doesn’t do deliveries anymore. I guess I am a little nervous because it’s a new person and I don’t know what to expect. Can anyone tell me what happens at the first appointment? Do I need to bring my husband? Anything I need to do to prepare?

First day our new au pair is home alone with the kids. And first day kids being cared for by someone other than family (my MIL was our childcare until now). I dreamt last night that I found a pile of sandwiches that she was supposed to have fed our son, but that she’d just been throwing them away instead. I have no reason to think she isn’t 100% competent but, ugh, scary, especially since neither kid is old enough to talk very well.

ed wrong place

After only 3 hours sleep (work induced) I feel like a just fought two different wars just to get out of the house. The baby and the toddler mostly won. The toddler really went all out and threw a fit at day care drop off. It’s mornings like these that I meed a bar to be open so I can regain my courage to face the day. Internet hugs to anyone else having an epic beginning to their day.