Washable Workwear Wednesday: Adela Cropped Side Stripe Trousers


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A woman wearing Adela Cropped Side Stripe Trousers These are cute pants available at Anthropologie. Every so often, I see this style pop up — the work pants with the bold side stripe. My least favorite version of that trend is when it tries to be an “athletic”-looking stripe, and these pants are, in my opinion, the best version. The plaid is muted, and the stripe is the same color that’s already in the plaid. There’s also only one bold stripe, which I like. The best part of these is that they’re pull-on! For me, I wish that they were a tad longer to be a little less casual looking, but they’re all in all a fun (and washable!) work pant. They are $189 and available in XS–XL. Adela Cropped Side Stripe Trousers More affordable options are from ASOS (regular, tall, and plus).  Looking for other washable workwear? See all of our recent recommendations for washable clothes for work, or check out our roundup of the best brands for washable workwear. This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

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And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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So today is date night and my in laws had promised to babysit but flaked (as they do half the time) but it didn’t bother me. I’m super tired and my kid will be asleep by 7 anyway. Honestly relieved to go home and go to bed at 8 PM and not to have to do things. In laws said they were out of town.

Anyway as a makeup date night I asked husband to meet me at the coffee shop beside work for coffee (I wouldn’t have had time for lunch) and guess what, in laws were there having lunch. So we ended up having lunch with them.

So awkward.

[NTD: this is NOT a knock on Montessori, i know people love it… please read my question at the end about whether this particular daycare seems reasonable?]

So just last Friday, we found out that our daycare location is closing THIS FRIDAY. It is national chain, so they are moving all the kids to other locations, so fortunately it isn’t a child care crisis, just a logistics problem. We specifically picked this location because my husband has to walk past it from my office where we park to get to his office. 30 mins ago we got our allocated spots and they are NOT ones that we picked as preferred. (I estimate that it will add at least 20 mins to my computer shut down to home routine, with a smaller impact on my husband – we only live a few km from work so proportionately this is a lot). GAH – thank you for listening to my rant.

In response, we have looked at other care options, including a daycare that is 1 building over from mine. There are a couple pros / cons, but my question for you wise ladies is this…

Have you had positive experiences with Montessori programming. The daycare is “montessori inspired” and it includes 3 rooms – the left brain room (pretty normal “class room with toys ets”, the right brain room (lots of great toys like sand table with trucks, kitchen centre, dress up etc.) and the “movement room”(yoga ish room with mats and stuff – not a lot of toys etc). The flag for me was what he would need to start for 3 months in the left brain room before he could add the other rooms because children “can’t handle that much transition”. After three months they add right brain and then another month or two later they add “movement”. Once you start having multiple rooms in your schedule, the child would spend the entire day in a given room. We live in Canada and would plan to start December at this daycare… HOW DO ALL THE KIDS NOT GET THE MOVEMENT ROOM? in Dec / Jan if can easily be worse than – 15 C out (where they cut off outdoor play?).
Does this sound “normal” to other people who have used and liked Montessori programs? I know that lots of people have great success with it.
The daycare has a good reputation, especially fro providing full pre-school like curriculum, and if it works out the LW would spend 2 + years there. 4 – 5 months in that context isn’t that long. BUT a flag for me is that they don’t think my kid could handle meeting multiple teachers for MONTHS? What else do they not think that kiddos can “handle”? And how is my kiddo going to get his crazies out?


Stupid question, but what kind of coat and other winter gear should a toddler have fordaycare? We live in the Midwest, so we definitely get a real winter with average highs below 50 from November to March. The parent handbook says they go outside if the windchill is above 25 but I imagine they don’t spend much time outside at those temperatures (especially since her classroom has infants in it). All she has currently is a fleece jacket. I was thinking of buying a Primary puffer jacket to layer, but wasn’t sure if the combination would be warm enough. Personally, I rarely wear anything warmer than a wool coat but I’m also only outside to walk 50 feet from my car to my office building.

