Washable Workwear Wednesday: The Lagarde Shirt
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M.M.LaFleur’s Lagarde Shirt is my favorite button-front blouse. Now, it comes in a new print!
“Leopard Sketch” looks like a traditional animal print having some fun. This machine washable and wrinkle resistant shirt is perfect for business travel. Although it looks like a traditional button-front, it includes a few extra details that make it extraordinary, like delicate gold buttons at the neck and wrist, and an extra button at the chest to prevent gaping.
The Largarde Shirt is $195 and comes in XS–XXL. It is also available in alabaster and black.
Looking for other washable workwear? See all of our recent recommendations for washable clothes for work, or check out our roundup of the best brands for washable workwear.
Sales of note for 2/7:
(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)
- Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
- Ann Taylor – Extra 25% off your $175+ purchase — and $30 of full-price pants and denim
- Banana Republic Factory – Up to 50% off everything + extra 15% off
- Boden – 15% off new season styles
- Eloquii – 60% off 100s of styles
- J.Crew – Extra 50% off all sale styles
- J.Crew Factory – 40% off everything including new arrivals + extra 20% off $125+
- Rothy’s – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
- Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
- Talbots – 40% off one item + free shipping on $150+
Is your kid a good sleeper? How are they on long car rides? As someone else said, can they watch shows on a tablet for a long time if you let them? We took our 3.5 year old on a 15-hour flight to India this year and he did great. We got the Flyaway Bed and he slept almost the entire time. The Flyaway bed works best in seats that have extra legroom. He had surgery for tubes in his ears shortly before the trip because his ears weren’t draining properly, so he had no ear discomfort during the flight. Make sure you get good headphones and their own tablet. Echo everyone else to pack their favorite snacks. You know your kid best. If you think they are a good traveler, then go ahead and book the trip to Japan, they will love it!
we went on a disney trip and my dad joined us for the first half and my inlaws for the second half. i’m making photo books now, should the one for my dad not include any pics of my inlaws and visa versa?
At what age did you first attempt a long-haul flight (8+ hours) with your kid?
Husband and I would love to travel to Japan/Korea, but will a 12+ hour flight from the east coast with a 2-year-old be anything but hellacious and stressful for us and miserable for the kid? Do we need to wait until our kid is at least 4?
I have this top and really like it. I also have the matching pants which makes for a fun jumpsuit alternative for more creative environments.
just make sure you do not put it in the dryer as the fabric will shrink.
Parents of late walking toddlers…can you help me talk my husband down? Our son is 16.5 months and can TECHNICALLY walk (we and his teachers at school have seen him do it), but it is definitely not his favorite or most efficient mode of transport.
Our pediatrician was not concerned at his 15-month appointment when she saw how well he pulled himself up and cruised. But I think she (and we) thought that more consistent walking would happen more quickly than it has. He is highly social, SUPER mobile, and generally happy when he crawls and cruises…and can climb lots of inappropriate/dangerous things (like his sister’s learning tower) so this seems to me to just be a preference and not something to be super concerned about. But my husband is spiraling. FWIW, my son has been a “just in time-er” on the rest of his milestones. (My daughter was an average milestone hitter – almost to the day, so this has been a change on our end.)
Help me think of ideas for where to have our son’s 5th birthday party. We’ve never had a classmates party before — we previously just did family and a few friends. We’ve attended a few classmate parties recently at play gyms, art studios, and one at a public park. I’d love to go the park route but the birthday will be in July and it will probably be super hot. Our kid loves movement and playgrounds, so maybe an indoor gym is the way to go. Any suggestions? Thanks!
My 6.5 year old still sucks his thumb. Parenting fail on our part. I think we just always figured that he would outgrow it or it would be easier to convince him to stop but instead it seems to only be getting worse. What’s more is he doesn’t suck his thumb in school – I asked his teacher and she had no idea – but he’s now started chewing on his sleeve or neckline and sometimes just stretches it out. Google turns up all sorts of ADHD and autism issues for that habit, as well as an iron deficiency, but I think this is just all connected to him wanting to suck his thumb and whatever oral fixation that’s a part of. Anyway – what do we do?!? It’s gotten so out of hand that he either promises to stop and doesn’t or he starts getting really upset if we just continue to stay on top of it and that usually just turns into him crying “I can’t!” & becoming super upset, which makes us feel terrible. The pediatrician said to redirect and that works sometimes but not reliably. I’m not even that concerned if he did this just for bed but it seems to be overtaking every part of the day now!
Apologies if this is TMI, but I had what I assume was a chemical pregnancy 2 weeks ago (got a positive test one day, started bleeding the next). Now, exactly two weeks later, I’m getting what I assume to be a second period – It’s heavier than spotting, but kind of like a light period. Should I be concerned? It doesn’t feel ER worthy, but I’m usually very regular so this is throwing me off.
My sensitive kindergartener has a good friend (lets call him A) from school who he often plays with on the playground for hours after school. They get along great, never have disagreements and say they love each other. A has another good school friend (B) who has started hanging out on the playground after school too. My kid likes B, but B doesn’t seem to care much for my kid and absolutely loves A. B wants to play exclusively with A and they’ve started telling my kid they don’t want to play with him. He’s devastated. I’m looking for suggestions for what I should say in the moment (yesterday, he was crying that they wouldn’t let him play with them. I consoled him, but didn’t insert myself into the situation. there weren’t any other friends at the playground, so we ended up going home). Also, A still loves my kiddo when B isn’t around, so I’m planning to still encourage that friendship, but curious if anyone has a different perspective (and, yes, I know I can’t control who he’s friends with). They’re all in the same class. Should I ask the teacher what the dynamic is in school? Thanks!
I have a super proud mom moment to share! My 10 year old has always played softball but on teams with really strong players. She’s always been in right field and at the end of the batting order (where young teams stick the worst batters).
This season, two things happened: 1) she decided she wanted to practice and get better and 2) she was put on a team where she was one of the best players. The team had two pitchers but one broke her wrist so they asked all the kids on the team with more than one season under their belt to “try out” for pitching aka just see if you can do it even remotely well because they are desperate.
My kid came home and told me “mom, we are all bad. But I think I’m the least bad of the bad so they are probably going to make me pitch. I need to get better.” And she bugged me every day for two weeks to go outside and throw with her, drive her to the field so she could practice on the dirt, etc.
She pitched last night and struck out her first batter! Then pitched the max allowed two innings and just as good as the team’s other pitcher. Her team lost like 2-8 but only one of those runs was while she pitched and you’d think they won a championship with how pleased she was after the game.
This is all rec sports and she’d much prefer to stick to her normal position, but it was such an awesome thing to see her go from last season of “heck no will I ever pitch, I’m fine in the outfield” to being a really strong 3rd base player and saying “well I don’t want to pitch but I’ll figure it out if it’s what the team needs.”
The opposing team was coached by someone who has coached my kid in the past and it was fun to see how surprised she was when my kid stepped up to pitch and had consistently solid plays at 3rd.