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Some of the articles of interest to working mothers that we’ve seen around the web recently…
- Racked reports that Rent the Runway’s Unlimited service is now available to everyone, explaining, “Unlimited originally started as a $75-per-month service mainly renting accessories [but now offers] clothes for the office, for the weekend, and for any event on members’ Google calendars.”
- Working Moms Against Guilt talks about bags for working mothers.
- Privilege has a post about going gray and caring for long gray hair.
- Speaking of gray hair, Penelope Trunk writes about how to seem younger to boost your career.
- Career Contessa shares several career resources for women only.
- The Chicago Tribune shares tips on asking your boss if you can bring your kid to work.
- The Washington Post reveals that the worst kind of boss is one who’s unpredictable.
- The New York Times’ Ask Well answers a reader question about how risky it is for kids to play with unvaccinated kids.
- Hellobee explains how to talk about a child’s medical diagnosis with his or her sibling.
- PBS NewsHour shares some of Alice Proujansky’s photographs of working moms.
Do be sure to check out the news update over at Corporette!
On Corporette Recently…
- We talked about wearing fun glasses at work.
- The Hunt rounded up many white tops for spring.
- We took a look back into Corporette history.
Did we miss anything? Add ’em here, or send them to [email protected]. Thank you!
Anonymous4 says
I’m reading this Bringing Kids to Work article and just dying.
The chance of my toddler playing quietly with his blocks in the corner is about as good as my winning the Power Ball $32M lotto when I don’t buy a lotto ticket.
Spirograph says
Yup. My kids could definitely entertain themselves in my office, and possibly quietly, but it would not be with blocks or other toys — they’d dump the trash to climb on the trashcan, pull everything out of my file drawers and color my office furniture with whiteboard markers.
I did see someone’s 10ish year old quietly reading a book off to the side of the room during a tabletop exercise a couple weeks back, though. It lasted hours, and the boy didn’t make a peep. If I’d been able to figure out who the parent was, I would have complimented him or her on having such a well-behaved kid.
NewMomAnon says
I grew up with parents who LOVED being complimented on how “quiet” and “well-behaved” my brother and I were, and I’m really struggling with that now – I read, or sat quietly daydreaming, to escape the scary stuff that happened in my childhood home, and my brother says that he played video games so he could imagine himself as a stronger, more powerful character. While those behaviors were convenient and conducive to adults being productive, they weren’t a product of good parenting.
My daughter, on the other hand, craves participation in everything and I can’t imagine her sitting off to the side and ignoring a big group activity. Maybe that is because she is still very young, and she’ll grow out of it? I’d like to think that while her vocal participation and enjoyment of life is often inconvenient, it is actually a positive reflection of my parenting choices to teach confidence, and sense of belonging, and curiosity about the world.
I’ll let you know in 15 years : )
NavyLawyer says
Uff, agreed. The Adam LaRoche story (the impetus for this) also annoys me because he doesn’t bring his daughter to work, only his son. And finally, his employer let him do it last year, but this year said no….so clearly it was a PROBLEM!
My kids are good but are not quiet. My preschooler only talks in a non-loud voice if she’s planning a surprise.
Meg Murry says
And they didn’t even say that he couldn’t bring the boy – just that he couldn’t bring him 100% of the time, like he had been doing. Which seems totally reasonable to me – he was being paid to practice himself during that time, not train his kid.
Meg Murry says
No kidding. You might be able to get away with some kind of “kid drawing quietly in the corner” for an hour or so in an emergency (nanny called off sick, you bring kid into your office for an hour until grandma can pick him up, because office is close-ish to grandma’s house), but no way can a 1 year old play quietly by themselves for more than about 10 minutes at a time – definitely not for an 8 hour day.
I live in a college town, and during some snow days some departments turn a conference room into a holding pen – putting movies on the projector and giving the kids paper and crayons, with parents taking turns rotating through to watch the kids. That’s school aged kids though, and it’s a one-off, not every day.
Lkl says
ha, my husband is bringing our 1 year old to work today for part of the day. I told him good luck! It’s just for a couple hours, luckily, and it’s a religious super-baby-friendly environment.
Sarabeth says
People totally do this in my office – I’m in academia, so we’ve all got flexible schedules and private offices, so it works reasonably well (although I assume they end up working longer hours overall). But with my kid, no chance. I can’t even eat my breakfast with her in the same room.
Anonymous says
My 5 year old was in my office all day yesterday due to a last minute backup care cancellation. We have a tv room at the office and no tv at home, and he sat there watching cartoons quietly all day (and probably wondering why we don’t have a tv at our house). I wrote most of a 25 page brief without any major incidents or behavior that I would think would bother my colleagues. until recently there is no way this would have worked, and I am not even sure he would be well-behaved if he had to come in with me on back-to-back days.
CPA Lady says
I am so excited about Easter. I love all the cute outfits that the little kids at my church wear. I love looking at pictures of my friends kids on FB in their cute outfits. I blubber like a fool when all the cute kids in their cute outfits flower the cross at my church.
CPA Toddler is wearing her first Lilly dress. I feel like this is a southern rite of passage. AAAH, So Excited! Just felt like sharing. I just need to go to the store and get ingredients for quiche and mimosas!
Anonymous says
So cute! I also am excited for Easter and cute outfits. My church does a kids’ message near the beginning of the service on Important Days before sending the kids off to Sunday School, so son went to “big church” for Palm Sunday last week. It didn’t make a big impression on him at Christmas, but this time he was so excited about the palms and the organ and the choirs, I just loved it. Can’t wait to see all the fancy little kids this Sunday. If only my daughter would cooperate with wearing an Easter hat. (and in general, I wish hats were A Thing in the US.)
FVNC says
She will look so cute! My husband wanted to buy Jack Rogers for our toddler and I told him “no.” It hurt my heart a little, because dang that would have been adorable, but good sense prevailed. Maybe when she’s a bit older, to go with her first Lilly.
NewMomAnon says
I took my toddler shopping for an Easter dress and she rejected the big poofy flowery dress in favor of a stretchy cotton lace one that was far more practical and may actually be worn for regular play time this spring. My heart broke a little.
She’ll look cute even if she refuses to take off her pajamas.
Aunt Flo at the Beach says
So I’m leaving for a beach vacation on Friday and just realized my period is due to start the same day! Usually just the first day or two are really heavy and annoying – is there anything I can do to make it start earlier to get the worse of it over before vacation?
Anonymous says
If you’re on BC pills, you can just skip the placebo week… or cut to placebos now (but I’m not sure what that does to the effectiveness). Otherwise, I don’t think there’s anything you can do to impact it.
Anonymous says
Thanks – i should have mentioned in my post that unfortunately I’m not on the pill right now
Aunt Flo at the Beach says
this is me – I thought the name would autofill
Anon says
Well…you could hurry up and get on the pill. Not sure its worth all that, but I think if you started taking it before Friday and continued through the end of your vacation, you could delay your period.
Pogo says
Supposedly B12 and progesterone cream (available OTC) will increase the length of your luteal phase (so, make your period come later) but not sure if starting that right now will do anything. If you already ovulated your body is kind of on its way to doing its thing, hormone-wise.
I don’t think there’s anything you can do to make it come earlier without seeing a doctor – they can give you a mega dose of hormones to induce your period.
I would just set up at the beach near the bathrooms (and avoid any beaches without bathrooms) so you can go frequently and not be stressed about it being an issue.