Hopefully not too late in the day…so how contagious is pneumonia? I know this depends on so many factors (viral vs bacterial, length of disease, etc…). But I was volunteering at my DDs preschool this morning when the teacher informed me that the girl I was holding (who was crying, snot streaming, coughing) had been hospitalized for pneumonia the previous week. I have a 7 week old baby, otherwise I wouldn’t be overly concerned, although not happy that my DD is possibly at risk. Was profuse about hand sanitizer and washing and changed my shirt once I got home. I’m going to mention it to ped. Tomorrow since my baby has a check up anyways. The girl didn’t have a fever (unless her mom just loaded her up with Tylenol), so technically she was allowed at school, but I’m not happy about it.

Totally not kid related but have any of you cut your hair into a bob and been happy/not happy about it? Mine is getting too long (well below shoulder length) and I think I want to do something but I have vague memories of shorter hair being much harder to maintain (it’s been like 15 years since my hair was above my shoulders).

Ladies, please help convince me to not throw in the towel on being a working mom. I know I would likely be a terrible stay at home mom and there are obvious financial downsides and risks to quitting, but I am just so tired of the chaos of running around trying to get two adults and two kids ready in the morning, racing to work, sucking at work, racing home, trying to get the kids through dinner and bedtime without any meltdowns, then trying to make the house less disgusting or manage bills, etc. before going to bed too late. I feel like outsourcing doesn’t help because things so rarely get done right and you spend so much time finding someone who’s decent and managing them and then fixing their mistakes that it doesn’t really save any mental energy at the end of the day instead of doing it myself. Help.

Love it when my HR Geekiness comes in handy — like the Coaching Habit, Act Like a Leader Think Like a Leader, Radical Candor and Crucial Conversations.

Any boss moms out there have suggestions on books to read to develop management skills? I am hopefully transitioning to role where I will directly and indirectly manage several dozen people, which I have never done before (most I’ve managed is a team of three, and it’s been several years). I’d like to read a bit more about successful management styles and ways to develop my skills and identity as a manager.

Anyone hire nighttime care for a newborn?

Baby #2 comes next month and I’ve decided to TREAT YO SELF and hire someone to come by two or three times a weeks for the first few weeks. I have no idea how this works, except that I want it!

There is a local reputable company I plan to call, but beyond that I’m clueless.

This is a hard nope from me, but you do you. I know lots of families do costumes, but I am solidly a halloween is for the kids and I hand out candy in my lounge wear family.

Ugh, I think we are going family costume this year. My four year old gave us each contributing roles (all 5 of us) and it was so carefully thought out… but DH def going to protest and I am not dying to dress up myself!

Comparison is the thief of joy. And kids (and adults) always want what they don’t have. That said, if you want something to compare yourself against so that you can feel better about yourself, I am happy to be of service: I bought my child’s costume from Bargain Hunt this year. For $5. It looks like it cost that much too. (Bargain Hunt is like a regional Big Lots). I’m sure your costumes are going to look amazing in comparison.

And I’m going to push back on the part where you said you put “zero thought” into your kids costumes– you know their favorite characters, you found costumes for those characters well ahead of time and made sure you ordered them before they were sold out in your kids sizes, which you also know. You also earned the money to be able to buy these costumes. Just because you bought something doesn’t mean you didn’t put thought into it.

Piggybacking on the Halloween costume question – my four year old wants to make her own costume. She has colored a unicorn horn and mane on pieces of typing paper, cut them out, and taped them to a headband. Its adorable, and I am so extremely proud of her, but I worry that when Halloween comes and all the other kids in class show up in store-bought/adult-made costumes that she’ll wish she had one like that. Any advice?

Any soap dispensers a toddler can use by themselves? Our toddler just cannot push down ours (random one purchased from target) and so we have to do it for her. Would love to eliminate that need for help.

i know this was discussed yesterday, but it really is so hard leaving a crying child and just such an unpleasant way to start the day. one of my 15 month old twins has been getting very upset over the past week or so every morning when she hears our nanny’s key in the door. she climbs into my lap and holds on tonight. she used to have a HUGE smile on her face every morning when she heard the nanny’s key. this morning i waited until she climbed out of my lap to grab a toy to tell her that mommy was going to get dressed and would be back later and she started bawling. She is a baby who rarely cries (her twin on the other hand…) and so it just feels so bad. I know she is fine and ends up having fun. And i am really hoping this is just a phase. i shouldn’t be concerned that something happened with the nanny, should I? we’ve had our nanny for about a year and have generally been very happy with her and some of my friends have run into her when she is out and about with our twins and say she looks engaged, etc.