Feeding Tuesday: Stay in Place Bibs


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Brooklyn Baby Stay in Place Bibs | CorporetteMomsWhich bibs are your favorite, guys? These organic, soft, stay in place bibs have all five-star reviews and certainly look like they would solve the problems we’ve run into with the boys — where they eat the bib rather than the food (Jack and the BabyBjörn bib), rip the bib off (Harry and the plastic bibs Jack preferred), or manage to drip milk or water all over yet somehow miss the bib itself (Harry and the other terrycloth bibs we have). The pictured bibs are $18.98 for a 3 pack, available at Amazon. Brooklyn Bamboo Stay in Place Bibs (L-3)

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And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Is there a nice way to tell people you don’t want them to visit? We are having issues with family visiting daily. They are not people we can leave alone with our child, they don’t really help with anything other than play with the baby and they don’t understand hints to leave. I can deal with it on the weekend- I’m honestly too tired after work. We have things to do after work like laundry and cook dinner and relaxing in our underwear and don’t want company for days in a row.

Hi everyone, this question might be TMI, if so, apologies. I read Taking Charge of Your Fertility, and really liked it, but I’m thinking our delay in conceiving (6+ months since I came off birth control) might be related to my lack of EWCM. Has anyone had problems with this? I’m considering trying Fertile CM or PreSeed- thoughts? Opinions? Recommendations?

Thoughts on registering for big ticket items like strollers, carseats, etc.? On the one hand, I feel guilty “asking” people to buy those things for us (we’re looking at a price range of $200-$250 per item), and I’m perfectly fine buying them myself. But on the other hand, I worry about not registering for enough things, since people have already given us a lot of hand-me-downs for other, smaller items. And I could see groups of people going in together to purchase a bigger item like a car seat. But is it bad form?

Does anyone use the Keekaroo peanut changer? We’ve got a crib/changing table combo that comes with a small changing pad for the space, but I’m hoping to use the Keekaroo instead. The opening on the changer is 16.5 inches and the Keekaroo dimensions say it’s 17 inches wide. Is is squishy enough that I could wedge it in there? The video looks like it should be, but I’d like to hear some real world experience.

To NewMomAnon – I just say your post on yesterday’s thread about your willful 17 month old… I’m right there with you. I think its the age. And your child isn’t a brat – this is the stage they go through, and by no means reflects the type of person he or she will grow up to be.

What is working for us, right now, is for me to take my husband’s lead. I asked him to assume primary child duty and let me watch a few weekends ago. He is far more laid back and less concerned about meeting our kid’s immediate (and mostly unreasonable) requests. But he’s also attentive and makes sure she is safe. So, this means the playroom might be barred because she’s climbing on and stomping around upon the benches, but she has lots of accessible toys to play with. Melt down because she can’t bath in the dogs’ water bowl? There was no redirection or engagement, and the meltdown lasted about 3x less. Child hits her father while being removed from dangerous situation? Papa calmly but firmly holds her hands for about 5 seconds while she hollers about the grave injustice and then gets over it. It ain’t perfect, but it seems to be working..

Especially when it gets warm, there’s a lot of topless dining in our house. I gave up on the bib wars a long time ago, but my favs were the vinyl ones from Ikea and the bumpkins one that sort of velcros around the back of the neck. Cloth ones are good for babies who primarily consume milk, but once you’re into solids I vote vinyl all the way.

Bibs with sleeves! They were the answer to all our problems. We like the Bumkins ones.

I haven’t found a bib that I love. The closest are some that were homemade by a friend – they are really big, so they cover the whole front of the child instead of just under its chin. The drawback being they gap around the neck.

I like the ones shown – maybe it’s time for a switch. Thanks, Kat!

We love the Baby Bjorn bibs. I wedge it between kid and high chair tray so she can’t mess with it too much. Reduces my high chair cleanup time by 75%.