Family Thursday: Bathtub Fingerpaint Soap
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I chanced upon these sold individually at Target for something like $1-$3 each, and bought the three primary colors. Of course I realized too late that my youngest absolutely adores them: I can’t find them in any Target right now.
Amazon comes through as always, though, but for a bit more — this pack of 6 is $29 at Amazon (and almost sold out, but I’m showing it because it was the exact label that ours had). This other pack of 6 is only $24 — we’ve ordered but haven’t used them yet.
Pictured: Bathtub Fingerpaint Soap
Hive, tell me that moving to the nicer/bigger city 45 minutes away is totally stupid when I work from home and my husband would be commuting 45 minutes each way. We have a toddler. I miss city amenities.
I think I would go with Downtown. It’s annoying if husband needs to drive back and forth at all, but otherwise will be convenient for you (+1 to all the freakin appointments even if you’re low risk – and if you ever have a scare, they want you to come in NOW, which sucks if you’re further away).
It is very true that your OB doesn’t have much to do with your delivery per se, but I liked having everything all “in the system” – my previous results, ultrasounds, etc. Plus, it did end up that my midwife was on call when my water broke so she triaged me which was nice (she was very familiar with my cervix!). And my OB did round on me every morning at the hospital (nice for the familiar face, not nice because it was 5am).
Hi moms, logistics question for you. We’re TTC and I need to find a new doctor because my gyn doesn’t handle ob. The only obs in my insurance network have offices at local hospitals, so this is where I’d go for appointments and to deliver. We live in a semi-rural suburb of a major city and there are no good hospitals nearby. I have two choices:
– Affluent suburb – 30 minutes west of home – 30 minutes south of work – 10 minutes from my husband’s work – we used to live here and know the area well – smaller branch hospital of a local hospital chain
– Downtown – walking distance from my office, which is good for frequent appts – but not fun to drive to if you’re not already downtown / all the city congestion hassles / oh wait, this street is randomly closed – major university teaching hospital
I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who responded to my post yesterday about becoming a SAHM. I found everyone’s responses to be thoughtful while realistic and helpful. I cross-posted on the main site and the reception was not as kind. Thanks ladies! does background checks–not sure if you can use their service if you don’t go through them, but I don’t see why not. I think it is reasonable to tell any person you hire that you will do a background check, confirm with them that won’t be a problem (if it is, save the money and don’t hire them), and then pay for the background check yourself. Give any offers contingent on a satisfactory background check. I did a background check on our nanny and also checked references, which I think are just as important as background checks.
For all of you who are celebrating holy days this week and next, what are your favorite traditions? How do you spend your holiday days? This is the first year our Easter Sunday hasn’t been swallowed by dinner with my parents, and I’m super excited to establish some traditions of our own.
Hi, I am just catching up today, but I’m in my third active year in Junior League in my medium sized city in the Midwest. I’m actually leaving at the end of this league year because I am just not getting anything out of it anymore. I’m a working mom with two kids and my league skews towards 20s-40+ single women. There are lots of happy hours and other social events that I just can’t make so I really haven’t made a lot of personal connections which is a huge reason I joined. That said, I do appreciate how much I’ve learned about the needs of women and children in transition in my city and I would like to find another organization that has a lot less requirements that I can give my (precious) time to. Bottom line, if you are in the right phase of life and are looking to give a lot of time, it can be a great part of your life.
I’m starting to look for some additional help on top of the great daycare we have. I’ve reached out through a few websites/jobs boards, but not any of the ones that provide background checks.
If you have found someone this way, what sort of background checks/vetting did you do?
Despite being colored soap that you can wash with, turns out this stuff isn’t washable when your toddler decides to paint the white carpet in his closet with it. Ask me how I know. It finally came out when we had a professional carpet cleaning.
Hubby and I got into a four hour “discussion” last night about how our spending goals and values really don’t align. That’s always been true to some extent, but is coming up again in a big way as we prepare to purchase/build our “forever” house. He hates spending money, but isn’t a smart saver. He treats me like an ungrateful child whenever I want to spend money. Yet somehow his purchases are always justified and reasonable. He seems incapable of understanding and validating my feelings and wants. Despite these comments, he is a good person, we have a stable marriage, etc., etc. But I really feel like after 12.5 years of doing it his way in marriage, I’m ready to upgrade some things in our life without getting a bunch of flack for it. Mostly I just need to vent, but constructive ideas are welcome.
I just use plain old washable finger paints in the empty bathtub. When the kid is done, we make a fun time of rinsing off he art and then the kid gets a bath. Two activities in one!
Yesterday’s week in a life of a working mom got me thinking about what my weeks will look like once my dad (nanny) leaves and baby starts nursery. I’m going to trial run the nursery commute as I don’t have a sense of how long it’ll take me (bus? walk? razor scooter?)
What are your daily or weekly routine successes? What are your pain points?