Finally Friday: Gizeh Sandals


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Tamaris T-Bar Sandals FemaleSo who else’s kids are on a super long spring break starting today? In related news: is it sandal weather yet? On the off chance you have some trips to the playground or other outdoor activities planned, do consider these classic Birkenstock Gizeh sandals if you haven’t tried them before — they’ve kind of been the unofficial mom uniform (around us at least) for a while. I have them in a few colors but am looking to buy a new one this season. I’ve been eyeing the silvery ones because they seem versatile, but something has held me back from pulling the trigger — I love my Birks, but ugly shoes should not be shiny. These more weathered “stardust stone” may be what just what I need. The pictured shoes are $95, but note that Amazon has a few lucky sizes and colors as low as $52. Birkenstock Gizeh Psst: I’ve been looking for this for years and haven’t found it, and suddenly I see it everywhere: Amazon, for example, has the Birkenstock cork sealer back in stock for $11. (The Birks I wore as a lifeguard at 18 lasted me until recently because of cork sealer, I swear!) You can also buy a more involved Birkenstock care kit. (L-all)

Sales of note for 1/16:

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And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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This is an April fools right?

Thanks again to everyone who commented/gave advice about my little biter yesterday.

I spoke to one of her teachers — the incidents sounded unprovoked and happened when they were sitting around waiting for their next task.

I also spoke to the directors – they were great. They assured me that it was just something some kids do, usually due to frustration/inability to express themselves, and that she wasn’t in danger of getting booted. They are going to be working with the teachers to keep the kids active/occupied, and continue to work in small groups — basically avoiding putting her or any other kid in a situation with several kids and nothing to do.

I also spoke with my H about our fighting in front of our daughter. He agrees that some of it is just out of line (we had had a little spat that morning, so it was really on my mind, he got into a huff over something I said that was not meant to be confrontational). I agree that it probably is good for her to see us disagree and come to a resolution/make up, but these exchanges weren’t ‘productive’ in that way. I don’t think the biting is a direct result of seeing that, but I think the weird tension that is between H and I after one of those spats isn’t good for her. That’s something we need to work on, as uncomfortable as it may be to admit there’s a problem.

Anyway — at least that’s a less stressful start to the weekend! Thanks again!

I posted a few days ago about daycare teacher turnover, and now I wanted to get some second opinions on weird stuff my son is saying. He’s 2.5 and pretty chatty. On the way to daycare yesterday, he kept saying “I don’t want to go to school. Something is wrong at school. There’s something wrong at school.” I couldn’t get him to explain what he meant or what was wrong. Then today, on the way there, he says “I don’t want to go to school. I’m scared of school. I don’t want to go. I’m scared.” Again, I couldn’t get him to tell me what was scary or why he was scared.

So naturally, I’m freaking out a bit. Other than the teacher turnover (which has been very high), I haven’t seen any other signs that anything is seriously wrong. What would you do? Is he trying to tell me something? Just trying to get out of going to daycare? Feeding off my weird vibes about the school because of the high turnover?

Within 5 minutes of arrival at daycare, my little angel (15 MO) pulled one friend to the ground by her hair and throttled another from behind. Sigh. He has been on the receiving end of bites and scratches, but I can handle that so much better than when he is the aggressor. And he understands “no” but he clearly still does not understand the concept that what he does causes pain. He seems so confused by being pulled away from loving up his buddies.

If he’s refusing food, maybe he’s just feeling a little sick still from the HFM, or queasy or gassy for unrelated reasons? I’d just keep on doing your regular routine and see how he is tonight/tomorrow.

My child’s 18-month regression lasted about 3 weeks, but also coincided with moving and starting a new daycare, so I think that amplified the sleep issues and separation anxiety. Good luck!

My 19-month old was up crying and inconsolable at 4am this morning. I couldn’t get him back down and he also refused snack or milk (although he kept asking for these things). This is after a trying dinner/bedtime last night. He hasn’t been sick since a bout of hand,foot and mouth last week. Yesterday, he was up at 5am, but was in a better mood upon awaking.

Is this part of the dreaded 18-month sleep regression?