Make My Life Easier Thursday: Cookie Scoop Set

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Two metal cookie scoops on a white counter with several balls of cookie dough

There’s nothing like homemade cookies straight from the oven. While I don’t love single-use gadgets (hello piping tips), these cookie scoops might be worth it if they speed up the time between raw dough and a warm gooey chocolate chip cookie hitting my plate.

This set of two includes a small and medium cookie scoop so you get the perfect amount of dough every time to ensure even baking. The soft grips keep your hands comfortable while you scoop and squeeze.

OXO’s cookie scoop set is $29.95 at Williams Sonoma.

Sales of note for 1/16:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

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Does anyone have a nice looking backpack or tote with luggage sleeve recommendation that will fit a Spectra pump? As light as possible is what I’m looking for. Amazon has too many choices and I’m guessing many of these are terrible quality and most weigh 5+ lbs. TIA!

Hypothetically, if you worked at home part time for 20 hrs a week, would you be able to also care for one child full-time? And if so, up to what age? Assume supportive spouse/family

TW: preg/loss

So, I went through with the FET 3/10. I’m now about a week post transfer. I got a positive HPT Tuesday. Line got darker yesterday, and today is a bit lighter. Sigh. I know the HPTs aren’t anywhere near as accurate as beta tests (Monday) and tracking line progression isn’t recommended, but also every time this has happened it’s ended in MC. I’ve been down this road before.

I basically had a complete breakdown walking in to the fertility center for the transfer last week. I was inconsolable. Just so triggering. Then, I got the positive on Tuesday and didn’t jump for joy – probably just posturing / trying to protect my feelings? I guess the good gut check is that I didn’t feel regret or dread, which was a sincere fear. Now that I’m on this side of it, I’m glad I went through with it. I’ve actually allowed myself to dream about what it would be like to have this baby, which was probably a dangerous thing to do for my mental health. But here we are.

Not asking anything of this community with this post, but I offer another thank you for providing the space to write this out and help to process it all.

are there any ski mountains driving distance from NJ that typically can make snow around Christmastime. I realize it can be too warm then for real skiing, but this would be for beginners who would probably be spending all of their time on the bunny hill.

Does anyone know if those little PBKids anywhere chairs or the Crate & Barrel similar kid chairs flip when they sit too far back in them? My 1 year old is obsessed with sitting in chairs but the one grandma bought keeps tipping backwards.

Understanding that it’s not legal or tax advice, anyone have experience with exercising options or cashing out RSU’s? I have both, my options have vested and are worth a substantial amount of money now, but when I looked into exercising it seems like there are some significant tax hits if you do the simplest method of buying/selling all in one transaction.

The options do expire, and I also want the money to do some home improvements, so I do want to do something w/ them, even though I expect our stock will continue to outperform the market. Especially if leadership does what I tell them to lol.

I was always very pro working and proudly said I would “aways” work. I enjoy my career (overall), make about $300K TC, and always valued the security to support myself, etc. My work/life balance is pretty good (WFH, no weekends but occasional evening work, little travel). I now have 2 children (2.5 and infant) and for the first time have floated the idea of what it would be like to not work. My husband would be supportive of me stopping work if it’s what I really want; we could afford to live on one salary (we currently live significantly below our means but would like to move to a larger house before oldest starts Kindergarten and our living expenses would likely double). I’ve considered maybe sticking with it until kid starts kindergarten and then reevaluating stopping/part time options.. then again, I’m missing baby years with youngest right now.

I guess what I’m asking is: has anyone else floated this idea and what did you consider as part of the decision making?

Talk to me about how you practice reading and writing for elementary kids. Our school has a no homework policy until 5th grade and I believe 15 mins or less of “homework” which is reading, writing, or math practice per day would be beneficial for my children. Not sure where to start and how to build this in. Would welcome any tips. TIA!

I use my small cookie scoop constantly for making meatballs (one of the only things my picky child will eat) and we use a large one as an ice cream scoop and for filling muffin tins. It would also be good for making pancakes but I never remember to use it for that.

I manage a team of 7 attorneys and 2 admins. We work for state government, so not only is the pay low but some of the work policies are not inline with the private sector. One of our admins lives about an hour from the office. I’ve worked hard to allow admins to have the same wfh options as the attorneys. The admins can wfh 2 days a week (same for attorneys). However, the admin with a long commute wants me to count her commute time towards work time.
A big issue for her is child care – the only child care she can find in the rural area where she lives has hours that are impossible to reconcile with her work hours. While I have sympathy for this situation, I can’t get over the concept of counting commute from home as time worked. One of her supporting arguments for this policy is that attorneys are allowed to count work time to hearings that are out of town. Which is easily distinguished.
I want to check myself and see if my immediate hard stop on commute=work time is one of these antiquated notions I need to let go of? I’m willing to consider other options (shortening hours on in office days to accommodate daycare hours is the only current option I have come up with).

I’m on my second maternity leave and really thinking hard about what comes next for me career wise. I will now be a senior associate in big law and that has worked out really well for me so far and I value the flexibility, work from home, etc. that gives us breathing room that my spouses govt job can’t, even though his is less hours and usually less stress. I know everyone says don’t make big decisions now and I’m not, I’m definitely going back for now but I’m so happy with certain parts of life right now and am truly dreading going back in a lot of ways. I’ve been considering in house for awhile but don’t know if that’s ridiculous and worry that will bring instability to our lives given the current economy etc. I don’t know what I’m looking for but I welcome advice, your stories, etc.

Any tips for making pumping less miserable when going back to work with #2? I enjoy breastfeeding and my supply won’t maintain without it, so I’m dedicated to doing it for a least a little while, but from what I remember with #1 it was not fun. Pondering if it’s worth buying an Elvie Stride, brainstorming about some fun snacks I can buy myself as a pumping treat, but is there anything else I can do?