Makeup & Beauty Monday: Aqua Resist Color Pencil Eyeliner

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The few times I do go out, I lean heavily into eye makeup to feel put together. I don’t have the steadiest hand so I prefer pencil eyeliners to gel or liquid — I can blur any unevenness with my eyeshadow.

I’ve been using Make Up For Ever’s pencil eyeliner for years. Their newer iteration, Aqua Resist Color Pencil Eyeliner looks like an improvement — like the old one, its rich color won’t budge or smear, and the new built-in sharpener guarantees an exact line every time.

It comes in three matte finishes and seven shimmery ones that will complement a multitude of skin tones.

The eyeliner is $22 at Sephora.

Note: The big Sephora sale ends today! Depending on whether you’re Insider, VIB, or Rouge, you can take 10% off, 15% off, or 20% off!

Sales of note for 2/7:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

  • Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
  • Ann Taylor – Extra 25% off your $175+ purchase — and $30 of full-price pants and denim
  • Banana Republic Factory – Up to 50% off everything + extra 15% off
  • Boden – 15% off new season styles
  • Eloquii – 60% off 100s of styles
  • J.Crew – Extra 50% off all sale styles
  • J.Crew Factory – 40% off everything including new arrivals + extra 20% off $125+
  • Rothy’s – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
  • Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
  • Talbots – 40% off one item + free shipping on $150+

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Any recs on a vacation spot like Atlantis? So with built in funtainment for kids. Mine love sea creatures (also animals in general) and so would love Atlantis’s offerings but that’s the only resort we have found that would work for us as well as the kids so far and there have to be similar offerings right? It has to be south of the Mason Dixon for the weather we are looking at and not Disney.

I thought you all would get a kick out of this. My 2yo was singing the Daniel Tiger song “It’s okay to feel angry” but mixed up the words. Instead of
“Stop stop stop it’s okay to feel angry, it’s not not not okay to hurt someone” he would sing “It’s okay to hurt someone.”
I cannot stop laughing about it.

What are your favorite nursing tops these days? I am LARGE chested (comically so these days) and need both short sleeve/tank and long sleeve options I can wear to daycare drop off and the playground. Thank you!!!

I need help dressing myself – on maternity leave for 2+ more months so casual wear-about-town clothes are what I need. I’m about 6 weeks postpartum and have just been wearing my maternity clothes so far, but my leggings are either all worn out with holes or are sliding down. Ditto with underwear. I’m not quite back into my pre-baby clothes, and am not sure what to do – should I buy regular clothes in a bigger size, or is there another alternative that can sort of suck things in and help me look – and feel – put together? Links to specific pieces or brands would be much appreciated. Thank you.

Does CIO work for preschoolers? We’ve tried everything with my almost 4 year old, bribes and taking away fun things, but the couple wakeups per week (now almost nightly after dropping nap) are not stopping. Also, it can only be mom or she screams bloody murder. I don’t know what to do. If anyone has a name of a sleep consultant, would greatly appreciate it.

Gosh, I’m so embarrassed to ask this but has anyone had a rectocele? I have not had children but I have learned it is common in moms so I figured I would try here first. I recently had a pelvic exam and nothing abnormal was noted. However, I’m having issues where I don’t seem initially constipated, but when I go, after passing normal stool, I cannot finish evacuating. I will still feel stool in my rectum. If I put a finger in my v@gina and press against the back wall I can feel the stuck stool and at times, doing so allows it to come out. I know that sometimes such manipulation is recommended for constipation but I don’t know how much is normal and how much means I have a rectocele. I literally just had a GI appointment where I mentioned the occasional rectal constipation but not how I was relieving it. Now that I have googled and see that this is a thing, I probably need to make a follow up appointment. I have already emailed w/ a bunch of questions about test results unrelated to this. Ugh.

I’m most curious about what your doctor did to diagnose it and treat it. Thanks!

PSA: Spare yourself, and do NOT watch the CPSA video with the kids and the Peloton Tread, but anyone with small kids should take their warning extremely seriously. I’m not particularly faint-hearted, and it was very upsetting. The kid walks away from the incident and seems alright, but wow that was lucky.

SOS. We potty trained my almost 3 year old this weekend. She did so great on that front. Her sleep is upside down. She is a religious napper to this day and refused to nap Fri-Sun. We tried to do quiet time in her room in lieu of nap but that definitely didn’t work – she just continued to let herself out. We tried quiet time with me in the room and it didn’t make a difference.

Nights are the real problem. Friday night, she screamed bloody murder for about 45 mins and then fell asleep. Same Saturday. Sunday (last night) she screamed for hours – literally hours. I went in and slept on the floor while she fell asleep and snuck out. Around midnight she woke up screaming/shrieking again. We were CIO people, pretty unapologetic and rigid about it, and it worked like a charm for her. We tried to embrace that but this was like next level blood curdling screaming. Eventually took her to our bed, which we don’t do often but has worked when she’s sick, for example. That was a complete bust. She was doing barrel rolls in place, wanted to play, wanted milk, wanted TV… ugh. Then at 4am I went to her room and put her in the crib and I slept in the recliner. I maybe slept 3 hours total last night.

She’s not sick. She’s having BMs (not always in the potty fwiw), but she’s peeing like a champ. What happened to my gloriously amazing sleeper. I have a killer week at work this week, plus my second vaccine this afternoon so I’m figuring I’ll be down for the count tomorrow. I don’t mention DH much but he was with me every step of the way – he did things to help that I don’t even remember, I am so tired. I think she’s just majorly over tired but I have no idea what to do. Helpppp.

PSA That it is tick Season and tick bites are worth a call to the doctor. If it’s been on less than a day they won’t usually do anything, but for more than a day depending on several factors your doctor might prescribe prophylactic antibiotics which reduce the transmission rate of Lyme. I did not know this was a thing and thought I was being silly and anxious calling the doctor.

Vist@prints, Tinypr!nts, and M!nted – anyone have experience ordering invitations from any of those lately? I’m selecting birthday party invitations and want to make sure I don’t order from a vendor with slow shipping or bad quality.