Weekend Open Thread

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Wilton Nesting Hearts Cookie Cutter Set, 4-Piece

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I keep finding leftover Christmas cookies around the kitchen. But if your kids have already set their sights on Valentine’s Day, here’s a set of cute heart cookie cutters you can use with your favorite holiday cookie dough.

This four-piece set of nesting cookie cutters includes two with scalloped edges. Use them separately for cookies ranging from five to two inches or together. I like to use the smallest cutters inside the big ones for fun cutouts you can fill with strawberry or raspberry jam. This set even includes recipes.

These nesting hearts cookie cutters are available on Amazon for under $10.

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My almost 10 year old has some executive function deficits. Delightful kid, very smart (test-wise, anyway), but incapable of leaving the house without forgetting 3 things, super disorganized, and his teacher has expressed some concerns about his transition into middle school given his current lack of ability to think or plan ahead.

There are coaching resources available in my area, but the wait list is super long (and $$$ …) Does anyone know of any resources / books / tools I can start using with him in the meantime, while we wait to get in with a trained coach?